Those were pretty grandiose possibilities I talked about on that last page, hey? “Let the unhappy find happiness, the unloved find love, the sick find well being, the broke find limitless abundance and the powerless find the extraordinary and effortless power of the universe to joyfully change their world for the better.” And that emphasis that we really can change our world – is that really true?
Do you want to know if I’m right?
Are you curious to know if all that’s really possible?
What does that curiosity feel like?
Oooo… More about that coming up.
This Photo: One of Larissa Judd’s beautiful therapy horses from Gippsland Equine – Counseling and Psychotherapy. I chose this photo because it reminded me that we aren’t fenced in at all – that we are more free and more powerful to influence our world around us than we ever thought possible. And if that’s not been your experience in your life so far, I look forward us to smiling together in a live event one day.