What contribution do you think a plugged in riding seat that’s kind of magnetized to your horse’s back, will have to your horse dream? Could THAT be the opportunity behind our fear of falling? Follow the Fast Track lessons and you’ll get that kind of riding seat here.
Have you ever fallen off too? Been injured or landed hard and “just” got a fright? I think you might be surprised at how many very advanced riders have suffered falls, been injured and live with the tension and worry of falling off even if it’s just ticking away in the background every time they ride. In fact, falling off is considered so “normal” that horse riding is rated as one of the top ten most dangerous activities and the level of injury is second only to being hit by a car.
How? The first dramatic reduction in falling is found in our riding seat.
There’s a riding position that is the foundation of what I call a magnetic riding seat. It’s a position that enables our bodies to flex with the horse’s movement like a smoothly operating spring. But that position is only the START, because it’s of no use to you if you have to stop and work at finding it every five minutes. In Fast Track, we have lessons to get rid of what’s BEHIND you not being in that perfect riding position, so that your beautiful riding seat is there on auto pilot. Yes auto pilot. Can you imagine how secure you’ll feel when you feel like you’re kind of sucked into the saddle like a magnet? And even if you lose your auto pilot, you’ll know how to get it back.
The second dramatic reduction in falling is found in clearing the stress and tension from old accidents
For those of you who’ve already had falls or accidents – the tension from those falls and accidents gets in the road of your ability to flow with your horse’s movement and is responsible for a tendency to get pinged out of the saddle when something goes wrong. So we have lessons in Fast Track to get rid of the fear and tension from old falls. Under the heading below “Is it really a Fast Track”, you can read about the phenomenal healing that can happen to even really old injuries when we get rid of the fear and tension from old falls.
The third dramatic reduction in falling off is being able to re-program our “not so useful” reactions easily.
There’s also old habits, where we established reactions – neural pathways in our brain – that are not useful to staying on our horse happily. “Not useful” – that’s one of my dry Aussie understatements there! Grabbing with our legs for example actually takes our seat bones out of the position where we can flow with our horse and makes a fall MORE likely.
Take bucking for example or pigrooting – pulling on the reins to stop that behavior is so instinctive but it actually adds power to the behavior, it escalates it and is the opposite of what we would ideally be doing. The second last lesson in Fast Track is one where you get to re-program your own “oh shit” reactions – where you re-program your own brain’s neural pathways, so that your new reactions get you OUT of trouble instead of into it.
The fourth dramatic reduction in your risk of falling off comes from your horse’s contribution.
That’s a bit of a derrrr… statement isn’t it? Of course our horse’s behavior is going to effect our risk of falling.
There’s this perception in the horse world that horses are nervy and unpredictable creatures. I can only call it bullshit. I may as well ‘fess up now, I swear sometimes, specially when I get really passionate about something. Nervy and unpredictable horses, spooking, shying, kicking, biting, separation anxiety, problems with being caught, don’t want to or can’t hold their feet up, disliking their girth being done up, or their bridles – NONE OF THIS IS NORMAL. It happens when we don’t understand how to listen to their horses and don’t know what to do about it. (I so envy the people I teach who are knowing this stuff from the beginning – what I could have done with this knowledge back when I was younger!)
There’s lesson after lesson in Fast Track that steadily eliminates every source of old fear and trauma from every aspect of their lives, even from an older horse. And while you’re helping your horse’s behavior, their body is healing, you’re developing the Feel of a world class horse person and you can kiss those “not good enough” feelings goodbye.
Sandra in the photo at the top of the page, was one of the first people through this on line program 12 years ago. She’s now a much loved and appreciated staff member and has become one of my own precious mentors.
We get such fabulous results BECAUSE it’s an on-line program
People come to this program for all kinds of reasons – some to solve behavior or health problems, some want to be really good with horses and to be brilliant riders, some are yearning for that beautiful spiritual connection, but they all have one thing in common. From beginners to very advanced riders – student after student have marveled at how an on line program can deliver such incredible results. Actually it’s the reverse. We get such fabulous results BECAUSE this is an on-line program and you’ll see why in the feature sections that are coming up a bit further down the page.
OK, let’s hear from some folks who’ve done this lovely work.
Jenny’s program gave me two incredible gifts. First, the lesson that pursuing joy, happiness, lightness, and comfort with horses at all times is good and is beautiful. So often we’re told to push through, to fight it out, that frustration and fear are normal with horses, and I didn’t want to live like that—that was not the horsemanship I longed for.
