What makes this healing work so special, is that we clean up whatever is BEHIND the body not healing in the way it was designed to heal. Sometimes the healing happens steadily in layers and mannn sometimes it’s more spectacular than that.
Whether it’s people or animals we’re working on, my healing sessions are invariably a combination of healing and teaching. Every time I work with someone, they become more empowered as I facilitate them to find their own inner guidance system, they get better and better at understanding their own bodies, facilitating their own healing and helping others too.
For those who know exactly what they want already, notice the dramatic discount for a bundle of sessions, which can be whatever combination of healing and horsemanship sessions you prefer. 🙂
Or read on below the Paypal button for the many and quite varied ways that we meet each person’s individual needs.
Click on the little arrow next to the words “single session” will bring up saving opportunities. You save $225 by buying a group of 3 sessions / lessons and there’s no time limit on when you can use them.
Our bodies are spectacularly designed for healing.
Our bodies and our animals’ bodies are spectacularly designed for healing. Think about it. We can cut all the fibres all the way through a muscle and those two separate pieces of flesh will reach across to each other and knit back together again – the miracle of that!
We can snap bones in two pieces and those bone cells will reach across the space and join with more strength than they had in the first place. Just pause for a moment and think about how amazing that is. 🙂
I’ve seen bones heal in days, bodies that have grown new bone where it should be, dissolve bone that shouldn’t be there (that story is further down). I’ve seen tumors disappear, ligaments re-attach, I’ve seen muscles that were withered away fill with blood and plump up in front of our eyes and I’ve seen numerous 20 year old injuries heal at long last.
I’ve seen more “miracles” in 27 years of this work than you can poke a forked stick at. I’m smiling at that Aussie expression for “very many”.
So why don’t we heal like that all the time?
It’s because we get blocked up:
We get blocked up by emotional stresses. Emotional stress causes physical tension that causes muscles and bones to be pulled out of alignment and joints to be stressed in such a way that causes pain and sometimes even disability. The entire process can be reversed by attending to the original emotional stressor.
Emotional stresses also affects our organs, burdening them so they don’t operate as well as they were designed to.
We get blocked up by the tensions and frights of old accidents that cause these injuries to not heal properly. Ditto for surgical shock.
Our bodies have to work harder to heal when we have too many toxins in our environment, so identifying which ones to remove can be a big boost to healing.
Our bodies can’t heal effectively when there’s not enough building blocks to do the job – i.e. the availability of minerals and nutrients that can support the body to heal. I’m passionate about the opportunities for healing in food and food herbs.
Posture is King, Queen and the source of incredible healing. Whether it’s your horse who’s not in a strong enough posture to carry you on his back with ease and then stresses his joints, muscles, tendons and ligaments, or your dog who’s getting along with his head in the air from pulling on his collar (which eventually builds up strain on his back and leg joints) or whether it’s you’re getting around with a slightly arched back and damaging your hips and knees – poor posture is responsible for an awful lot of things that the medical community considers incurable, all things which absolutely ARE curable once you fix the posture. And good posture is not the “stand up straight” that we were taught at school either. 🙂
Posture is often a “Is it the chicken or egg first?” thing. Stress causes tension causes organ problems and posture changes, causes muscle and joint problems in an escalating circle of feeling crappy.
Lets talk about the different things that we do here, in the context of 27 years worth of healing successes, most of them by distance.
Julia in the photo had been an air traffic controller. She cleared her depression and her PTSD and had some very big physical healing that is too personal for here, using a combination of the horse and people healing work in our Fast Track program and 4 private healing sessions – all of it by distance from the other side of Australia.
She said “Physical problems and events, which for 20 years had brought me to tears just thinking about them, have just evaporated like steam from a kettle after my sessions with Jenny.”
The stories of what I jokingly call “impossible healing” of my horse Carlos and husband Merv started my journey in this work. Using the combination of advanced kinesiology and homeopathic medicine to dissolve bone that shouldn’t be there and add bone where it should be, after a horrific truck accident where he (hubby not horse) crushed both legs across the kneecaps, shattered a thigh bone and mulched his hand and forearm. Click on Merv’s photo above to read that big beautiful story.

