We humans have developed a tendency to interfere with the marvelous healing abilities of our bodies a bit more than is useful. (Huge Aussie understatement there.) And this observation does not one scrap take away from some of the wonderful advances that modern medicine has made.
A Healing Crisis is simply the body healing faster than is comfortable. They are wonderful things when they’re happening to other people. In all the 23 years that I’ve been doing healing work I’ve only come across about ½ a dozen really big ones and they were very serious conditions to start off with.
I ALWAYS explain to clients to drink more water and talk about that slight headachy feeling that actually signals we need to drink more water.
But with the powerful nature of your Reiki 2, you might come across the occasional healing crisis and you may need to explain to seriously ill clients about the possibility.
After some deep and powerful healings, you can expect to have your body doing some physical healing. You or your client may notice tiredness – because your body needs rest to catch up on that healing. You may notice a headache – drink LOTS of water – WAY beyond what you would normally drink. The stuff that has been sticking those muscle fibres together (the tension in the muscles) is releasing and those toxins need to be flushed out and that will often require a lot of extra water. Yes you can take a panadol for the headache, nobody should have to put up with feeling bad pain – but by reducing the pain chemically, do not use that pain reduction to ignore the need for water!
Be AWARE of your body needing extra water to flush out toxins, Be AWARE of your body needing extra nutrition to repair the things that need repairing – i.e. pay attention to cravings for vegetables or sour things, constant thoughts that you wouldn’t mind having some chia seeds (plant based Omega 3’s) or some healthy stomach bacteria or that dwelling thought that you could use some extra magnesium (these are just examples!!!) and BE KIND to yourself with extra rest as you need it – you are not being lazy!
Both humans and horses healing – you can also experience urine that looks thick and even discoloured, runny nose (mucous – better out than in!) an abscess (something in the body pushing to come out) skin rashes, aching in bones or joints or muscles that improves with rest – these are all symptoms that the body is healing the way is it was designed.
What you should not do, is suppress a healing crisis or stop it.
Think on that:
Your body is healing the way it’s designed and bam! you take a panadol to reduce a temperature that was not at a dangerous level in the first place – the temperature that is designed to kill the fever. So THEN what’s the body supposed to do?
Your body is healing the way it was designed, the mucous is running from your nose, clearing those toxins out and bam! you take a cold tablet to dry that mucous up. So THEN what’s the body supposed to do?
Your body is struggling to heal the way it is designed, eliminating toxins with a mild diarrhea and bam! you take a medication to stop it. So THEN what’s the body supposed to do with that stuff it’s trying to get rid of?
These suggestions in no way are meant to interfere with a doctor’s suggestions for treating more serious versions of the above. 🙂
What YOU CAN do, is balance a healing crisis
What you CAN do, is balance a healing crisis with the soothing energy of a Reiki session. Put your hands on, use your intuition for the right symbols for the occasion and keep in mind the possibilities in the opposite flow of the Cho Ku Rei to help drain something. Click here for Lesson 2 in this program to refresh on this.