– Hannah Rivard and her horse Maia – she’d worked with some of the best trainers in the world and found her solution in our Fast Track program.
Kristine wanted something different from Hannah
Double World Champion Reining Rider Kristine Nesbitt said “I found a confidence I never had before. It was bigger than my world championships.” Yep, she actually said that. The audio interview is here on the website, but I won’t distract you with it right now. She said that what she got from one session here with me (her in Texas and me in Australia) was bigger than those world championships. She cleaned up a stuck spot in her riding seat that had been causing problems for months and did it in such a way that a difficult and dangerous horse was no longer difficult. But bigger than that, she resolved a life long confidence issue.
Her interview after our session was an eye opener about how even reaching the pinnacles of world championship competition is not as satisfying to the soul as the joyful connection that’s possible between a horse and rider – that she discovered with that dangerous horse after our session. Yeah – straight from a double world champion’s mouth.
But what do YOU want? Because you won’t feel good WHILE you’re getting it, by working hard.

You get what you want by working HAPPY.
I get that it’s a big deal to talk about connecting you with a way to reach your horse dreams. See… most people think that their horse dreams are going to be reached by working hard and learning more and more and more… I’m telling you that the fastest way to reach your horse dreams is by tapping the skill that is inside EVERYone – that I PROMISE you, is inside YOU too. We help you uncover that skill by systematically work your way through your horse’s life bringing ease and happiness for both you and your horse.
This program is different from anything you’ve ever seen or had before.
I was taught to listen to horses by the toughest, most resistant, most generous, most courageous horse I’ve ever known. These lessons were literally guided by Bobby in the photo above, then the rest of my herd, then by students’ horses joining in the fun as they systematically unfolded lesson after lesson. I marveled at the way each week THE HORSES came up with the perfect lesson for the next part of the program and how that turned out to be a step by step method for anyone who wants it, to know how to get the joyful and PRACTICAL connection and foundation of knowledge and skills that then brings them whatever it is that THEY are looking for.
All those years ago, Bobby repeatedly told me that my job was to connect the horses and people – to give them the skills and get out of their way – that what they did with those skills was up to them. I’ve come to understand since, that each person’s joy is to be found in what THEY and their horse wants together. You take the knowledge and skills in this foundation and apply it to whatever you want – you’ll use it to take you wherever you want to go.
And inside every horse is a Bobby just busting to help you get there.
Are we the right fit for each other though?
I think these questions will help you figure out the answer:
Are you gentle or do you want to be? I ask that question because I wasn’t gentle myself – I didn’t know how, because I’d been taught some pretty high pressure ways of working – but I DID want to be.
Are you open to doing things differently? Because we don’t get these kind of results from doing things the same old way.
Do you WANT to be able to listen to them and understand what’s going on behind that behavior or problem – yours or theirs? Don’t worry about the “how” yet, that’s MY job and I’ve never met anyone I couldn’t teach this to – do you WANT to be able to listen to them and understand them and use that in practical ways that will become a foundation for everything you ever do with them?
Do you have a desire to be REALLY good with horses?
If you’ve answered yes to those questions, then it looks like we’re a match. Fast Track is a PRACTICAL, step by step pathway to bring beautiful concepts into reality and you won’t find anything like it – or results anything like it – anywhere else in the world. If you need a payment plan, email me.
As with all my programs, clinics and books – love this or get your money back.
What Fast Trackers are saying
“then I met Jenny – embarked on her Fast Track program — and began glimpsing the beauty of pure connection with horses that I’d only dreamed of…”– Hannah was already a VERY advanced rider riding with some of the best teachers in the world.
“My seat was still glued in and my body naturally flowed with her and we stayed together. This was my very first shy on any horse.” Valezka, a beginner rider writing to me about her very first trail ride.
And K hilariously described the feeling she got as she was exploring a simple back-up with her horse in this new way, as “an orga$m of happiness.”
Read these (and more) testimonials here
If you’re on fire already
If you want to start straight away without wasting another minute then… it’s $1500 with access and joy for a lifetime.
Or read on for more detail…
I could talk underwater when I start talking about Fast Track, because it’s so incredibly special, so click on the photos of the areas that most interest you, if you want to expand that section.
Click on the photos to expand on the areas that interest you
World class Feel for your horse
I get it. When I start talking about world class Feel I can hear people going into “Na… I couldn’t be THAT good.” But here’s the thing – I’ve figured out how to teach it. Feel takes already advanced people into a whole new level of skill with a horse and it enables even novice riders to escalate into more and more flashes of world class horsemanship. Click on the photo to read more if you doubt that whole “world class horsemanship” thing.
