We don’t want to ADD trauma to an already traumatized horse by keeping them away from the “problem horse”.
I get it – separating them from the “problem horse” is common advice out there in the horse world. But I can only be blunt here. That advice is wrong and here’s why.
It makes more sense when we consider that the vast amount of separation anxiety is caused at weaning time. So keeping them by themselves to solve that, ADDS to the horse’s stress and tension.
That stress and tension doesn’t disappear when you put your foot in the stirrup. That stress and tension is waiting to bite you on the butt when something goes wrong and because each suppressed fear adds on to the last one, it makes every other fear bigger than it needs to be.
Different horse personalities deal with these layers of fear and anxiety differently – some horses by being flighty or jumpy, prone to spooking, some by fighting you in all kinds of ways (teeth, feet, bucking, rearing) some by quietly and passively resisting you and not moving forward freely (these ones will often develop really big health problems if their fear and anxiety isn’t attended to), some by being nippy and fidgety, some with vices like weaving and windsucking, some by going deep inside where their eyes are dead and there’s “nobody is home” and far out these last ones can be the most dangerous because they can explode.
And it’s unnecessary for separation anxiety to be added to any other old stresses and tensions in their lives that are causing these kinds of behaviors – because it’s completely fixable once we realize that it’s the result of a trauma.
What if the knowhow, the skill and the deep connection to your horse that you’ll get while you’re fixing separation anxiety, is actually what you need in order to reach your dream?
There’s two big lessons in Fast Track about how to fix separation anxiety by DE-traumatizing your horse, plus a heap of discussion with me helping individual people on the student only forum, plus a fabulous live seminar for Fast Track students only where I talked with Suze (pictured here) in detail about the techniques and her keys to success in her horses’ transformation from separation anxiety.
You’ll hear Suze talk about the joy that she experienced (and that you will experience too) when she helped her horse solve their separation anxiety by DE-traumatizing them. Every problem you solve with our philosophy, deepens the bond with your horse AND increases your own happiness too. Talk about win / win!
Our Release Re-Learn and Re-program formula, that de-traumatizes, dissolves resistance, melts confusion and builds a relaxed confident horse, is a process that adapts to any horse.