The photo: We are rich indeed when we have moments like this one with my tiny granddaughter Bree, learning to use her Not Quite Rights while she’s playing with high energy with her pony Blondie. Feeling filled with happiness and abundance can’t be forced though. The answers may be about taking some kind of specific action, they may be understanding something that is in the way of our flow – whatever it is, this Lesson is designed to help you find that flow of happiness and abundance – through the grace of your horse.
The Lesson
Abundance? Abundance as a topic in lessons for horsemanship and happiness with horses?
Well… it works. You’re going to have to listen to this to see how beautifully it works. Enjoy!
Click here for the alternate recording
You are going to love this next audio which is a Quiet Mind exercise specifically targeted to expand happiness, richness and abundance with your horse – AND in the rest of your life too.
Click here for the alternate recording – 17 minutes
Written Version of the Introduction Audio
And yes you’ll see the reason for the unusual diagram in a minute. <3
Well, I said I would show you how to get happiness with your horse. And lack of abundance can sure get in the road of happiness with our horse. In fact, happiness and abundance are woven together and it’s not all about money.
A wetlands (yes hang on there, I am still talking about abundance) – a wetlands has this amazing circular flow. The water flows in to the wetlands, the wetlands gathers the water and soaks in the nourishment deeply and then it flows back out into the world, it re-charges the world as it flows the water back out. Thanks to Devony for this beautiful image that impacted on me so deeply.
Our happiness and abundance – whatever kind of abundance you want to talk about – it too recycles just like the wetlands. The happiness and abundance flows in. We gather it to us. We soak it in, it nourishes us. Then we flow it back out into the world to benefit, to recharge someone else. Like attracts like, so we attract more things to be happy about and more abundance – we gather it in again. We soak it in again. Then we flow it back out into the world again.
It’s a recycling action.
Now here’s the big deal… A blockage in ANY part of our flow (the flow in, or soaking in or flowing out) will block or slow down or distort the circular flow of our happiness and abundance.
As well as the obvious blockage to abundance that flowing in will affect the abundance flowing out (it’s most noticeable when we are talking about the money side of abundance) – blockage in the flowing OUT will affect the abundance flowing IN just as much.
The manifesting gurus talk about if you want abundance, give it away. They are trying to get us to unblock the FLOWING OUT part of the cycle, so that it can then FLOW IN better.
So, still talking about financial abundance for a moment, the flowing out part of the abundance cycle could be about paying bills, looking after others, gifts – anything on the outgoing side of the money flow.
Those of us working with horses like this, will get that it’s not so much WHAT we do, it’s the ENERGY and the EMOTION with which we do it that is important. We notice and act on any feelings that something is Not Quite Right, to find the perfect way of being with our horses in that moment.
The light bulb that I got about this abundance flow was that any Not Quite Rights of any description, of any kind of emotion, ANYWHERE on the cycle – IN, SOAK or OUT – stuffs up the flow everywhere else.
We can notice and act on any feelings that something is Not Quite Right to find the perfect way to be in our happiness and abundance with our horses and in the rest of our lives too.
Now bear with me here for a moment if you are worried that I’m getting a bit airy fairy. I promise you this is all relevant to you and your horse as well as to the other parts of your life.
I had a huge light bulb moment about this that landed deeply all the way into my bones. What if the blockage to happiness and abundance could be about me and my horse? Or me and my partner? Or me and my work? We all get the money part of abundance – but what about the happiness and feelings that life is just full of richness in all the other areas of our life?
If we feel a lack of feeling rich and complete with our horses – if we aren’t getting enough of what we want from our horse – then where is the blockage? Let’s put musical trumpets around that question to make it stand out… Where is the blockage?
Are we blocked on the inflow, the soak – the nourishment – or the flowing out – the recharging others side of the circular flow? Is it the blockage on the inflow – the horse not giving us enough of what we are looking for? Is the blockage in the soak – in our noticing and appreciation of what’s happening between us? Or is it in the flowing out, the taking action to bring our horse more of that feeling of richness and completion?
One thing that we have learnt with our Quiet Mind work is that the answer is rarely where we think it’s going to be.
And I will repeat that sentence because it’s so darned important. The answer is rarely where we think it is going to be.
It stands to reason – if we knew the real answer, we would have already acted on it and we wouldn’t have a problem, hey?
That’s why getting a Quiet Mind and allowing the answers to float up from our subconscious is such a powerful way to get those answers.
So that’s what we’re going to do here with the next audio here on this page of the website. I am going to lead you through a Quiet Mind to notice and unblock the blockages to happiness and abundance – to notice where they are on the inflow or the soak or the outflow – and release them so that the whole circular, wonderful recycling action can start happening again.
And you will get to choose what sort of abundance you want to work on this time – happiness with your horse or financial abundance, feelings of richness with your partner – whatever you want!