Innovative techniques
for a brilliant riding seat

You don’t have to be riding bareback and bridle-less like Sandra, to want to be “sucked into the saddle like a magnet” and “change crappy old tension and muscle memory super fast”. Fast Track is full of innovative techniques that makes improving our skills so much easier and faster. Click on the picture to read more about them.
Is it really a fast track?
Our RELEASE, RE-LEARN and RE-PROGRAM formula is the key that speeds progress so much more than the struggle that is normal in the horse world. It’s sports psychology meets alternative therapy and it changes things FAST. Steve was a four star eventer. He very politely doubted that there even could be such a thing as a fast track – he’d spent a lifetime learning from some of the greatest masters in the world when he was in the final qualifying for the Aussie Olympic team. Just a few weeks later, he grinned at me and agreed. Click on the picture to read about what prompted that remark. You’ll get to prove it for yourself with our “love this program or get your money back” guarantee.
Healing for horses
Oh mannn… this work is sooo good for our horse’s back and joints and extends their happy ridden life. I’ve spent half my working life in the healing industry and even I was staggered at the kind of healing that can happen when the way we train them supports our horse to systematically to RELEASE old emotional stresses and bring their mind, body and spirit back into well being when we attend to all of their stresses and tensions. It’s simple and systematic and beautifully bonding for horse and person. Click on the photo to see the video of this incredibly damaged horse healing in 8 weeks and have your tissues handy.
Healing for people
When we help our horses, they’re in a much better position to carry through on their desire to help us. There’s healing for people too woven through the Fast Track program, as a natural part of getting better with our horses. Some of the stories you’ll read about here, show you the wonderfully healing things that are possible when human and horse are working to feel good together. I picked out just two of these incredible healings – click on the picture to read more.
Develop new skills
Advanced sports psychology meets leading edge physical therapy, meets healing again. I’ve solved why people think they don’t learn new things easily. We use simulations to take the pressure off learning new and better skills, in a way that gives our brain the chance to make new neural connections easily. Then we ANCHOR this progress into muscle memory. This is another reason we can call Fast Track FAST. Click on the picture to read more about how.
Confidence for the horse
I see people underestimating horses all the time – heck I’VE underestimated horses too. We step into a whole new world with horses when we help them to let go of old anxiety and the stress and tension in their bodies that goes with it. I’ve seen them completely change their personality as they’ve gained the confidence in knowing that they’re heard – when they know that we know HOW to support them to live their lives free from unnecessary stress and anxiety. This is my tiny granddaughter on Blondie for Blondie’s errr… I think it was her third ride ever AND this little horse had been one of the ten scaredest horses I had ever met – and I’ve met some lulus. This pony is in her DEEP Comfort Zone carrying this little girl. Click on the picture to see how we achieved that.
Confidence for the rider
I was taught to ignore my fear and be brave. Not only were they wrong, it’s a seriously crappy way to live, as well as a crappy way to work with horses. Being and feeling safe is at the root of confidence – and from that, all the other good stuff flows. You’ll learn how to systematically eliminate every cause of anxiety and tension and you’ll be surprised at the joy you can experience together. Click here for my philosophy about confidence.
In the Fast Track program you get:
♦ More than 100 lessons – a mix of interactive audio and video lessons for the wonderful magnetic riding seat that I keep raving about AND lessons to help you to help your horse systematically de-stress their life and become that happy co-operative partner.
♦ Work at your own pace. At the bottom of each page is the button to click through to the next lesson. First you’ll get the foundation principles and then when you’re ready, you can trigger the access to the rest of the Fast Track program to step by step apply those principles. You keep that access “forever”.
♦ A student only forum that contains vast amounts of specialized support for problem solving and a lovely community of like minded people. I can’t emphasize how special it is to have the support of a whole community of people who are either centered or know how to find it. There’s extra lessons on things like feet training for the feet trimmer or farrier, how to get them ready for a much easier dentist visit, solving a needle shy horse, extra lessons to solve the more traumatic separation anxiety and more.
♦ Fast Track students get preference for the one on one live work with me on the free live seminars that are tongue in cheek called The Dummy Spit Anti-struggling Revolution. Even if you don’t pick up Fast Track, you can register to join in those seminars. You’ll find the link on the sidebar of every blog, which is underneath the article if you’re using a phone.
♦ There’s an invaluable archive of monthly seminars going back years on the student only forum – a treasure house of lessons and live discussion.
♦ My “Love this program or get your money back” Guarantee.
$1500 – access and joy for a lifetime