Here’s how we get our Cho Ku Rei symbol imprinted into our brains and our muscle memory and on auto pilot.
Trace over the Cho Ku Rei symbol with another piece of paper, following the arrows, so that you have a practice symbol. If you don’t have a printer, you could put a piece of paper up to the computer screen and trace the symbol onto the paper that way.
If you don’t have a printer to print this out and the tracing thing doesn’t work, then use the palm of your hand close to the computer screen to trace the symbol repeatedly.
Draw over the symbol repeatedly saying Cho Ku Rei (pronounced Cho Koo Ray) three times on the circling part of the symbol. Saying it three times also helps you get the number of circles right.
When you’ve done that and feel ready, take your attention inside yourself to the Present moment – being aware of what your body feels like by paying gentle attention to your breath, heartbeat, energy, emotions and thoughts – and draw over the symbol repeatedly again until each movement of your hand near the computer screen and or stroke of the pen has a RIGHTNESS about it and seems easy and fluid – pausing for any insights as is appropriate and writing those insights down.
Then practice drawing the symbol repeatedly on a piece of paper, then draw again without looking at the original symbol, until it is imprinted in your brain and your muscle memory.
The palm of your hand is where the energy flows from, so when you draw the symbols in a healing session, draw them with the palm of your hand in the air on, above or at the other being. You can practice drawing the symbol with the palm of your hand in the air now.
Then draw the symbol in the earth and with reverence and appreciation for her, give Earth some Reiki energy too.
Here’s a video to talk you through this process.