You might be surprised at what kind of healing is possible when you are working from the foundation of mental, emotional and physical well-being of the whole horse.
Badly damaged backs like Pye in the photo here are considered impossible to heal, but you’ll see the transformation for yourself in the video below and we have dozens and dozens of other examples too.
Arthritis, bone growths, mysterious and expensive lamenesses, sacro-iliac joint and other back problems, kissing spine, immune system problems, reversing the muscular skeletal damage of stringhalt, bringing a horse back into beautiful movement from recurring laminitis, Cushings disease – all these conditions and many more, are only considered unfixable because they are not taking the TOTAL well-being of the horse into consideration.
Milly and Sandra life threatening repeated colics with significant sacro-iliac damage – fixed.
These photos were taken 10 weeks apart. As Sandra said at the time, they were still a work in progress, but mannn… the healing that happened was clearly spectacular.
The vet had told Sandra it was time to put her down with these repeated colic attacks when Sandra was drawn to bring her into a “healing your horse’s back” on-line clinic.
Now here’s the thing. Like Pye and Melanie, it wasn’t chiropractic and muscle treatments that produced these results. It was a fundamental change in their relationship with their humans, a deep confidence all the way to the horses’ bones that they were heard. Sandra was already a skilled and kind rider, she lived on an outback cattle station and working horses were part of her living.
This is a big and beautiful story that is a bit too complex to explain in a page – this physical change in Milly happened when she and Milly changed together in a monumental ahhaa moment. In that moment Sandra brought a great happiness into her life. And THAT folks is one of my Aussie understatements!
How might this knowhow, this skill and this deep connection with your horse while you’re helping them to heal their back, how might that make it so much easier to reach YOUR dream?
So how does that healing work? How does it happen?
You’ll hear me repeatedly talking about how emotional stress causes tension that causes muscular problems that cause posture problems that cause joint problems and that dis-ease – not being at ease in the body – is the result.
The spine itself is central to ALL the organs of the body, with each individual vertebra directly affecting the health (or not) of an organ, so the posture problems caused by emotional stress can have far reaching consequences into the organs themselves. In Milly’s case, as she found a new level of connection and understanding with Sandra, she released physical problems in her withers that had a direct impact on her digestive system and changed her posture at the same time. She’s never had colic since.
What they had learned to do was to reverse that whole stress leads to tension leads to posture problems leads to physical problems, by RELEASING the old emotional stresses and bringing the whole mind, body and spirit back into a state of well being.
You’ll learn this process in Fast Track – and it’s simple, systematic and effective – you can be a novice rider or an Olympian.
Way back earlier in my 28 years of work as an alternative therapist with horses, I noticed that there were some horses who just kept presenting with similar problems repeatedly and if they weren’t the same problem, they had new ones.
“What the heck was going on with this horse?” Figuring out what was going on BEHIND these symptoms and searching for a better way to fix these things, led me to the horse-human relationship work that eventually became Fast Track, which has led to the mental, emotional and physical well-being of our horse being a fundamental part of our whole program.
Here’s that video I called The Healing of Pye
You can see the results of this work with Mel and her rescued horse Pye in the video below. Mel was on the Fast Track program – about half way through I think – when she did the online clinic that produced these results.
Please note: The 9 Keys to Happiness with Your Horse referred to in this video were later updated to the free video lessons The Key to the Kingdom of Horses. You’ll find a sign up form for them in the sidebar – on your mobiles it’s underneath this page.
Warning: I needed a tissue when I watched this for the first time!
This is utterly unique work that you simply can’t get anywhere else. It takes a commitment to them, but it’s a simple and rewarding commitment filled with joy for both horse and rider. And after all, isn’t happiness with our horse what we’re looking for among our other horse goals?
Outside of our programs, I’ve only come across a handful of people who truly understand the possibilities of riding a horse to healing and here it is, within the each of everyone…
You’re on fire already? Here’s what you get on Fast Track
OR – go back to the Fast Track page and get excited about all the other ways you can reach your dream with Fast Track.
The Fast Track to Brilliant Riding