Here’s a cool little technique that you can add to your tool box for relieving stiffness when you first get up. We filmed this originally for our horse course, which is why we are in the old hay shed demonstrating this! 🙂
Steve had fabulous long term results that he attributed at least in part to “rattling the bones” as I call it. It helps me get the muscles happy again when I have overdone it in the garden and it has helped me to relieve stiffness so that I could be in good posture from the first moments of walking…
… Because practicing crappy walking would only have produced more crap and it’s that kind of posture that causes arthritis.
Does that make sense? Every time we walk bent over a bit from stiffness, we are setting ourselves up for bracing, tension and soreness – we are settling for less than what we want.
We have had good reports from people whose arthritis is concentrated in the hands, who have extended the vibration from their legs, to their back and through to their arms and wrists and fingers.
AND… If you do this exercise in the same inner awareness space as you have been developing in your sessions so far – that also will make it more effective. So if you need to, deep breath in and out, notice what parts of your body are moving as you are breathing, then notice your heartbeat if you can and THEN do the rattling bones exercise.
We ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS pay attention to our pain on this course and I would NEVER do this or any exercise if it hurt.
As far as I am concerned, that “no pain, no gain” thing that became a bit of a catch cry of modern times, is absolute crap. Pain is our body’s signal that we need to change.