Now that you’ve registered your email address where you wish to receive your lessons, make sure that you put and onto your safe senders list in your email program, so that none of your lessons end up in your junk mail.
AND open your emails, even if you don’t have time to look at them yet – otherwise your email program will start sliding them into spam.
Please share the blogs and The 9 Keys to Happiness links with your friends on Facebook and other social media – that’s a great way to spread our love of horses around and our wish that everyone should be able to be as happy as we are with our horses.
However, please do NOT share your lessons, which are private to you and how I earn my living. I DO give scholarships and if you have a friend who is particularly deserving of a scholarship, send me their details. That way they’ll get ALL the benefits of the program and won’t be saddled with the guilt which will get in the way of them manifesting everything that they can be with their horse.