Steve’s healing was also what other people call miracles. Decades old injuries and the pain that went with them, gone in just weeks. His healing came from getting rid of what I call “fright imprints” from old falls and accidents. He’d had over 100 falls in his 4 star eventing career on the world stage – carrying the injuries from some of those falls over 20 years later.
Oliver too (the horse in the photo) was transformed from a dangerous horse with a PTSD that was described by his old owner as “a screw loose”, into the giant teddy bear that he is today.

Kristina had been crippled with arthritis since childhood until she arrived here with a slightly withered leg, as a working student in her late 20’s. Within months she had done a 19 km walk and still runs regularly 10 years later. A few years back she had a check up with her old specialist in Germany and he confirmed that there were no arthritis markers left.
Her healing journey was different to Steve’s – she learned how to use her Inner Guidance system with the help of our gorgeous horses, at the same time learning how to release bucket loads of the old emotional crap that made it possible for her to find her effortlessly powerful, sweet feeling posture in movement. It’s difficult to heal arthritis if you’re re-damaging it in the same posture that caused the problem.
Plus for her type of arthritis, she also had a couple of sessions on balancing her genetic pre-disposition and attended to all the things that caused the inflammation behind HER arthritis – systematically, one by one until there was no arthritis left.

Frances had a gobsmackingly fast recovery from her artificial knee surgery. There’s a bit of a story with this one that I think is worth reading.
When I heard Frances was having an artificial knee implanted on the Friday before a horse clinic we were doing here, I thought “Come on sunshine… there’s no way you can be OK to be here only 6 days later.” That’s a surgery that takes a year to recover from according to what the orthopedic specialist told my friend who is lining up for one soon. The swelling and pain is abysmal for weeks and weeks. We’re talking about leg bone cut off in two places and titanium and plastic anchored into the severed bone.
All that week, in my own personal journey, I had been working on feeling and being “limitless” and in that context it occurred to me that I was limiting Frances’s healing with those thoughts – so I chose not to do that and allowed her to come.
At the end of the first day, she had overdone it a bit (Aussie understatement) and I lay across her bed putting my healing hands on her while I coached her to work her way through stuff that was limiting her own healing. We were both flabbergasted as we watched weird flutterings under her skin and then the swelling in her leg (which was astronomical) went almost completely down under our very eyes.
The next morning I had happy tears in my eyes as I stood in the laundry doorway, watching Frances forget both her crutches and her old ladies frame as she strolled easily across the kitchen with just a bit of a limp, feeding my cats and making herself a cup of tea. My head is shaking here even now – SIX days after her leg bone was cut off in two places and an artificial knee was transplanted… My goodness…
The key to France’s healing was using her inner Guidance system to peel away the physical effects of each instance of compassion overload, where her big heart had got stuck in those overwhelmingly upset and worried feelings about others – quite different from the other cases here hey?
The photo here of her and Bernie refurbishing the carriage wheel, was taken 5 months later. That’s VERY hard physical work and she was just effortlessly sailing through it.
Pye & Melanie
Pye’s before and after photos are so dramatic, if you haven’t seen this work in action before it would be hard to believe it’s the same horse. We’ve had a number of badly damaged sway backs with dramatic kissing spine heal rapidly, but this is the first one captured on video and it was achieved in an on-line clinic with 20 other people watching it happen – with me coaching from Australia and Mel in England. There was no muscle work done on this horse whatsoever. The healing all came from the horse-human relationship work that you’ll see in the video.
This is a real life example of what I keep saying – that emotional stress causes muscular tension that pulls bones and joints out of place. The horse starts carrying themselves in a defensive, jarring kind of posture that causes all kinds of muscular skeletal and health problems.
And when we REVERSE that process – i.e. fix the emotional stresses – we create the opportunity to heal the physical problems that they caused. The same process applies to humans too.

