The next live event is 7am Sunday 2nd March, Melbourne time. Dates are “God willing and the crick don’t rise” as my Texan friend says, until set in cement and advised by email the week before.
You can bring whatever horse or life subjects you’d like support with. I’ll work one on one with as many people as I can in the time, plus I usually do something as a group.
You’ll get the best out of this event if you’ve read about and experienced the basic principles in 30 Seconds to Change Your Life. There’s no need to register here if you’ve already got the book.
Work out your time for this event on the world time clock.
About our revolution
At the head of this dummy spit revolution are free seminars and podcasts on a wide variety of topics themed around happiness, healing, horses and creating or changing anything you care about. You can see those on specific topics below the registration form.
Over a decade ago, I did a big dummy spit – actually pulled the imaginary baby’s dummy (pacifier to you Americans) out of my mouth, threw it on the ground and stamped on it, grinding it under my foot and dancing on it in temper. Anyone watching me would have had me locked up. I was sooo over struggling. I was sooo over doing things the hard way. I was sooo over feeling crappy far too often.
The work we do here and the lovely community built around it, the free events with the opportunity to work with me live, the clinics, the training programs, all of it started with that desire for no more struggle and the ahhaaa moment when I realized this work isn’t just about horses – there’s an enormous and beneficial ripple effect of inner peace and happiness into all parts of our lives and the world around us.
We’ve added podcasts – and I think they were doozies! Click the picture (left) to go to the podcast channel and don’t forget to leave a star!
Maude & Rambo – More than joy
When the unbelievable is normal – a conversation with Anna-Karin
Communicate with a mosquito? Really? A conversation with a young French scientist.
Dog pulling on their lead? A gentle fix in an interview with Sandy Rakowitz.
Completed Seminars that had a specific topic
Animal Communication seminar
We just want to be heard
Email me and ask for whatever completed seminar it is that you’d like to have and I’ll send you the link to the recording and any accompanying videos and lessons. Most of the audio is raw and unedited, with all the ums and ahhs and pauses for people to be feeling inside themselves as we help them find their own ahhaaa mooments.
The Third Way – a way of resolving conflict without the need for compromise – with horses, in personal relationships and a “change our world” kind of way.
8’ish years ago, in a horse clinic, we stumbled on (or were led to) a truth so big and far reaching that it has the capacity to change the world around us. In this live event we expanded our horse experience of the inner peace and power of the Third Way into our life experiences of conflict and then out to influence the world around us.

Pain leading to healing
How the heck do we stop resisting something that hurts so much? And how does that help us get rid of it?
We started by understanding it… And knowing that it’s possible to solve even the deep and meaningful and painful stuff, with lightness of spirit in this revolutionary seminar.
Eliminating Anxiety
Anxiety would have to be the scourge of modern times and the amount of horse people who experience anxiety is eye watering and for good reason. Understanding WHY we experience fear, is the first step to eliminating it. Inner peace no matter what is going on around us is utterly achievable and easy thanks to our horses. Just like the drop of water in this picture, there’s a beautiful ripple effect of US eliminating OUR anxiety into our families and the world around us.

The foundation of healing for horses
Gosh this seminar was huge in its information and its results. Applying this foundation to ANYthing that ails your horse will give you and them the best chance for success. You can apply this foundation to everything from arthritis, to Cushings, EMS, lameness, recurring colic, back injuries and any other health problem you can think about. This seminar is about the FOUNDATION to successful healing – people’s results knocked our socks off.
A really good riding seat and clear up back pain
I take you through a posture session for a really good riding seat using my super advanced sports psychology meets leading edge physical therapy, meets healing, to get the extraordinary results that are routine in this work. This way of working gives us a magnetic sucked into the saddle feeling, enables our horse to move more freely for better performance and enables us to heal our horse’s back instead of hurt them.
While we were at it, we cleared up some chronic back pain and gave those who have to sit for long periods, an easy posture to do that sitting in a physically healthy way.
How self sabotage happens and what to do about it – easily
In this seminar I interviewed two students who had made huge breakthroughs in feeling good in and out of horses, in a lesson on how self sabotage happens and what to do about it – easily.
Understanding our desires and our goals and eliminating the depression that is so often associated with them.
The subject was about understanding the link between our goals and what we want in life and the gradual erosion of joy that can happens when we don’t understand how to bring those wants and desires and goals to fruition. We also talked about how to eliminate depression and replace it with lightness of spirit and enjoyment of life. The idea of working with people live is so that everyone can see how easy it can be to change depression when it’s approached w’holistically and that everyone listening can benefit from experiencing that process of change.

