Welcome to Day 8
Today we are going to use the power of our horse’s presence to uncover yet another layer of lightness of spirit, good breathing and Quiet Mind by releasing something else that is in the way of all that happening easily and naturally.
Keys to Success
1. Make a decision to be kind to yourself today and always. It doesn’t need to be complicated to be effective. Right now as you’re reading this, just pause and say to yourself “I decide to be kind to myself today and always”.
2. As you sit with your horse in the quiet time after the audio today, notice how the pause at the bottom of your out breath is getting longer and easier before you need to take your next breath. This will help restore a healthy oxygen/carbon dioxide balance which in turn will have a positive effect on your overall health, increase your relaxation and increase the flexibility in your spine for movement including walking and riding.
This relaxation through your spine is a very big deal and has an impact on many things with your horse – one example is that resistance and tension in us causes resistance and tension in our horse. The relaxation through your spine will also improve your posture and good posture is the human version of self carriage in our horse.
Whether we are riding or on the ground, when we are in self carriage, we can better influence our horse to be in self carriage too – which means that they can move with healthy bio-mechanics and carry us with strength and ease. Relaxation in your spine also increases your ability to flow with your horse’s movement which will increase your confidence and comfort, and importantly, your horse’s too.
3. Setting your intention to lengthen the pause at the bottom of your outward breath is a big deal. It means that you can allow the pause at the bottom of your out breath to get longer without trying too hard. So pause right now as you’re reading this and say to yourself “I set my intention to lengthen the pause at the bottom of my out breath during this meditation with my horse.”
4. Don’t look for rhythm in your breath – just breathe as much or as little as you need to in that moment as you focus on your outward breath.
5. EVERY time you feel good, soak up and appreciate that feeling in your body, so that you notice ALL the effects of feeling good. THIS is what will anchor the feeling of lightness of spirit into a new and normal way of being for you – day by day, layer by layer.
6. Grounding. After you have finished your Quiet Mind practice with your horse, be sure to check if you need to do the short grounding exercise we did at the end of yesterday’s meditation – if you’re not sure, I suggest you do it. Here are the basic instructions:
Paying gentle attention to your outward breath, feel down to your feet and how they feel on the ground. Flex your toes and really feel the ground with them and take this relaxation and quieter mind out into the rest of your day.
7. This meditation is about lightness of spirit and allowing the flow of any understanding that needs to come for that to happen. The aim is to feel relaxed and complete at the end of it so contact me if you need any extra support.
Meditation Day 8
Download today’s meditation (from the Lesson Resources below) onto your mobile device and take it out to your horse and listen to it.
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Lightness of spirit is EVERYTHING and experiencing it naturally is a big deal. Yomorrow we will once again use the power of our horse’s presence to release something that will allow another layer of lightness of spirit and Quiet Mind to flow easily and naturally.