Happiness is not an airy fairy fantasy, wishes do come true and you’re about to learn how to bring miracles into everyday life.
Change something that upsets or worries you, create something new and wonderful, experience your own extraordinary ability to heal, release stress and get your energy back, influence someone else’s crappy behavior to improve and resolve a conflict you didn’t think is resolvable.
Learn how to change your life in 30 seconds or I’ll give you your money back.
Pick ONE thing to work on through the book, use all the built in supports that are appropriate for that thing you’re working on, come into a live event and work with me live – and if you don’t believe that you’ve been given the most incredible gift of being able to create or change anything that you want AND if you haven’t learned how to change your life in 30 seconds AND if you haven’t experienced it? Then I’ll give you your money back.
I am that confident in what you can do with this book and the simple and incredibly powerful process in it.
This is feel for your horse on steroids, bringing horse magic into every part of your life.
And far out… even though this IS NOT a horse book, you’ll understand just what a big gift our Feel for our horses has brought us as we use it to create a wonderful life and a wonderful world around us.
This world first book format is so that I can bring you the kind of support that isn’t possible in a paper and ink book.
At the bottom of every page you click through to the next. Keep your eye out and take advantage of all the extras that come from 14 years of successfully running happiness, healing and on-line horse programs. Be part of a community on the special pages where I’ve opened up the opportunity for questions, support and sharing your experiences with like minded people.
It works beautifully on your phone
$25 Aussie dollars to bring a whole new level of hope and happiness, confidence and even the kindness of others into your life.
You’d think it was some kind of joke if you didn’t know me already. The power and the fun you can have with this will knock your socks off. Heads up – you can see from the title that there’s some mild Aussie swearing in the book. Nothing worse than the title.
Maude was one of the first people to finish the new book and this was before the new re-write. She said:
“I have found more stillness, even in busyness.
I’m convinced that just finding stillness and being curious about what’s happening inside us on all levels has changed the course of my life – I am living a richer life, in all areas. Some dramatic changes are that I have more work with better pay, which in turn means my daughter can get back into the school she wants after being at home for a year. The horses have a more attuned carer and our relationships are evolving all the time. When I think of where I was with them a few years ago, it’s like day and night.”
Charlie wanted to share with you his experience of a cascade of 30 seconds’s in a very short period of time, that released his need for self medicating for the first time. We wrote about it in this blog and there’s more in the comments.
So I had my gym and aqua session today. A preparation for double full knee replacements, (1 yr wait), which the physio wondered why I need it, due to the amount of movement, muscle and strength I have. Hmm, it’s called crushed bone…
After I returned home, one knee was beyond pain this afternoon.
Iced, and rested I
then sat with your Reiki session and even with an interruption, I was able to move around and the pain subsided by 90%.
Thank you…🤗
I’m so glad to hear you’re getting relief Sandra. You’ve been in our community for a while now, how far into the book are you?
It REALLY is TRUE! This book can heal and create happiness beyond what you think is possible. I have had incredible break throughs with the techniques from this book, healing emotional and physical pain. If you need help to start with, reach out to Jenny she has a gift of being able to help anyone work through issues of any kind!
Thanks for the rap Jolene. <3 You've done some awesome work...
Hi jenny how are you?? do you sell paperback copies…. I love holding a book in my hands and it encourages my kids to read too!!
No to the paper book Trina and I don’t think it will happen either. You’ll see why when you get in there, because a paper and ink book couldn’t have the sort of support that comes built in with this version. That support wraps you up and makes it possible for everyone to “get” it.
Jenny created an awesome guide on how to stop pushing your emotions (and everything that makes you you) down and helps you discover what possibilities come from that.
Highly recommend this book to anyone!
Thanks Kristina! <3