Happiness is not an airy fairy fantasy, wishes do come true and you’re about to learn how to bring miracles into every day life.
I lied to you when I said “change your life in 30 seconds”, because it’s a lot faster than 30 seconds. I just didn’t think you’d believe how fast you can change it. I thought I’d better get that confession out of the way right now. 🙂
“Change your life and change the world around you” will take a minute or two at the beginning of experiencing it yourself, but by the time you’ve finished the book you’ll know how to take each action in a split second. Hot tip – I introduce you to one of the keys to that speed on this page, so keep your eye out for it.
By the time you finish this book and the supports that come with it, you will also have changed something that upsets you, created something new and wonderful, got in touch with and experienced your own ability to heal, solved stress and burnout and got your energy back, influenced someone’s crappy behavior to improve, resolved a conflict you didn’t think was resolvable and taken your power back into your own hands. And you might even get six steak knives with it.
Just kidding about the steak knives. I’m smiling at myself because every time I read this I think it sounds like one of those crazy overselling ads on TV.
The thing is, words like “extraordinary healing” don’t even begin to describe the possibilities that exist when our bodies are healing in the way they were designed. The things I’ve seen in 28 years of working with healing the whole body mind and spirit – bones that knit in hours, 20 year old injuries melting away, tumors disappearing, chronic anxiety and depression gone, incredibly fast recovery from surgery. You’re going to learn the things that get in the way of our bodies healing the way they were designed and get the tools to start playing with it yourself.
You’re going to learn a simple technique for taking the sting out of someone else’s even the most despicable behaviors..
We’re told that everyone needs to give up something they want in order to reach a compromise that will resolve a conflict. Well how’s that working for the human race hey? Resolving even the biggest conflicts with no need to compromise is not only possible, but the simple seeds of it are within every single one of us and yes I can guarantee it.
You’re going to learn the difference between a dirty kind of anger that’s destructive and a clean feeling that I call Heart Anger that understands all the threads of what’s happening and creates change so fast your head will spin and you’ll know how to get that change happening.
And these grandiose words “Be anything, do anything, have anything that you want”? I’m willing to bet that hasn’t been your life experience yet. In this book you’re getting the keys to start playing with the power and speed of that Ferrari.
Do you want to know if I’m right?
Are you curious to know if I’m right?
Ahhh curiosity, an important key to everything wonderful. More about that coming up.
Take a selfie. Take a photo of yourself today that you can look back on. The healing that happens in our bodies as we drop stress and tension is reflected in our faces. You’ll look as well as feel younger and it’ll be fun to have a record of that.