Ignite had been so terrified of motorbikes that hearing them in the bush from across the valley and in her own paddock, she was visibly distressed.
This video was taken at the end of a clinic here at Rokeby. The keys to such dramatic success were:
- Susan and Ignite’s connection by the end of this clinic was sublime. Susan proved to Ignite over and over again in all kinds of ways, that she would listen to her to the nth degree, so by the time they got to the motorbike bit at the end of the clinic, Ignite was confident in their connection.
- The motorbike rider was taking instructions from Susan about what to do and when.
- Susan was following her feel good feelings and using her Not Quite Rights for her to retreat with Ignite and for the timing of the signals to the motorbike rider.
- If you’re listening to your horse, it will almost always look this low key. Ignite had the confidence with Susan that she was working in her Comfort Zone, with only tiny short periods of Not Too Sure Zone and no Oh Shit Zone whatsoever.
- This was a trauma release that literally poetry in motion.
- They had approached and retreated with the motorbike started at a big distance, then turned off and then wait for Ignite to lick and Chew.
- When the turn on of the engine was in her Comfort Zone, Susan got the bike to approach a little bit, then turn off and wait for her signal – which she gave after Ignite had processed, licked and chewed AND Susan felt it was the right time.
- Then came a combination of the bike approaching and retreating on Sue’s signal, turning off and on with Sue’s signal.
- Because Susan was listening so beautifully to Ignite, IGNITE was in control of this process, via Sue. Does that make sense? THAT was why this was so beautifully low key. THAT was why it worked so beautifully IN ONE SESSION.
Click on Watch in Youtube if you need to.