FEEL is the key to the kingdom of horses and as far as I’m aware, this is the only place to learn this supposedly unteachable skill that is a part of every great horse person. You’ve been using your unique Feel all your life, although it may be cluttered by stress and the fast pace of modern life. Well, we’re about to unclutter it and we’ll probably de-stress you while we’re at it.
Feel is the communication unique to you, that enables a sweet easy understanding to flow between you and your horse that translates into everything that is beautiful about horses.
Don’t be fooled by the girlie hearts and flowers, this is a practical, down to earth, powerful and profound piece of work that will increase EVERY riders and horse handlers conscious skill and I don’t care who you are or how good you already are, what kind of riding gear you wear, what kind of work you do with horses, what skill level you’re working at or what sex you are. It’s for people who get down in the muck in their raincoats and wellies caring for the animals they love and it’s for all my little girl dreams at the same time.
Are you ready to get rocked?
This is a $220 program (Aussie dollars) that I’m told is worth 10 times that in results.
I needed a tissue box next to my computer when I read my emails when the first version of this program came out. Click here for more testimonials.
The photo featured in Journey to Feel is by the very talented Marie Richards in New Zealand. She captures a gorgeous poignancy between horse and person. I chose this photo because our journey with horses is very often about our childhood dreams and of course, children very often have good Feel for their horses … when they’re allowed to listen to it.