This will be the second last page and the picture has “Your mission, should you choose to accept it is… over the top of the picture.
underneath that picture is this heading.
To go have fun with creating something better and changing the things you care about.
Here’s some ideas:
When we’re struggling, we thrash around asking things like:
WHY doesn’t money come as easy to me as to others?
WHY doesn’t this person love me?”
WHY does that person treat me so badly?”
WHY is … (insert crappy thing) … happening to me?
WHY do so many crappy things happen to me?
WHY is that … (insert awful thing) happening to someone else?
Then we have the big whole world stuff:
WHY are there so many awful things going on in the world?
WHY doesn’t everybody care about the awful things that are going on in the world?
WHY is there so much distrust, disinformation and anger out there in the world?
Are these the right questions though? What about questions like these instead?
HOW can I create money joyfully?
HOW can I change … (insert the crappy thing)… that keeps happening to me?
HOW can I create someone to love me?
HOW can I create someone to treat me with the love and respect… reverence err not right but…?
HOW can I change … (insert the awful thing)… that is going on in the world. What part do … I… have to play in that?
And slightly differently…
It makes me so angry to see… (insert something that is making you angry). HOW can I change that? What part do … I… have in changing that? How do … I … create that?
What part can … I… play in creating a better world for myself and others?