The ability to communicate clearly with your animal in an instant flowing way, is a gift of joy to both of you beyond imagining.. This Animal communication seminar is a gift from me to you and your horse.
Feeling heard changes EVERYthing. For some horses BEing and FEELing heard brings them a feeling of safety and comfort for the first time outside of their mothers. Just imagine what that’s like for them. Their mental, emotional and physical well-being can be understood, misunderstandings cleared up – even old misunderstandings understood and the old tension from them released.
We tend to think of animal communication as some mysterious thing where someone “hears” the voice of the animal – whereas that’s only a fraction of how animals communicate and a fraction of how humans can experience that communication. EVERYone can be good at listening to and communicating with their animal – when they use their own natural talents of what I call our Inner Guidance system.
Here’s an audio of highlights from the Animal Communication seminar that so beautifully demonstrate what people can experience and achieve when they use their own, utterly unique Inner Guidance system like this.
Click here if you need an alternate recording.
Here’s 7 steps for you too, to communicate effectively with your animal.
Not having a quiet mind is why so many people think they can’t do this stuff. It’s bit like when the vacuum cleaner is going so loud that you can’t hear the telephone ringing. When OTHER things in your mind are busy busy busy, you can’t hear the animals – so learning how to Quieten our mind is the first step.
Paying gentle attention to our outward breath and all the feelings that we experience in our body while we’re paying attention to our outward breath, is an excellent way to Quieten our mind.
Inner awareness, what we call our Inner Guidance system, is a way that we can quieten our mind. It includes the five ways of Feeling that we talk about in every seminar. If this is your first time with us or you’d like a refresher, I’ve put a link here that you can look at for more detailed information.
Seminar addition – the five ways of feeling our inner guidance system and our connection to others
Allow you attention to wander over your body noticing whatever changes INSIDE YOU as you look at or think of your animal.
What changes IS your animal. What changes IS this unique connection between you and them. Some animals will communicate with their people with thought and ideas, some will communicate with you emotionally, some with energy, some physically by showing you their aches and pains and physical tensions. We’ll explore that further in the group session.
It’s common for these feelings to be quite subtle at first. It just takes practice and a commitment to communicating with your animal, which can be tremendous fun as well as making life for them and us easier.
Right now we’re doing this deliberately, but there’s all kinds of circumstances in which we experience our connection to our animals on auto pilot – IN THE SAME WAY. That’s one of the reasons that you’ll hear me asking “Is that feeling yours?” or “Is that feeling all yours?” so often to people on live events.
Some of you new folk who are strong animal lovers are going to be surprised at how much of what you think is your own anxiety, sadness and even depression will actually have been caused by an animal trying to communicate with you in the past. Each layer of that old misunderstood communication that we buried in our body creates more and more anxiety and eventually depression – that’s released and transformed very quickly with the work we do here. You’ll see it happen in the one on one work today.
Sit quietly, drop into your Inner Awareness as per the link on Step 2. Then ask yourself what do you want to know about your animal? Make it a simple, gentle, non blaming, non judgemental, curious question. Ideas:
- “Is there anything you want me to know?”
- “Is there anything you want right now?”
- If they have any health issues, you might ask them something like “Is there anything you need to support your healing?”
- If they have any behavioral issues, you might like to ask them “What do you want me to know about… (insert behavioral issue)?” or Why are you … (insert behavior here)?
- add your own ideas to this list.
Important note: When the right answer comes into your mind, it ALWAYS feels good, it feels right, it feels expansive.
You’ll know that you’ve understood what your animal is communicating, depending on your natural talents in the Five ways of Feeling, when you feel RELIEF in the following kind of ways:
- Those with strong Mental Feel who worry a lot will feel their RELIEF as their mind goes quiet with a peaceful feeling.
- Those with strong Emotional Feel will feel their RELIEF at understanding the fear, sadness, frustration, grief etc and the crappy feeling emotions will just disappear. You’ll be left with a feeling of happiness, peacefulness even joy like it did for young Ryleigh on the call today when she was laughing and crying at the same time with the big happiness. (Which you’ll read in the next brag article is still happening.)
- Those with strong Energy Feel will feel their RELIEF as their energy starts to flow again. That might show up in something like the goosebumps running up and down your back like it did to me in the session today.
- Those with strong Physical Feel will feel their RELIEF as a relaxation of the tension that they’ve been experiencing and a lessening or even disappearance of physical discomfort, aches and pains like Louise did in the session today. Or their tight breathing will get easy and deeper and more even again or their heart beat may slow down.
- Those with a strong Heart Feel will feel their RELIEF as a disappearance of the anguish and despair and … it’s hard to explain… it’s a kind of confidence, a knowing of what’s really going on there for that animal that is filled with love and acceptance and sometimes gratitude, that everything really is happening perfectly FOR everyone involved. They might also experience feelings around their heart as the energy centre around their heart expands and relaxes.
