Caroline is the strongest natural Heart Feel person I know. She’s my go to person if I need an extra dose of not making someone wrong in a particularly ticklish situation, ditto if I need to avoid judgement or blame in same ticklish or highly emotive situation. She ALWAYS “sees” where I’m coming from (even if I don’t know yet!) and where the other person or horse is coming from – it’s a natural, auto pilot thing for her.
Animals in general and horses in particular just turn over to a strong Heart Feel, although our science based society often dismisses these powerfully gentle people and can pressure the Heart Feel out of people.
Heart Feel was not my natural feel, but I wanted that automatic gentleness that horses wanted to be around. It was something for me to aspire to and to unfold my own unique version of it. I’m going to talk more about that on another day.
I asked Caroline to record an audio for us about her journey and how she experiences her Heart Feel. Later on, the other teachers / mentors are going to talk about their journeys and feeling of Heart Feel, so that you can see how vigorously we celebrate our differences and open up to notice whether Heart feel is something that you would like to aspire to and how YOU experience it – uniquely.
This is an 8 minute audio. Here’s a version that you can right mouse click and download to your computer or mobile device – if you’re tech savvy!