Please note: I’ve put the recording of our second Live Event at the bottom of this page. It contains a Quiet Mind that will help with your manifesting and some gorgeous inspirations from Carolyn, Oriana and Shelley. Thanks and love to everyone!
By now you are probably at least part way through figuring out what YOU uniquely believe in, from the last session. Whether that’s the energy that is the life force in everything, whether that’s God, The Universe, the mysterious All That Is, or simply that energy that thing that is bigger than us – whatever.
Now look at that photo above. Can you imagine arguing with the creator of such complex beauty and life force? Arguing with whatever glorious energy thought through and manifested the sheer complexity of a seed bursting into a flower, with pollen to attract and then feed the birds and the bees, to explode into life as a baby tree and every day the cells of it to re-create itself again and again until it stands tall to shade the kangaroos and for you and me to look at it and admire and wonder?
When we resist our Feelings (the capital letter is very apt at the moment) when we resist our feelings, that’s exactly what we’re doing – arguing with the whatever it is that created the complexity of us and arguing with the process that will actually guide us to what we what we want. Here’s how it works and how life can be sooo… much less of a struggle.
Manifesting Lesson
Don’t forget that resistance feeling that is stopping your change happening smoothly, is more than just emotions like frustration and fear and anger. The way that you personally experience your resistance to change, will probably also depend on the unique ways that you experience your connection to others that we talk about in all our horse work and in the animal communication course and that we’ll talk about a lot more extensively next week.
Emotions that we are resisting can escalate into intense fear, a sense of dread, constant anxiety, rage, depression, suicidal thoughts, or even complete numbness where we can’t feel anything at all.
But other feelings of resistance can be experienced differently. If physical feel is one of your natural talents, then you might experience your resistance as a physical discomfort, pain or even nausea, breathing problems and other illness.
Feelings are also a little bit of stuck energy, so people who feel energy really strongly, might have a feeling that you might just explode with the pent up energy of it when you’re resisting the guidance that your feelings are trying to bring you.
Some people might even experience a “vision” or an idea that if they don’t pay attention to that, can even escalate until they’re experiencing it repeatedly, with a sense of doom.
It can also be a “knowing” that something is just not right that can grow if you ignore it, all the way to constant worrying about the same thing over and over again.
When we get to the really BIG change places with really intense feelings (and when we don’t listen to our feelings they intensify) – we don’t like feeling so crappy, so we bounce off in another direction without ever realizing that the crappy feeling was simply a message from our soul about what had to change in order for us to reach our dream.
And here’s the wonderful part – when we DO listen – when we feel into those feelings and ALLOW them to flow, then pfft! with the understanding, all those intense feelings just disappear.
And THAT’s what we’re doing when we shine that flashlight of understanding that we talked about in our last session, when we Quieten our mind and look for the Big Picture behind any crappy feelings that we are experiencing.
And some of you have already experienced the expansive, feel good, peaceful feeling (it can even be euphoric sometimes) that can come when the understanding comes flooding in. Don’t worry if you haven’t yet, we’re all unique and in our unique circumstances and your time WILL come!
Notice the BIG DEAL here:
The feelings were only crappy or bigger than they needed to be, because we RESISTED them – which had us RESISTING THE CHANGE PLACE – which had us bouncing AWAY FROM OUR DREAM.
That’s when life feels like it’s really bouncing us around, from one negative situation to the next. My book editor expressed this perfectly when he first saw these diagrams. “It’s like we are in a small boat and the waves are just washing the boat around wherever the sea wants to take us and what we REALLY want to do is to drive the bloody boat to where WE want to go!
So how can we “drive the bloody boat”?
The four greatest keys to successful manifesting
1. We drive the boat by following our “good” feelings – the ones we are NOT resisting! That’s the really big key here – we don’t wait to feel the crappy Feelings – we follow the “feel-good” feelings and know that when we’re feeling crappy for too long, we’re resisting something that needs to change.
