You don’t have to be riding bareback and bridle-less like Sandra, to want to be “sucked into the saddle like a magnet” and “change crappy old tension and muscle memory super fast”. I’m thinking lots of people are going to be stunned at what’s possible when you take them off their horse, when they can relax, go inwards and feel for what’s going on in their body, when they can heal the problems that are stopping them from having a brilliant riding seat and anchor them into a new riding seat – so effortlessly – like Sandra talks about under her photo.
A beginner’s riding seat was so good that after her very first trail ride Valezka said “My seat was still glued in and my body naturally flowed with her and we stayed together. This was my very first shy on any horse.”
The reason these folks are so excited about what they’ve achieved is what makes our work here unique – it’s that I’ve figured out how to get rid of what’s BEHIND our riding seat not being perfect, so that when we fix that, a beautiful riding seat is automatic. Just pause on that a moment and think about what a big deal that is – “automatic”. What difference would an effortlessly beautiful riding seat make to you?
I’m going to lead you through some posture work specific to yourself, so you too can get a start on this transformative change – then you can also participate as I work one on one with some of the Fast Track students to heal the CAUSE of their riding seat not being perfect. Fast Track students get priority for the one on one work in our live seminars.
As you’re listening, if you’re wondering how the heck I know what’s going on with people when I’m working one on one with them, it’s just an advanced version of the same listening to your horse – what I call “Feel for your horse” that we teach here. Basically I’m applying to my work with people, the same kind of “knowing the inside of the horse” that the great riding masters talk of. And no I’m not “looking inside them” lol! Just as Feel is a practical, connected, learnable skill with horses, it’s the same practical connected, learnable skill with people that is available to EVERYone. And yes I’m very good at it, I’ve had a lot of practice! 🙂
This is a live session, with pauses and silence as people work their way through feeling understanding, releasing and healing, with my guidance.
The reason for the speed of our spectacular success is that we first work OFF our horse, getting rid of whatever it is that is behind our riding seat not being effortlessly perfect.
I’ve made some suggestions for anchoring your improvement onto your horse’s back below the audio. Please note: on Fast Track that’s done in a lot more detail to make sure that your seat is perfectly plugged in and effortless as you get on your horse and in all the gaits and maneuvers afterwards.

Grab yourself a plain chair with a fairly flat seat, like in the photo and get ready to ride!
p.s. When you’ve finished this lesson, stand up and walk slowly, feeling into your feet, bending and flexing your feet as you walk. Feel the “beingness” of the earth under your feet as you walk. This slow walking with a smiling focus on your feet, where your muscles and bones have been “out of place”, this helps them to start flowing back to where they belong.
Click here if you need an alternate audio player, shut your eyes and enjoy!
OK, that’s the seat bones part of getting a brilliant riding seat – a great start! I’ll look forward to hearing from you what feels different when you take that out to your horse. Did you notice how much easier it was to do this without your horse, where you could focus completely on the feel of your own body to find the perfect place for your seat bones?
When you take this out to your horse
When you take this out to your horse, I’d advise you to just sit there on their back, doing nothing for a little while – having the same “feeling inside yourself” feeling that you’ve been practicing in a chair today. You may even like to allow your horse to graze while you’re sitting there.
If you’ve had some big falls or accidents or injuries, you’ll need more than this simple lesson to get magnetic on your horse’s back – but even with these seemingly huge obstacles, we still have ways to make your magnetic riding seat effortless too.
Email me and tell me what happens – I love to hear from you and I answer every email here.
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If you know me already, are you ready to build on this start of your magnetic riding seat so it’s there under all circumstances?
AND… To get that completely magnetic feeling, our horse is the other half of the magnet. An upset, stressed or tense horse – even old tensions that are still stuck there will make it harder to get that “sucked into the saddle” feeling. But you guessed it – we have ways of innovative ways of fixing all of that too.
If you’re intrigued about whether all this “effortless” stuff is really possible, then check out how it applies to every program we do In fact, Please note that all my programs come with my “love this or get your money back” guarantee and you’ll see that there’s something for every size wallet.
Our Training Programs – Happiness, Healing and Horses