“How ordinary people too can create miracles”.
In this seminar I interviewed Narel and Ian Wilson about a real live example of ordinary people creating miracles AND we talked about how ordinary people like all of us can do the same. We talked about all the threads that pulled together to keep her husband and son, their horses and their farm, all safe during many hours raining fire during the apocalyptic fires of 2019/2020.
We watched two videos of what happened – I’ll leave them here – while you’re watching them, think… not one single horse in a whole herd of horses – not one single horse with one single burn on them. We talked about how ordinary people like you and me can create that kind of opportunity.
Click here to watch the footage of firefighters one block from Narel’s house.
And click here for video of the firefighters dash cam literally outside their farm. That’s their boundary fence in the video. The speed of the fire in that real time video is staggering. It rained fire for most of the night and not one horse had one burn on them.
And mannn… your horses are going to LOVE this one!

The secret to extraordinary healing.
You didn’t need a horse for this seminar and you’re welcome to share this around with friends and loved ones who want to learn more, are open to something different and / or are unwell and would like to experience healing as they listen to the recording.

Feel good Problem Solving Seminar
Just imagine it. Feeling peaceful, excited, happy, curious as to the outcome – even joyful – WHILE you’re solving WHATever kind of problem that you have.
Making a homeopathic medicine for your animals.
Continued on from the homeopathy workshop – teaching you how to use a pendulum to work out the succussions and dosages so that you can apply a similar homeopathic medicine to your horses or other animals.
You didn’t need to be a horse person for this session, so feel free to encourage your friends who might be interested, to register for the lessons, videos and recording of this important seminar for those who are looking for simple tools to look after their animals themselves.
There’s a buy now button at the bottom of the page, for $30. On the Paypal form you’ll see a space to let me know which seminar that you want and I’ll send you the link. or email me on the contact page.
Creating a homeopathic medicine for yourself to release the side effects of vaccinations and old chemical toxic residues.
We step by step created the homeopathic from your own saliva, learned how fear and limiting beliefs create blockages to our body’s ability to heal, took the medicine and did a Quiet Mind to release fears and limiting beliefs around vaccinations and chemicals.
There’s a buy now button at the bottom of the page, for $30. On the Paypal form you’ll see a space to let me know which seminar that you want and I’ll send you the link. or email me on the contact page.
The extraordinary healing that can happen when we help our horse to be happy holding their feet for the trimmer or farrier
This seminar was MUCH further reaching than people expected – with step by step techniques for releasing old stress and tension from real life examples AND for getting happy holding their feet up.
There’s a buy now button at the bottom of the page, for $30. On the Paypal form you’ll see a space to let me know which seminar that you want and I’ll send you the link. or email me on the contact page.
The healing opportunities in Burn-out
It was rescheduled from October because of storms and power outages. We had an awesome seminar where a nurse found the real source of of the tiredness that had been “bringing her to her knees” and it wasn’t the overwork of the health system these days. We also did a (repeatable) meditation for everyone to drop at least one of the threads that were contributing to their own tiredness or burnout. Yes this will help your horsemanship too, because all kinds of overwhelm gets in the way of the all important Feel for your horse.
Upcoming topics:
It is impossible to separate being a beautiful rider from peace of mind and healing – and here we do both, for the benefit of our horses, ourselves and the world around us.
Click here to get notified of upcoming free seminars.
Picture: This stunning painting is by Catherine Clark Dowden Artwork. You’ll find Catherine on Facebook here.