Communicating with horses in particular and animals in general is normal – so what stops us from being able to do that easily?
In this video Mandy talks about the tragedy that caused her stress and tension and stopped her easy and normal communication with her animals.
Handkerchief warning!
We were ALL born with a natural ability to listen, feel and be able to communicate with animals – we just weren’t taught how to use it – and then life happenings (similar to Mandy’s or not) also play their part in suppressing our ability.
When we are taught how to listen again and the feelings are faint or difficult to understand, we think that it’s just us or that it’s because we’re not as good as others who are more gifted or whatever.
And that is simply not the case.
Pause for a moment and think about that. YOU can do this easily and naturally. EVERYONE can do this. EVERYONE has their own unique talent. EVERYONE is more than good enough.
We just about all have (or had) some kind of story in the background that suppressed our ability. It may be a big trauma like Mandy’s or it might be more subtle moments as simple as someone poking fun at us at a vulnerable time.
Whatever it was that suppressed that ability, my background as an alternative therapist for more than 20 years now, has led me to understand that clearing what is BEHIND a problem means that that we don’t even need to think about that problem again – it simply disappears and is a non event from that time forward.
We want our feel and communication for our horses to just flow again – on auto pilot – like Mandy’s, without effort.
Discover or deepen your natural ability with our Training Programs here.
Oh my – what a HUGE release I experienced from watching this video. My heart ached hearing the story of Mandy’s Quattro and I immediately flashed back to a traumatic event with my horse when I was a young girl. We’d gone to a show and my horse wouldn’t get in the trailer to go home. I knew what he needed, to back off, and then approach slow, but… the adults came in – all men – and pushed and forced my horse. He was getting more and more upset until he reared up, came down on the corner of the trailer door and split his jaw open. Now he wasn’t going anywhere except to the stall and an emergency vet visit. I felt so helpless, unheard, small… I’m also seeing how many beliefs I installed that day around not being heard, adults especially dominant men, and listening to myself. Wow. The tears have been flowing and flowing and deep breathing as a cascade of releasing takes place. Hope it helps me hear my beloved animals…. Thank you for this Jenny and Mandy.
Bless you Lauren, for sharing that. Huge… Understanding old beliefs like is just wonderful – well done you! I’ll pass that along to Mandy when I can, I’m sure she’ll love to hear it.
thank you for posting this blog jenny, and thank you Mandy for sharing such a difficult story. it was hard to hear because it is so familiar yet still painful to acknowledge but necessary to hear as well, because it is only in releasing and listening within that the traumas can be transformed.
Yes I hear you Joanna… Transformed is a good word. The way that we work here is NOT that psychological stuff about delving into things, teasing them out and examining them. It’s simply allowing the understanding of the past present and future to flow – which is incredibly lightening and releasing and liberating and healing all at the same time. In fact, that was what Mandy was doing that day – the understanding of the past was flowing into the future, with her natural skills opening back up again. She is such an extraordinary young woman! As are we all…
i love that – allowing the past present and future to flow – i get it and flow is such a perfect word particularly for horses as they move (so obviously) to release tension, and Mandy has taken those early experiences and turned them around through the work she now does…powerful stuff
No problem with my sound either. We’d all like to think that what happened to Mandy as a child is a thing of the past. Sadly, this is not the case. I believe that education is the key, but this is often unwelcome. I recently was a guest coach at a Pony Club. Unfortunately, there was no glory in riding a horse that walked, trotted and cantered and jumped when asked. The admired and cheered for riders were the ones with untrained horses (on ill-fitting saddles I might add) who pulled and kicked and hit a terrified, wide eyed, head up horse and finally got it over the jump. I despair at the hopelessness I felt that day. (Those riders also didn’t stay for the talk on saddle fit.) How to you help someone who doesn’t want to be helped, or more importantly, help their horses? I’m so glad that there are more people like you Jenny.
That’s the thing hey, how to connect with people who don’t know they don’t know that they don’t know. I remember clearly being in that place in the past myself and yet I found my way here and am still traveling forward. I still believe that just about everybody is looking for the same thing, the connection with the magnificence of the horse – just looking in many of the wrong places. They don’t know how much joy is possible. So I guess we continue to be an example, focusing on our own light and knowing that all the other people who are focusing on their light too – we are all lighting up the dark more and more all the time. There IS a wave of positive change flowing across the world…
I was so looking forward to watching this, as I had already worked out that there is something blocking my progress with my horse, and possibly my life in general – unfortunately, there was no sound on this video, so I couldn’t really work out what was going on – such a shame! I will keep my tissues handy for when you sort this technical glitch out and let me know that I can watch and hear it some time soon. Thanks.
There’s no problems with my sound????
Chris – I also experienced a sound problem, but if you click on the Youtube icon on the bottom left of the video, it will open a new Youtube window where the sound played properly for me. Hope that helps.
How weird is THAT?
I’ve had the sound problem on several pages, but opening the video in YouTube works every time. I haven’t always had this problem, just recently. :/
OK… I have NO idea why! As I said, mine works fine! Crazy internet stuff…