One of the greatest gifts that horses have brought me, is the KNOWING – all the way to my bones – that every problem is just an opportunity for a deeper bond with our horse and when we encourage our horse to participate in the process of problem solving, the result is beyond our wildest dreams.
– Jenny Pearce
Fast Track is a unique blend of gentle horsemanship, training and healing of the mind, body and spirit for both horse and rider.
Fast Track is much more than just beautiful words and principles – it’s a PRACTICAL, step by step pathway to problem solve for beautiful outcomes – creating opportunities for feeling good into everything that you do with your horse – in a way that turns every “problem” you will ever have – health problems, behavior problems, training problems – turn every problem into a deeper bond with your horse.
After you’ve explored all the special aspects of Fast Track below, if you are still unclear about how this program can help you solve your individual problem, then get in touch with me and we can chat about the possibility of an individual plan for you and your horse.
The gift horses bring us.
I sooo… enjoy hearing people’s stories of all the different ways that what they learn with their horse just “accidentally” flow into improving the rest of their lives.
The Fast Track journey to a happy, confident, willingly cooperative horse is going to bring you the keys for something very special in the rest of your life too. The same keys to success with your horse, are the keys to a happy life. The same keys for effective gentleness in problem solving with your horse, will be the same keys to understanding and supporting the people you love or work with. Solving your horse’s anxiety issues will give you the keys to solve yours and blossom both of you into a deep sense of comfort and confidence.
If your dreams with your horse include joy, happiness, lightness and comfort with horses at all times, then you’ve come to the right place. 🙂
So much of what I see as generally accepted out in the world is not OUR version of normal at all. Normal in our world is what you see with Sunny pictured here. She had been incredibly dangerous with her feet, striking them down so suddenly and so hard that any bones in the way would have been broken. The techniques that you’ll learn are what we used to bring her to this level of comfort and willingness. There’s such WILLINGNESS in this horse now, that it’s routine for her to walk up and park herself beside the feet trimmer to have her feet done.
Our other NORMALs include a happy, confident horse who wants to be with you, who comes with you willingly away from other horses, enjoys having you on their back, carries you with a lifted back with strength and ease, is soft and responsive, who looks to you when something goes wrong. Normal is a horse who is happily polite at feed time and keeps their eye out for you, to keep you safe too. Normal is a horse that is curious and happy to learn.
All of these things ARE NORMAL and completely achievable.
This photo of Sunny again is another example. I didn’t mean to make it all about her, but she has been a dramatic success story! lol! Minutes later she self loaded at liberty. In the past, she had been so terrified of a float, that just seeing the roof of the float appearing over the hill had her rearing and plunging in terror. That was the day I went to bring her home. I wondered what the heck I’d bought for a little while lol!
Fast Track is a unique blend of developing a deeper connection to our horse, great horsemanship with good skills to problem solve gently AND it’s healing for the mind, body and spirit of both horse and rider – an approach to horsemanship that seems to just “accidentally” spill over to improve the rest of our lives. 🙂
At $1500 Fast Track is much more than just beautiful words and spiritual principles – it’s a PRACTICAL, step by step pathway to bring beautiful concepts into reality and you won’t find anything like it – or results anything like it – anywhere else in the world.
If you like to know ALL the ins and outs of Fast Track and all its support systems, there’s so much in it you could be here all day lol! You can just read more on the sections that particularly interest you.
Fast Track Features:
World class Feel for your horse
Feel is one of those foundation things that all brilliant horse people have and I’ve figured out how to teach it. It takes already advanced people into a whole new level of skill with a horse and it enables even novice riders to escalate into more and more flashes of world class horsemanship. READ MORE
Innovative Techniques for a brilliant riding seat
Instead of working so hard for a good riding seat, we come at it from the opposite direction – and clean up what’s BEHIND you not being in your perfect riding position, so that you can EFFORTLESSLY use your body as a fine communication tool. We take you off your horse to do that in a way that brings you a magnetic, sucked into the saddle feeling. READ MORE
Is it really a Fast Track?
Our RELEASE, RE-LEARN and RE-PROGRAM formula is the key that speeds progress so very rapidly than the struggle that is normal in the horse world. It’s sports psychology meets alternative therapy and it changes things FAST. You’ll get to prove it for yourself with our “love this program or get your money back” guarantee. READ MORE
Healing for Horses
I’ve spent half my working life in the healing industry and even I was staggered at the kind of healing that can happen when the way we train them supports our horse to RELEASE old emotional stresses and bring the mind, body and spirit back into well being. It’s simple and systematic and beautifully bonding for horse and person. READ MORE
Healing for People
When we help our horses, they’re in a much better position to carry through on their desire to help us. There’s healing for people too woven through the Fast Track program, as a natural part of getting better with our horses. Some of the stories you’ll read about here, show you the wonderfully healing things that are possible when human and horse are working to feel good together. READ MORE
Develop New Skills
Advanced sports psychology meets leading edge physical therapy, meets healing again. 🙂 We use simulations to take the pressure off learning new and better skills, in a way that gives our brain the chance to make new neural connections easily. Then we ANCHOR this progress into muscle memory. This is another reason we can call Fast Track FAST. READ MORE
Confidence for the Horse
I see people underestimating horses all the time – heck I’VE underestimated horses too. We step into a whole new world with horses when we help them to let go of old anxiety and the stress and tension in their bodies that goes with it. I’ve seen them completely change their personality as they’ve gained the confidence in knowing that they’re heard – when they know that we know HOW to support them to live their lives free from unnecessary stress and anxiety. READ MORE
Confidence for the Rider
I was taught to ignore my fear and be brave. Not only were they wrong, it’s a seriously crappy way to live, as well as a crappy way to work with horses. Being and feeling safe is at the root of confidence – and from that, all the other good stuff flows. You’ll learn how to systematically eliminate every cause of anxiety and tension and you’ll be surprised at what you and your horse can achieve. READ MORE
What Fast Trackers are saying
“then I met Jenny Pearce—embarked on her program — and began glimpsing the beauty of pure connection with horses that I’d only dreamed of…”– Hannah who was already a VERY advanced rider riding with some of the best teachers in the world.
“I do not mind whether I am on the FastTrack or the SlowTrack, as long as I am on JENNY’S Track, that’s all I can say… ” – Jan who was a novice.
“And the support from Jenny and the on-line community is phenomenal.” – Amanda
Read these (and more) testimonials here
In The Fast Track Program you get:
♦ More than 100 lessons – the foundation principles AND a mix of interactive audio and video lessons for the wonderful magnetic riding seat that I keep raving about AND lessons to help you to help your horse systematically de-stress their life and become that happy co-operative partner.
First you’ll get the foundation principles and then when you’re ready, you can trigger the access to the entire Fast Track program so that you can work faster at your own pace, if that’s your preference and you keep that access “forever”.
♦ A student only forum that contains vast amounts of specialized support for problem solving and a lovely community of like minded people. I can’t emphasize how special it is to have the support of a whole community of people who are either centered or know how to find it. There’s extra lessons on things like feet training for the feet trimmer or farrier, how to get them ready for a much easier dentist visit, solving a needle shy horse, extra lessons to solve separation anxiety and more.
♦ There’s an invaluable archive of monthly seminars going back years on the forum – a treasure house of lessons and live discussion.
♦ Access to live teaching – for the specially difficult problems, you have the opportunity for paid one on one sessions available with me or our seriously wonderful other staff.
♦ My “Love this program or get your money back” Guarantee.
$1500 – access and joy for a lifetime