Fast Track is a steadily building EXPERIENCE of being joyful, confident and connected with your horse, combined with riding like the centaur of legends and healing that will knock your socks off.
and FAST
Five words at the heart of Fast Track.
I’ve often thought that this magnetic riding seat that we teach on-line here is where that half man half horse, centaur legend came from. Glued effortlessly into the saddle, flowing with our horse’s movement no matter what’s happening. Student after student after student from beginners to advanced riders finding exactly that – in an on-line program – with me in Australia and many of them on the other side of the world.
I know it’s hard to believe – in a on-line program! For 22 years and 15 of them on-line, we’ve been doing things very differently, getting better and better at it, getting the kind of success that most people only dream about and getting it FAST. You’ll see Sandra in the photo here, talking about her experience of that effortlessness in the link attached to this next section and you’ll see testimonials galore further down the page.
When you came into horses, what were you looking for? Because I’m pretty sure it wasn’t about falling off or spending years and years trying to get good with horses. Did you imagine the joy of dancing with your horse? Did you dream of the delight of flowing with your horse’s movement like that legendary centaur?
Was it the relaxation of a lovely trail ride and the confidence that comes from your horse’s relaxation too? Or the sheer pleasure of connection with an amazing being in joyful liberty work? Or maybe it’s doing a job with a horse who is so in tune with you that you’re thinking and moving as one? All of these things are not only possible, I make it my job to help you get there.
And if you think that’s marketing hype and not within your reach, I look forward to smiling with you in a live seminar one day.
For those who experience nerves or anxiety – what dream would become possible if you could BE and FEEL safe? How safe will you feel when you have a plugged in riding seat that’s kind of magnetized to your horse’s back, when your horse wants you there and when you can EFFORTLESSLY flow with their movement pretty much no matter what’s happening? How much more fun could you have?
We can bring that dream to you here in this on-line program. In fact you’ll read further down that this works so beautifully because IT IS an on-line program. Fast Track is advanced sports psychology meets leading edge physical therapy, meets the alternative healing that’s behind being able to get the EFFORTLESSNESS of our magnetic riding seat so quickly.
There’s lesson after lesson that pretty much makes falling off a non event AND there’s support to make sure that you find it. You do the work, ask for more help if you need and I’ll point you to it – and you WILL find that secure riding seat. No matter that it’s common to get injured in the horse world, it’s unusual for someone in our community to fall off.
If you’ve been experiencing something closer to PTSD around a horse fall or if you’ve had numerous falls or maybe even bad injuries from falling off and that’s what’s bringing you onto Fast Track, then let me know that when you come into the program so I can point you to extra resources – the healing in this work is phenomenal.
Read about our innovative techniques that make all this possible FAST.I constantly hear people say “I didn’t know it could feel like this” about the sheer joy of being ‘mind, body and spirit’ connected on their horse’s back. Let me say this again because it’s SUCH a big deal. What would it do for your dream if your riding seat was plugged in and magnetized to your horse’s back, if you and your horse were flowing as one together pretty much no matter what was happening? What would THAT do for your dream with horses?
Fast Track is a dream building, problem solving journey to whatever YOU want to do and be with horses. Here’s a thought – what if the problem itself is the key that actually makes your dream possible?
Let’s look at some different sorts of problems. What if any nerves, tension or worries are actually the sensitivity that will make you a brilliant rider? And what if you can experience that shift in perception and find inner peace and happiness FAST?
Releasing stress, fear, anxiety, worries and tension around your horses and doing that too, is FAST – that is my commitment to you.
Ten tons of weight comes off you AND your horse when you understand why we experience fear and use any nerves, anxiety, worry and tension as the gift of brilliant horsemanship that it will be.
I know, that’s a big claim hey? I can PROMISE you this because I’ve experienced the release of chronic fear myself AND I’ve long lost track of how many people I’ve helped to understand and change those crappy feelings into competence and confidence and being really good with horses.
We give you the understanding and the step by step way to do that on Fast Track.
If overwhelming nervousness or anxiety is your motivation for coming onto Fast Track, then let me know when you purchase the program, so I can support you with more resources and make sure that happens for you.