Adriane is a retired profiler who re-patterned her brain for clarity and peacefulness after a traumatic brain injury using a combination of group work, private sessions, learning how to use her inner guidance for her horse and understanding how to apply that Feel to the rest of her life. Gosh that’s such a few words to describe profound and joyous healing that came from releasing the old trauma and re-patterning the neural pathways of the brain.
And all of that by distance with her in the USA and me in Australia.
Leanne – Traumatic horse falls and PTSD.
Another specialty here, is eliminating the tension from old falls and accidents that sooo… gets in the way of us being the best rider that we can be AND often stops us from healing the way we were designed to heal.
Some of these old falls and accidents are closer to Post Traumatic Stress Disorder than just a fright. In this video Leanne’s talking about the healing that happened just before this footage – she had just cleared away the physical effects, tensions, injury and PTSD from a 20 year old accident. Two years of psychotherapy on the same issue hadn’t noticeably reduced the debilitating fear and tension from that terrible accident.
Does that mean we can fix everything?
No that doesn’t mean you or I can “fix” everything or anything – although look around, there is not too much that hasn’t been fixed / healed/ solved by someone somewhere in the world, and if that’s so, then clearly it’s possible.
I have strong opinions and beliefs about our ability to heal, that have been validated over the 27 years that I’ve been working with healing and I’m happy to talk about them. 🙂
We work successfully with things that modern medicine considers incurable simply because they don’t look at the big picture the way that we do. Mental, emotional, physical, spiritual, deeply feeling / understanding the way our body works and it’s capacity for healing, finding our own truth behind our beliefs in what’s possible – all these threads have to weave together to produce the best possible healing.
I work all over the world by distance.
I’ve been doing distance work right from the very beginning of my training 27 years ago and most of the techniques work by distance just as well as if you were in my healing room.
When it’s possible, I work these days to empower people to find their own inner awareness and healing talents as well. Sometimes a session ends up being a combination of working on your animal, helping you to understand them better and uncovering your own natural talents. 🙂
Between smartphones, i-pads and lap top computers, there are so many wonderful video platforms now that make healing sessions by distance easy, no matter what your technical skills. Email me if you have any questions and we can figure out the technical stuff.
My feel for others is acute and sensitive and working by distance whether video lessons with your horse, or riding seat sessions or healing sessions is very successful, as you’ll see in some of these stories and videos and testimonials.
Burnout & Overwhelm
One of my specialties is helping people understand and release what is causing the mental, emotional and physical symptoms of burnout and overwhelm.
The same kind of sensitivity that makes people brilliant horse people when they understand how to use their Feel for others, is the sensitivity that is behind burn out and overwhelm.
People in the caring professions like vets, doctors, nurses, social workers, alternative therapists of all varieties – all are particularly vulnerable to burn out. No matter how hard they try to not take their work home, every now and again a case, a client, or a patient gets underneath the defenses. The effect of these is cumulative, until burnout is the result.
Not only can you solve that burn-out quite quickly, we teach people the keys to keeping the beautiful empathy that makes you so good at your job and how to use it to be good at your job, instead of being overwhelmed by it. It’s a great way to work. 🙂
It’s an enormous relief to sensitive people – empowering them in ways that both recover from and help to avoid future burnout.

I’ve got loads more stories, but after a twenty eight year career in this work, you’ve just gotta’ shut up somewhere. Last but not least, I’ve chosen to feature Sue – a very practical down to earth sceptic who quote “can’t be coping with all that warm, fuzzy, airy fairy stuff”. She famously said in a comment here on my blog “BEST THING I EVER DID. Let me tell you folks that there are no fairies at the bottom of Jenny Pearce’s garden, or at least if there are she keeps them well hidden.” And she used her version of this work (once people settle in, it’s always their version) to help her horse heal from heaves (medically known as COPD), rehabbed another from locking stifle and helped numerous super difficult and even dangerous horses who’d been given up on by everyone else. AND she saved her own life but that’s her story to share some day.
Let’s Get Started
If you’re confused about what your highest priority is – your horse, another animal or yourself, healing sessions or horse lessons – then let’s work on all of it at the same time! Email me if you need a chat. Or click on the little arrow next to the words “single session”, to see how you can save $225 by picking up 3 sessions at a time. No time limits on when you use them and you can mix them however you want.