Describe / write down EXACTLY what you experience. If you don’t understand what you’re feeling, then ask for more – don’t fall into the trap of interpreting what you’re getting, which is another way of saying “don’t add your own crap to it.” Adding our own crap to what we hear / feel is a sure way to get a crappy answer. 🙂 If no more understanding comes when you ask for more, then stop for today and maybe come back another time. Often the answer will flow in after we stop trying to get it. So pay attention to the things that pop into your mind about this animal over the next day or so.
This is a REALLY big deal and the thing that is most often missed in animal communication. Communication is a two way street. So however you experience them communicating to you, THEY will be experiencing you communicating to them. I remember one horse described their person’s unresolved fear felt to them as being like “barbed wire”.
It’s a VERY big deal that understanding our own feelings and understanding how we experience our connection to our animal ensures that the two way of communication is “clean”.
It’s a glorious thing to develop a two way “conversation” with your feelings.
It seems like such a derrr thing to say, but our Happiness depends on us noticing when we feel good. Appreciating it and soaking it up is a part of that, that actually creates more feeling good and more happiness.
Keys to Success
Trying too hard gets in the way, so relax and smile a little because I’ve noticed that a frowny face is a sure sign that we’re trying too hard. This stuff is effortless and if it isn’t, then put your hand up in this or any other live event so I can help you get rid of whatever is blocking your Feel. Our paid programs are fabulous too – I’ve put some links down the bottom of the page.
Trying to copy someone else’s way of doing it, is a recipe for failure – whether it’s Joe Blow down the road or that famous person or even that incredibly brilliant animal communicator or horseman or woman that you admire, this is OUR Inner Guidance system and can only come from the INSIDE of us.
This is a PRACTICE thing, the more you practice, the more blockages you clean up that are stopping you from hearing / feeling and understanding them, the easier it gets and the more instantly the communication flows.
Just imagine being able to apply those skills to everything you do with your horse?
Mannn we have some wonderful opportunities in our work to take this further. For the horse people, the newly revamped Fast Track is an experience of steadily building happiness for you and your horse, framed in a very practical experience of a beautiful riding seat and an expressive horse dancing into their self carriage like we were talking about with Johanna from Scotland with her horse Jensen who had been making himself small so that her stuck pelvis could cope with his movement. Did that one bring a tear to YOUR eyes too?
The Fast Track to Brilliant Riding
That session that Johanna talked about in the seminar, that uncovered the reason for her stuck pelvis and released it – I do that session / healing work routinely as part of what I do. Not all the causes are genetic and as big and dramatic as Johanna’s was. You’ll hear the story on the recording – I can only imagine how hard her Finnish grandmother was trying to keep that baby inside her as she ran from the Russian Army pouring over the border in World War 2 – no wonder that pelvis was stuck tight!
Private lessons with Jenny
And for horse and animal lovers more generally is the on-line book (not an e-book) “Holy Shit is that really true”. It’s an EXPERIENCE of happiness and healing and joyful creation. This book too has recently had some big changes that I’m jumping up and down excited about and it’s only $25. You can find out more about that here.
Holy Shit is that really true?
An important note about anti-depressants
Now I want to talk about Anti-depressants and their effect on communication, because the use of anti depressants is so prevalent and depression is so fixable. Some people will find that their feeling of connection to their animal is dulled by anti-depressants – they’re designed to dull our feelings. But very often you’ll just experience it a bit differently than you would have otherwise. So if you’re on anti-depressants, then watching your animal while you work at the beginning might be useful to you – they’ll usually give you some kind of physical signal that you’re understanding them. Horses will lick and chew when you understand them or they understand you. Dogs and cats can look at you and lick their lips. When stress releases from an animal – which often happens when they feel heard and understood – they can yawn and stretch, scratch, some may need to move.
The blurb on the sheet inside the box says anti-depressants are meant to be used short term while you work out what’s depressing you and I think we can help you with that. There’s a line in my book Holy Shit is That Really True? that says “My simple promise to people who are ill, suffering from depression, or the extremes of anxiety, dread and panic attacks, if these have been making your life crappy, then we’ve got your back.” That book is very good at explaining what’s behind depression, anxiety and illness and it includes a way of leading people step by step out of all those circumstances.
Do you need an experienced Animal Communicator right now?
If you don’t have time to get your own experience happening, here’s two fabulous animal communicators who also understand our Feel work.
Narel Wilson is an extraordinary animal communicator who I first met at a clinic here, who then came up through the Fast Track to Brilliant program, to be on staff with us here. Her day job, farm and family commitments means that she’s not as visible on staff as Caroline and Sandra.
You can contact Narel at Terebinth on Facebook
Lauren Lee Sarlya is another brilliant animal communicator from our lovely horse community, who has also come through our Fast Track program and understands Feel. She specializes in living horses and InSpirit pets.
You’ll find Lauren on Facebook here.
Do you want more of our free seminars?
If you haven’t yet registered to get the connection details of our monthly seminars, then you can find out more about them here – the registration is down the page a little way.
The dummy spit Anti-Struggling Revolution
Follow up on Ryleigh’s extraordinary expansion into feeling Mr Winx’s heart in this later article.
13 years old and she found “it”
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