Read more about why those words in the picture are SUCH a big deal…Let’s have a look at some other so-called problems. What if even crappy horse behavior was actually the thing to get you closer to your dream?
Solve it YOURSELF and not only will you develop a whole new level of skills and knowhow, your horse will love you for it.
Biting, kicking, weaving, aggressive at feed time, leaping around on the end of a lead rope, don’t want to get caught, barging into you, don’t want to walk forward, balking, napping, stubborn, bucking, pigrooting, rearing, hate being saddled and bridled, float and trailer loading problems, can’t hold their feet up – Fast Track gives you the skills, the knowhow and the support to solve all these “problems” yourself in our gentle, horse guided way and your horse will LOVE you for it.
And I guarantee you – I absolutely guarantee you – that the solving of whatever problem you have, will give you the skills, the knowhow and deep connection with your horse that will take you closer to that dream of yours and maybe even something better.
Pye in the pictures above went from a snappy snarly biting bucking rearing bronc who was attacking people in the field, to the second photo where you see him loving up with Melanie and they did it in just weeks. (I told you this stuff is fast lol! ) Learning how to solve Pye’s problems catapulted Melanie’s horsemanship into excellence.
Sometimes our horse brings up the skills, the knowhow and the joyful connection to others that helps us with life dreams too. Our Caroline had visited Mel in England and reminded me. “Following the work with Pye and the change that happened with him through Fast Track, you forgot to mention the change in Mel and how it rippled out to the rest of her life. Her confidence shot through the roof. There was a massive shift in her (which is a bit too personal for here) – that included world travel and a change in her life in general.”
If solving a particular behavior problem is your motivation for coming on Fast Track, then that too is part of my commitment to you. Tell me all about it when you purchase the program so I can point you to whatever in 20 years worth of extra resources will be most useful to you.
What if healing your horse’s back problems were an opportunity to step into a whole new level of brilliance with them and then that brilliance was how you reached your dream?
We can RIDE our horse to wellness!
Pye’s damaged back in the photo above, was caused by riding and stress from the way he was handled and ridden. There’s a school of thought that says we shouldn’t ride and I get where they’re coming from, because vast amounts of what I see happening out there in the world IS damaging their horse’s back. Kissing spine, sacro-iliac problems, pelvic problems, arthritis, shoulder problems, damaged knees can be caused by accidents but are also caused by the way we were taught to ride them – and we can change that – and we can heal that – with what we learn on Fast Track.
It’s not only possible to ride a horse with a strong back who can carry us with strength and ease, it’s possible under certain circumstances and with the right preparation to heal their backs WHILE we are riding them. In fact sometimes, it actually takes the ridden part to finish off the healing.
What if this kind of knowhow, this skill, this depth of connection with your horse that you’ll develop to help your horse’s back to heal, is EXACTLY what you need to reach your dream? Are you starting to see the consistency around problems not only being opportunities, but GIFTS?
It’s not just back problems that you get to solve either.
If healing for your horse is your motivation for coming on Fast Track, then this too is part of my commitment to you – let me know when you come into the program so I can point you to a vast amount of extra resources, there’s twenty years of them.
Want to know about more health problems that are improved with this work? You’ll find that info along with a video of Pye’s incredible mental, emotional and healing transformation on this page too – that’s his physical transformation in the photo.Separation anxiety. What if DE-traumatizing their separation anxiety will lead you to a whole new level of horsemanship that is actually the key to getting other things that you want?
Separation anxiety has an adverse effect on EVERYthing you do with your horse from that point on. Conversely, when we help a horse to solve separation anxiety, the tension release has a positive effect on EVERYthing that they do. They move better, their bodies can start to heal, they live longer and they just love us for it. The soul bond that is created when we help our horse release separation anxiety and be confident with us is simply – “gorgeous” is too plain a word for it.
What if this horse’s separation anxiety is actually an opportunity to get the skill and knowhow that will do a LOT more than fix separation anxiety? What if that would enable you to fix any other trauma, or resistance or defensiveness or stubbornness? Can you feel me smiling? How would THAT help you reach your horse dreams?
