Let the unhappy find happiness, the unloved find love, the sick find well being, the broke find limitless abundance and the powerless find the extraordinary and effortless power of the universe to joyfully change their world for the better. SPECIALLY may we know how to change our world for the better.
Even more importantly though, may we learn how to enjoy the journey WHILE we are solving the wide variety of problems that we see in our world. (And yeah I promise you that’s not some trite saying, because the first time someone said “Enjoy the journey Jenny” I wanted to slap ’em!)
Happiness, wellbeing that includes health, love, abundance and the power to change things beyond my wildest dreams is not some hard to find, airy fairy fantasy – with happiness some mysterious holy grail that if people reach it, is only temporary.
Our guidance to enjoy the journey of life WHILE we’re in these states of being, comes not from the outside of us – it comes from WITHIN. That’s what we’re going to be developing and experiencing in every page together.
What does that idea feel like?
You can put my website on your phone as an app, open this page and have the inspiration and book easily accessible on your phone . Here’s the instructions for that.
How to add my website as a phone or tablet app
Photo: Let’s have a cuppa together while you read and reflect. This photo is by the quirky and talented Marie Richards Photography from New Zealand.
While we’re talking about photos, take a photo of yourself today, that you can look back on. You’ll be amazed at how different you’ll look when your experience of stress and tension changes