Isn’t it interesting to see that a seminar thrown open to talk about whatever you wanted, should end up having such a strong theme? No matter whether someone was looking for some healing, or resolutions to the myriad horse problems, there was similarities in the solution. The sheer effectiveness of allowing ourselves to feel our own feelings about the problem, then finding the feeling of willingness around it – whether that’s willingness to notice the solution, willingness to understand the Big Picture, what’s really going on for this horse, our own part in this – whatever. And that in this gorgeous willingness space, whatever we need for this problem, just kind of flows to us on auto pilot.
Then our horse – instead of feeling the stickiness, the heaviness, the stuckness of the stuck focus on the problem, then our horse feels the willingness of the openness for the solution. Imagine being on the receiving end of that! Woohoo!
And the insight that flowed as were talking that depression is just as much stuck joy, excitement and appreciation / gratitude as it is a stuckness of the so called negative emotions. Far out, THAT was expansive and boy did it ripple out to everyone and lift up some joy!
And I loved the bit at the end where Sue came in and told Katie about her experience.
See you in the forum for feedback on how this panned out for people!