From a small child, I always knew I was going to be a writer.
It turned out that a passion for horses and healing work led me back to that original dream. Horses led me to the healing work and the healing work has led me back to the horses again in a beautiful circle that continues to flow – with books and online programs to help horse riders and non horse riders alike to live lives filled with happiness and well-being.
And then horse magic expanded out into the rest of our lives and created an opportunity to change the world around us in a way that’s never been done in a book before.
30 Seconds to Change Your Life
Also Known As “Holy Shit is That Really True?” because Facebook censored the original title. This book comes with a world first, unprecedented money back guarantee.
Happiness is not an airy fairy fantasy, wishes do come true and you’re about to learn how to bring miracles into everyday life.
Zen Connection With Horses
I’ve always been so proud of this book. It is a combination of book and audio lessons that had never been done anywhere in the world before and we brought a down to earth, achievable practicality to a subject that was considered woowoo back then. 🙂
Zen Connection and the on line programs it spawned, have helped thousands of people to find a deep and profound connection with their horse that has then opened the door to beautiful horsemanship and riding, healing, peacefulness and happiness and above all – a deeper level of confidence and safety for both horse and person. Click on the picture for more information.
Bobby’s Diaries – Straight From the Horse’s Mouth to You
This was the first of my horse books, written in 2007. Bobby’s Diaries are literally his diaries – the summary of all the notebooks I carried in my pocket when riding Bobby – everything he told me and taught me for two years about better listening, the roadmap that he wanted to tell people about, the techniques and how he taught me to listen to HIM to find the talent in my riding.
The two years of those notebooks that later became Bobby’s Diaries, were the start of a phenomenal growth curve for me, that continues to this day. Even though that growth has me a heck of a lot gentler these days, the blueprint that Bobby came up with for this book is still just as valid.
Get your training from the best voice of all – your own horse – with this revolutionary book that shows you how to listen to your horse and how to use that to be brilliant with him or her. 🙂 Click on the picture for more information.
Pathway to Heaven on Earth
Despite its name, this is not a religious book. I was sick of struggling in my life and was recommended into a personal development course. They asked us to write down what we wanted from our weekend. I decided that I wanted to know how the world works, “What the heck are the rules?” Nothing I’d read satisfied me – I was still unhappy and sooo… tired of struggling.
Pathway To Heaven On Earth and the experiences that triggered each insight, tumbled into my head so fast that the whole thing was experienced and written in six weeks. Some of what I wrote about was channeled while I was writing at 3 o’clock in the morning – certainly some of what I wrote I didn’t “know” until after I’d written it.
These insights brought me a completely different understanding of myself, of other people and of life itself. I came to understand difficult relationships and how the natural connectedness of all beings is actually DESIGNED to help us reach our dreams and bring us great joy and peace. Click on the picture for more information.
Talk to Your Soul with a Pendulum
Emotional balance comes from systematically listening to and acting on our Inner Guidance system. When we’re on our journey to get good at that though, sometimes we’re so overwhelmed or we’re just not in the right place to find that guidance easily.
That’s where this book comes in.
Talk to Your Soul will teach you how to use a pendulum for all kinds of things, including for finding answers that will help you to get rid of old emotional baggage that is getting in the way of your emotional wellbeing. Click on the picture for more information.