Far out that last lesson was HUGE wasn’t it? Did you go for a walk around the room or the barn or the farm and allow the truth or not of what I suggested, come floating up for YOUR OWN knowing? Did you fall asleep with the wonder of “Is that really true?” on your mind?
“Is that really true? Is it possible for anything that I feel inside when I’m with my horse, TO REALLY BE THEM?”
“Could it really be their fear, their frustration, their tension, their worries, their pent up stuck feeling yucky energy, their anguish that I’m feeling because of my connection with them?”
It makes a big difference when the knowing of this Feel work comes from the inside of YOU, rather than just me telling you.
Are you ready for the next lesson yet?
If “Pay attention to me please so that we can keep each other safe” is done really well in the pasture, at feed times when you are moving around them and at all other times they are unhaltered, it will carry on into the halter work very naturally and you should not have to use much effort to get that attention.
Some of you will have seen moving the hind end of the horse, the hindquarter yield, used with a different attitude than is used here – you will have seen it used as a way to take the horse’s power away or even as a punishment.
I want to emphasize that is not what we do here – the attitude is incredibly important. It’s gentle. It says “please keep your attention on me so that we can keep each other safe”. It had better also say “I will keep my attention on you and what’s going on around us so that I can keep you safe too”.
And if I have done “Pay attention to me please” loose in the paddock or yard, as a way of life, as we talked about in the previous lesson on this subject, then it will come much more easily in the halter. And if I have got this solid when my horse is loose in the pasture AND in the halter, then it will be easier under saddle. And imagine what kind of Comfort Zone that will bring you!
AND for those of you who have big dreams, the gradual increasing of “pay attention to me please” that happens from your horse loose to haltered to being ridden, will gradually and smoothly give you the leadership you need to reach those big dreams. Ahhh.
There’s also an extra lesson on how to do this in the forum.
Watch on Youtube if you need to.