One of the beautiful things that happens on Fast Track (and all our programs) is the healing of people – mentally, emotionally and physically. Steve in the photo is just one of them, there’s many more examples too.
HOW does that healing happen though?
You’ll either smile every time you hear me say this or get sick of it… Emotional stress causes physical tension that adversely effects muscles and bones and through the energy meridians that the Chinese taught us about, the organs are eventually adversely affected as well.
So when you reverse this process and Release stress – healing happens.
FEEL for your horse as a mechanism for healing
Eliminating emotional stress involves understanding your unique talent for your unique way of Feeling for others. For example, using our Feel, the emotion of fear mostly becomes an easy to understand, mild feeling that I call the early warning signal that Something is Not Quite Right. You can still feel a bigger fear – usually a LOT less often – but you’ll use fear to help you and your horse to feel safe – so it’s a momentary feeling.
Staying with fear as an example, when we use our fear the way it was designed, there’s none of this bottling up of stress that leads to tension that leads to illness. Getting understanding of a current fear, will often release a flood of OLD fears and stress and tensions from the past.
So getting good at Feel for our horse that we learn in order to help THEM, becomes an easy and almost automatic journey of healing for ourselves as well.
Ditto with frustration and anger and all the other crappy feeling emotions. And ditto again with pain and discomfort, pent up stuck energy, anguish, worrying yourself sleepless. I could talk about this stuff underwater, but we’ll leave it at that for the moment!
The fright imprint
There’s a thing that happens when we have an accident or a fall – we tense our bodies up with fright at the point of impact. The residual tension is stuck in our bodies, adversely effecting our ability to flow with our horse. Multiple falls or really bad falls, build up layers of that tension that actually brace your body in the saddle when something goes wrong and that bracing actually CAUSES the next fall – the bracing itself pings you out of the saddle. I call that tension a fright imprint. If you’ve fallen off or had a big accident, you’ve experienced what I mean – it’s that tension that you feel when you go to get on that horse again or drive that car again.
Here’s the thing though folks – the tension didn’t go away when you pushed your way through it – you just got used to it. And it’s been lurking in there, biting you on the butt every time something else went wrong that triggered a bit of a fright. The build up of layers of that tension is one of two causes of riders losing their nerve and there’s two lessons to fix it in Fast Track. Actually we fix BOTH causes of riders losing their nerve on Fast Track. 🙂 Do you get how BIG this is? To be able to flow with your horse again with complete confidence? After Steve had done repeated releasing of his lifetime of big falls and healing the injuries caused by them, he described what he felt like afterwards. His voice was filled with wonder as he said “I’ve got my childhood ease back.”
If the fright is more like PTSD than residual tension, then you can do those two lessons, then come into our free monthly seminars and work with me live or you can add paid sessions if you have a super serious PTSD problem.
Relaxed horses and HeartMath
Another of the lovely ways of working with horses in the way that we do here, is the healing that can be triggered just by relaxing in the presence of a relaxed horse.
A study from the HeartMath Institute measured the physical effect of a horse on a human. They measured that within 55 metres of a horse, people’s heart rates evened out, their blood pressure dropped and their breathing slowed down and there was an increase in the feel good hormones that also reduce pain.
The thing that I observed is, that the the healing effect is accelerated in the presence of a RELAXED horse – and I mean a truly relaxed horse who is feeling confident in what’s happening. That means you can be in overwhelm and just being in the presence of your RELAXED horse can help bring you out of it. (I always think it’s a good idea to do nothing at all with them, except relax ourselves, in these circumstances.)
There’s a whole new level of relaxation that comes in a horse from releasing tension when they feel heard. So what happens on Fast Track, is that as you “listen” to your horse with your Feel, they find a deeper level of relaxation and because of that, they’re helping YOU to find it too. So you and your horse escalate each other into more and more relaxation, more and more confidence and more and more healing opportunities.
I’ve watched and felt horses DELIBERATELY influencing the healing of a person in trouble. They awe me…
Good posture is not boring!
Another trigger for healing things that are often considered impossible to heal is good posture. I’ve become the posture Queen -I am sooo… passionate about it. On Fast Track you’ll discover that good posture isn’t about standing up straight like I was taught at school – it’s about our bodies working kind of like the giant spring they were designed to be – with fluid, flowing movement that is easy on the muscles and joints.
When we remove the jarring on the joints by bringing someone into EFFORTLESSLY good posture with our release Re-learn and Re-Program work, then the body can heal itself the way it was designed to – like Steve’s body healed from over 100 falls (holy shit REALLY over 100 falls!) Some of which he had been carrying the injuries of, 20 years later.
And now he doesn’t…
Also like Kristina healing her arthritis in the video below.
Kristina’s Healing of Crippling Arthritis
Kristina was my working student, living here with us for nearly a year. She worked her way through the Fast Track program as well as living all the principles of self awareness that we teach in Fast Track, in the rest of her life as well. Her healing was phenomenal and supposedly impossible.
She arrived here crippled with arthritis that she’d had since childhood. You can watch her inspiring story in the video below.
Contact me if you would like to specifically work out a plan for recovery of a health condition that includes working with your horse in a beautiful way.
You’re on fire already? Here’s what you get on Fast Track
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The Fast Track to Brilliant Riding