Your horse’s freedom from unnecessary fear and trauma is part of my commitment to you and them. If your horse is suffering from separation anxiety and that’s your motivation for coming onto Fast Track, then email me when you come into Fast Track, so I can point you to our wide variety of resources and support to help you to solve that.
Read more…What if the things you learn in order to solve your trailer loading problems are the exact same things that will make your horse dreams possible?
Once upon a time, a long time ago… I used to earn my living trailer training. The idea of that makes me smile wryly now, even though it seemed that I was good at what I did.
Not only did I miss the opportunity to release tension and trauma back then, the owners missed out on the opportunity of the deep feeling of joy that happens when they help their horse themselves. Trailer loading becomes an opportunity to understand and connect with their horse at a deep level and to learn the skills and the knowhow that makes trailer training a simple step by step matter – even for a scared and seemingly stubborn horse.
You’ll be surprised at how those same skills and knowhow and deep connection with the inside of your horse are the same skills, knowhow and deep connection with the inside of your horse that will make it possible for you to reach your other horse dreams.
Read more about what I call the magic key, that makes trailer training a piece of cake.I’ve never met anyone I couldn’t teach to do this.
You think “world class horse person” is too big a stretch? We have BEGINNERS here with flashes of “it” and the magic that flows from being able to use your Feel for your horse and I look forward to smiling with you about this on a live event one day!
I’ve met people who helped me get better at teaching this magic ingredient that is at the heart of every great horse man and woman, but I never met anyone I couldn’t teach to do it. There’s that “every problem is really an opportunity” again. 🙂 Feel for your horse is where the magic happens – it’s the key that unlocks everything wonderful about horses. EVERYONE has this brilliance inside them, just waiting to be tapped and we have the support on Fast Track to make sure you find it and I am committed to it.
Read more about how you’ll get world class Feel for your horse…What if whatever’s going on with your horse will help YOU to feel better – even heal?
There’s so many things that we experience as we birth children, get older and suffer injuries and illness, that we put up with unnecessarily. No I’m not saying that you can fix everything, but crikey you can improve vast amounts and even fix an awful lot of things that people have resigned themselves to putting up with.
How? What if understanding how to help whatever issue with your horse that brought you here, is the opportunity for YOUR healing too? There’s this gorgeous thing that happens on Fast Track where people help horses and horses help people. The mutual feel-good and the mutual healing is a powerful and beautiful thing. If healing for yourself is your motivation for buying Fast Track, then let me know, because I have heaps of extra resources for you too.
Read more…This is a great time to talk about depression and burnout and how by understanding our horse so beautifully, we can do the pffft! thing as we get rid of depression and burnout too.
Oh man this is so big I’ve got goosebumps and I’m a bit teary writing it. Getting rid of the milder types of burnout and depression happens quite quickly for many people on Fast Track, as they understand how their connection to others has caused the overwhelm that caused the shutting down and sheer exhaustion that is depression and burnout. That pfft! – the speed of crappy feelings disappearing – is quite real and it happens that fast when that avalanche of understanding hits about WHY you’re in that state.
Severe depression – people who have suffered for longer and deeper – they might need more support. The unlimited one on one live support in Ease and Grace is one way of getting that, but if that’s beyond your financial means, then you can still get there. You’ll be surprised at the steady progress you can get within the Fast Track online program. You can take advantage of the Fast Track student’s priority to work with me one on one in our free events, plus email me when you come into Fast Track so I can point you to extra resources and support, including ways to help you get rid of the physical causes of depression (which gives most people a leap into feeling a lot better). You can always add private healing sessions if the depression is really old and particularly difficult. There’s always a way although you’ll be surprised at how much healing you can achieve with the standard Fast Track program.
Attention healers, teachers, vets, feet trimmers, stud workers, nurses, social workers, youth and aged care workers, people who work with horses in therapy modalities – solve or prevent burn out, get your joy happening in your work, your life and your horses and increase your skills at the same time.
