You’ve got a double whammy in this month’s Live Seminar – what I think is a fabulous lesson on the value of the Mirror Game, while we had the pleasure of watching Frederic Pignon do something very similar. PLUS a meditation that Caroline described afterwards as “omg massive, the energy, never felt it that strong in a seminar.”
The Quiet Mind was to support us to get Present to the feeling of disappointment when things don’t go the way we want them to with both our horse and in the rest of our lives and holy snappin’ turtles it was a big one…
Then in discussion time afterwards, that meditation got expanded into when we feel rejected. Maude made the comment that it was primal and yeah, that’s what it felt like for me too.
Woww… I feel so blessed to be a part of such an incredible group of people.
When someone’s found where the first quiet mind starts, can you let me know and I’ll put the time here so that it can be accessed easily for repeats.
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I look forward to hearing how all of this goes on the forum – a new degree of sophistication in the Mirror Game and the things that come from that meditation! Click here to share in the discussion on the forum.
Susan Jackson has an issue to talk about when we do this lesson. She’s away but is going to try and join us:
“Looking forward to seeing Fred’s video with you coaching. Nite doesn’t particularly enjoy the mirror game. She feels too much pressure with it so I have to really back off and then I no longer feel we still have a connection.
Haven’t tried it with my new horse so I suspect this will be my opportunity to do so. ” This is Monty in the photo, having a scratch after a bath.