Understanding what to know or do about that crappy anxiety stuff BEFORE you do anything else – even if that means before you walk into the field or the barn – means you and your horse’s life is transformed right at the beginning of the program.
It’s THAT simple.
EFFORTLESSNESS applies to confidence issues too – even the most crippling anxiety. And oh mannn… I get goosebumps and a bit emotional thinking about how much this work transforms people’s lives when their confidence is an issue.
Feelings of safety are absolutely necessary for our mental, emotional and physical well being. Feeling safe should start from the very beginning – even BEFORE we walk into the paddock or field, the stable or barn – that’s why the words in this photo are so important.
On Fast Track, when there’s confidence issues, whether they’re the human’s or the horse’s, we get to the bottom of every single fear and anxiety, every worry and tension and fix it, so that it just doesn’t exist any more. So that it just doesn’t exist any more…
That’s why I can talk about EFFORTLESS confidence.
I don’t know about you, but I was taught to make fear wrong – to ignore my fear and anxiety and be brave.
That didn’t work for me. Did it work for you? Can you feel the smile in my voice? I can smile because I KNOW that there’s a solution to even the most paralyzing fears and confidence issues.
Fear is simply a message that there is something going on here to be worried about and when we listen to and take action on that fear to make ourselves be and feel safe, then pfft! the fear is gone – TRULY gone, not just pushed down to bite us on the butt later.
It’s THAT simple.
Fear is our excellent survival instinct at work and we shouldn’t be ignoring it. Ignoring any level of fear or anxiety or worry or tension, actually gets in the way of the fun and happiness that we are looking for with our horse.
The goal in Fast Track is to develop and fine tune our early warning signal that something is “Not Quite Right” and every time we deal with a fear in the way I teach people to do here, it’s like more and more pressure comes off even the folks who’ve been dealing with overwhelming anxieties big enough for panic attacks.
When I hear people say things like “face your fear and do it anyway” I shake my head. When we ignore our fear and nerves, we are actually risking getting hurt. Ignoring our fear is what makes horse riding considered such a dangerous sport when it sure as heck doesn’t need to be.
Sure, there are some old fears/even traumas that can raise their head again when there is no CURRENT risk of being hurt – but when we slow down and allow ourselves to listen to and understand those old fears, then the pain of them can be truly released – gone just as easily as the present day fears are when they’re understood and acted on. That’s what makes EFFORTLESS confidence possible.
Just pause on that for a minute, because it’s a VERY big deal. When we slow down and allow ourselves to listen to and understand those old fears, then the pain of them is pfft! gone. Pffft is the sound of something going really fast. 🙂
I keep saying “It’s THAT simple.” because it IS that simple.
This is VERY powerful work and part of the EFFORTLESSNESS that I keep talking about, we aim for in just about everything on Fast Track.
Then there’s this thing that happens with fear and excitement. They both operate out of the adrenal glands and when we DON’T use fear to make ourselves safe the way it was designed, they feel very similar. They kind of collapse together and then we can’t tell the difference. It’s actually collapsed excitement that people are talking about when they say things like “face your fear and do it anyway”. (I doubt that they really want you to give up your survival mechanism!)
One of the great joys in my life is leading people to that moment where they recognize that what they were feeling as fear, is actually excitement. When they’re no longer sabotaging themselves by running away from what is really excitement – that’s another moment that transforms lives.
Confidence looks different for different people
For Kristine Nesbitt, a double World Champion Reining Rider, a recurring shoulder discomfort had its origins in a lack of confidence about loping a particularly dangerous horse and the answer that brought her release had another confidence issue behind it that was totally unexpected and life changing. There’s an audio interview with her on the blog where she talks about how that lesson and the confidence that came from it, being more meaningful than her two world championships. Yeah I know, that’s big hey!
For another lady, her fear was so debilitating that she couldn’t lead her horse out of the paddock without shaking with fear. Most people with confidence issues will no doubt be somewhere between those two extremes. 🙂
We each of us gets to THIS point in our lives, with THIS horse, uniquely – and to REALLY find effortless confidence, each person’s changes will need to be just as unique. On Fast Track, we show you how to deal with your own issues as an individual (and we can hold your hand while you do that if you need it). People learn to find an ease and confidence between themselves and their horse – releasing even old fears and terrors – and the benefits of that flows into their lives outside of horses as well.
Simple techniques – powerful outcomes.
On Fast Track we systematically and step by step eliminate every cause of our nerves and anxiety for ourselves and our horse, starting before we walk into the paddock or field, the stable or barn – then the whole process itself becomes this beautiful journey of happiness and joyfulness that unfolds into being able to do everything that you ever dreamed of with your horse.
And the foundation of that is that you not only deserve to BE safe, you deserve to FEEL safe. You and your horse both.
You and your horse both… What will that feel like for you?
And from that safety, comes effortless confidence.
If you’ve heard enough and you just want the program and pricing details, then read on. If confidence is an issue, tell me all about it, so I can point you to the right extra resources. If you’d like to know the rest of the lovely outcomes you can get from this program then click here.
If you’re on fire already, don’t reach for your wallet yet! Are we the right fit for each other? Click on the heading below to find out.
You’re on fire already? Here’s what you get on Fast Track