Why do you think so very many people drop out of these industries so early in their careers? The statistics are shocking. The same sensitivity that can be an exhausting and sometimes even a scarey burden when we don’t understand it, is the same sensitivity that makes these people brilliant with their jobs – when they understand how to use it as the gift that it is.
Healers, social workers, nurses, youth and aged care workers specially come across difficult situations (that’s my Aussie understatement there) – come across difficult situations that are beyond most people’s experience. HOW do you keep yourself safe? HOW do you keep your compassion and your zest for life in the face of such difficult things that you see in your work far too often? How do you even make sense of it sometimes?
Learning how to use your Feel and have fun with your own horse will open you to a whole new world of possibilities to enjoy your job, keep yourself safe in difficult situations and understand how to help others without losing yourself while you’re doing it.
Feet trimmers, vets, stud workers – the situations you walk into sometimes can be so unsafe it’s hair raising. Learn how to connect with any horse on a deep level and use that understanding to keep yourself safe and still be effective at your job. What a gift that is!
If you have a horse to help you, you’re particularly blessed, because they make it sooo… much easier. It’s the ultimate in getting the yummy stuff that you’re looking for with your horse and spilling that knowhow into the rest of your life.
Those of you who teach or work with horses in therapy modalities are going to have your socks knocked off at how much more impact horses have when either we or the client are helping the horse to release all their old stresses and tensions. The empowerment and healing for the client is escalated when the healing is reciprocal. If you teach or do therapy work with horses, at some point you might like to look at what your clients and students can get when you learn how to teach others with the Ease and Grace program. Maybe even pull a small group together to share the cost?
We get such fabulous results
BECAUSE this is an on-line program
See… most people think that their horse dreams are going to be reached by working hard and learning more and more and more… I’m telling you that the fastest way to reach your horse dreams is by tapping the skill that is inside EVERYone – that I PROMISE you, is inside YOU too. It bypasses the need to work hard – you can relax and work happy instead.
The online lessons mean that we can attend to the nuances of all the areas of your lives together at home – and at home is where the magic starts – in the everyday things you do with your horse, getting more and more skill, more and more knowhow and a deeper and deeper soul bond with your horse and rippling that out into everything you do with them.
I’ve had so many people marveling that we’ve managed to pull these results off with an online program, but it’s not so surprising when you think that the lessons were systematically guided by horses themselves – specially Bobby in the photo above – and your horse is going to LOVE participating in that. This is straight from the horse’s mouth stuff. <3
We’ve got testimonials up the wazoo, but let’s hear from a couple of folks who’ve done this lovely work and you can look at more if you want to.
Jenny’s program gave me two incredible gifts. First, the lesson that pursuing joy, happiness, lightness, and comfort with horses at all times is good and is beautiful. So often we’re told to push through, to fight it out, that frustration and fear are normal with horses, and I didn’t want to live like that—that was not the horsemanship I longed for.
– Hannah Rivard and her horse Maia – she’d worked with some of the best trainers in the world and found her solution in our Fast Track program.
This double world champion wanted something different from Hannah
Double World Champion Reining Rider Kristine Nesbitt said “I found a confidence I never had before. It was bigger than my world championships.” Yes, she actually said that. The audio interview is here on the website, feel free to ask me for it but I won’t distract you right now. She said that what she got from one session here with me (her in Texas and me in Australia) was bigger than those world championships. She cleaned up a stuck spot in her riding seat that had been causing problems for months and did it in such a way that a difficult and dangerous horse was no longer difficult. But bigger than that, she resolved a life long confidence issue.
Her interview after our session was an eye opener about how even reaching the pinnacles of world championship competition is not as satisfying to the soul as the joyful connection that’s possible between a horse and rider – the joyful connection that she discovered with that dangerous horse after our session. Yeah – straight from a double world champion’s mouth.
This beginner rider flowed with her horse, glued to the saddle in her very first spook, on her very first trail ride.
Want to see more testimonials?My seat was still glued in and my body naturally flowed with her and we stayed together. This was my very first shy on any horse.
Valezka in Australia. You’ll see her in some of the Fast track videos.
Hang on a minute, don’t reach for your wallet yet! Are we the right fit for each other?