And when we notice one of those crappy resisting Feelings, we simply Feel them as the inner guidance system that were designed and decide to shine that flashlight of understanding that we talked about last week on them – so that we are “driving that boat” TOWARDS our dream, sooo… much more easily.
2. Gratitude and appreciation – As so often happens, my Grandma was right when she wanted me to send thank you cards – it’s not just the good manners of it – it’s expressing the appreciation of every feel good moment and taking a moment to soak up that appreciation – and that is a reliable way to uplift your vibration and feel good/better and thus attract more things to feel good about.
3. Soaking up – Noticing every feel good moment and taking even just a short time at the beginning, to consciously FEEL the appreciation of that and to soak up that appreciation and expand it – THAT folks is the fastest path to positive change, the fastest way to get that boat turned from being bashed around by the waves the waves and start driving it towards your goals and dreams.
4. Manifesting in harmony with The Universe. What you’re creating in the first place has to be in harmony with the Universe or it feels like struggling through quicksand from the beginning. What you are manifesting has to feel good right from the beginning – THAT is SUCH an important key to getting what you want. There’s an incredible complexity out there, of all these beings on our planet creating what they want and what we want has fit with The Laws of The Universe as well.
Feeling good about what you want is the key to that weird opposite that they talk about in the Law of Attraction – that you have to believe that you already have whatever it is that you want. Yeah right! (Aussie sarcasm there.) I don’t know where I’m going to get the money to pay that bill, so I have to feel good that I’ve already paid it? You’re kidding. How’s that working for you?
When you feel crappy about not having the money to pay that bill, if you don’t understand your guidance straight away, you have to drop into a Quiet Mind (don’t worry, we’re teaching you how to do that and you’ll get plenty of practice on the Happiness program) and get the understanding of that worry, that fear, that despair, that anger – whatever the crappy feeling is. Those crappy feelings are your Inner Guidance system, so resisting them is like arguing with the creator of everything. So do you get what I mean about how futile that is?
And when we’re resisting our feelings, here’s what happens instead – the Law of Attraction means that get what we put out, so whether it’s money or relationships or work, if we’re vibrating fear and worry, then we’re attracting more stuff to have fear and worry about.
And yet it’s not remotely useful to tell someone not to worry hey? If you squash that worry down, you eventually get filled with a horrible feeling of doom and ignoring that bill (using the same example) bites you on the butt in a practical sense too when the electricity gets turned off or the car gets re-possessed and the whole situation gets worse.
The answer is to FEEL the feelings – allow them to flow, find a Quiet Mind and the guidance from those feelings that will come from quietening your mind and the answer will flow too. We’re going to teach you lots of different techniques for getting the answers over this program time together.
The solution to every problem is already in your life. I have that stickered onto my computer screen and I KNOW it to be true. 🙂 You however, will get that validation for yourself as you continue to work through and understand what YOU uniquely believe in.
Who’s had an ahhaa moment already?
This Week’s Quiet Mind
On the Live Event this week, we’re going to use our Quiet Mind to understand and release a resistance that has been getting in the way of you reaching that goal that you identified you wanted to reach in the Happiness program. We’re going to shine the flashlight of understanding on something that has had you feeling crappy in some way, something that you have been resisting – so that you can start getting what you want! Woohoo!.
And then one or more people will get the chance to be the inspiration for everyone else. 🙂
Click here to read about people’s stories of what’s happened with them from last week’s Live Event.
You can save this seminar to your computer – specially if your internet is slow. If you right mouse click on “Download” and ” save link as” or “save target as” or however your computer expresses that. 🙂 Make sure you change the name to Happiness Live Event week 2 or something like that, otherwise it just saves as numbers which can be hard to figure out when you go looking for them. WHY do they do that? I think I’ll pop that change in the suggestion box. 🙂
I couldn’t see the chat on the Chrome web browser, so if you have that problem go to the Instant Seminar website and read it here.