I offer a “love this program or get your money back” guarantee and there’s been only two times in seventeen years that I’ve needed to refund – and it was because I didn’t get them to think about these questions:
Are you open to doing things differently?
Because we don’t get these kind of results from doing things the same old way.
Are you gentle or do you want to be?
I ask that question because I wasn’t gentle myself – I didn’t know how, because I’d been taught some pretty high pressure ways of working – but I DID want to be.
Do you WANT to be able to listen to and understand your horse? Don’t worry about the “how” yet, that’s MY job and I’ve never met anyone I couldn’t teach this to.
Do you WANT to be able to listen to and understand your horse and use that in practical ways that will bring you outstanding results in both problem solving and creating lovely outcomes together?
Are you WILLING to put feeling good with your horse as the first priority? Mannn… you wouldn’t believe how much faster things progress when you put feeling good first!
Do you have a desire to be REALLY good with horses? If you have the desire, you can achieve just about anything.
If you’ve answered yes to those questions, then it looks like we’re a match. Fast Track is a PRACTICAL, step by step pathway to bring beautiful concepts into reality and you won’t find anything like it – or results anything like it – anywhere else in the world.
You might also need to know:
- that I’ve been known to swear when I get really passionate about something and that passion is a part of me.
- that although I’m not religious, this beautiful work seems to fit with all faiths.
As with all my programs, clinics and books – love this or get your money back.
In addition to the support of “YOUR dream is MY job”, here’s what else you get on Fast Track:
♦ First you’ll get the Foundation Principles that provide a framework for everything else you do, including getting you started on the Feel for your horse that is the hallmark of all the great horsemen and women. When you’ve soaked those up at your own pace…
♦ Then you trigger the rest of the Fast Track program – over 100 interactive audio and video lessons that step by step apply those principles for feeling good in every routine thing that you do with your horse – steadily building your Feel – including applying Feel to problem solving and the wonderful magnetic, centaur riding seat that I keep raving about.
♦ Support – as part of your support, depending on what brings you into Fast Track, I might get you to focus on a particular lesson or add something else from our 20 years of on-line resources. (Crikey has it been THAT long?) So let me know what it is that brings you to us, so I can point you to extra resources for that particular issue.
♦ More support. There’s a student only forum that contains vast amounts of specialized support for problem solving and a lovely community of like minded people. I can’t emphasize how special it is to have the support of a whole community of people who are either centered or know how to find it. There’s a section for asking me questions. There’s extra lessons on things like feet training for the feet trimmer or farrier, how to get them ready for a much easier dentist visit, solving a needle shy horse and more. It’s a quiet forum, full of people who spend time outside enjoying their horses.
♦ And even more support. Fast Track students get preference for the one on one live work with me on the free live seminars that are tongue in cheek called The Dummy Spit Anti-struggling revolution. Even if you don’t pick up Fast Track, you can register to join in those seminars and get those podcasts.
♦ Did you guess it? Even more support still! There’s an invaluable archive of seminars going back years on the student only forum – a treasure house of lessons and unedited live discussion that you can either browse through on a rainy day or I’ll point you to specific things that help you with the dream / problem that brought you into Fast Track.
♦ You work at your own pace. At the bottom of each page is the button to trigger the next lesson and you click that when you’re ready. I’ve done it that way so that even if you skim over some lessons as you go down the page to get to the button, they’ll be in your brain to come back to your attention if you need them.
♦ After the last Fast Track lesson, you’ll get a spinning wheel with links to every lesson, that you can playfully use to bring extra focus to some area of your horse life or reference a particular lesson that you want to revise.
♦ You keep your access to the whole program and the support that comes with it, “forever”. There’s no monthly fees.
♦ My “Love this program or get your money back” Guarantee.
$1500 – access and joy for a lifetime. Email me if you need a payment plan.
We also have seminars and podcasts and other free resources that I’m happy to point you to, as well as … (don’t skip over this bit) … as well as some ideas about how you might go about getting what you want here even if your wallet is empty, so email me about what brings you here. It might take me a while, but I answer EVERY email.