Here is a description of each lesson
Foundation Lesson 1 – This simple breathing technique teaches you how to quieten your mind and have the beginning of inner awareness, which are two of a bunch of special ingredients that makes Fast Track such a powerful short cut to excellence in your riding.
Foundation Lesson 2 – Using the same posture that makes us effortlessly powerful and secure in the saddle and practising that in our everyday standing and walking, is a short cut to having that posture on auto pilot in the saddle. We can make progress in our journey to become great riders even standing at the kitchen sink – or in this case – grooming our horse.
Foundation Lesson 3 – Any bracing in our riding causes a corresponding brace in our horse and releasing these braces is a focus of these riding lessons. This video shows how we can release some of these braces, increase the flexibility of our pelvis and learn how to achieve a pelvis and spine and joints that act like a shock absorber while we are walking in great posture. This shock absorption is another key ingredient to being a really good rider. You really can walk your way to brilliant riding while you are walking down the street.
Foundation Lesson 4 – This lesson is a continuation of the previous lesson, although this time I lead you through finding that lovely shock absorption walking position for yourself. In this lesson we use inner awareness to release our own pelvis and spine and to find the Effortlessly Powerful Posture in our walk.
Foundation Lesson 5 – This lesson introduces the concept of how tensions from old falls and accidents can create what I call a fright imprint, that negatively affects both our relationship with our horse and our riding. Releasing these fright imprints enables us to create or re-create new and wonderful tension free and stress free ways of being with our horse.
Foundation Lesson 6 – In this lesson you actually get rid of your fright imprints and tensions from old falls. In this lesson I lead you into a Quiet Mind, to understand what it is that you need to know or do to release a fright imprint from a fall off your horse – and you get to release the tensions and braces and experience the healing that happens from that understanding.
Foundation Lesson 7 – In this video, you get to watch someone else having a real time, real life lesson, releasing something that is in the way of their being a really good rider and helping them to find a safe and secure riding seat.
Foundation Lesson 8 – This is a humorous video showing you what poor posture feels like to your horse and more importantly, what Effortlessly Powerful Posture feels like.
Foundation Lesson 9 – Being able to focus completely on yourself as you discover what it is that is blocking you from being a really good rider is one of the key ingredients for the success of this program. This is so powerful that I even teach like this when people are with me in person. This lesson leads you through finding your effortlessly powerful posture in a seated position – without your horse.
Foundation Lesson 10 – Another of the key ingredients to Fast Track being a short cut to being a really good rider, is that first we RELEASE whatever is behind the tensions that are in the way of a good riding seat. This is a quiet mind lesson taking off more layers of whatever is in the way of you experiencing a magnetic seat in the saddle.
Foundation Lesson 11 – For you dressage riders, think Edward Gal, with all his joints sliding gently around his horse or western riders think Stacey Westfall on her 2006 bareback and bridle-less championship reining ride. This lesson is having all your joints available for the movement of gently sliding around your horse to their movement – helping you to release any stuck spots in your joints, so that you can get that kind of riding seat too.
Foundation Lesson 12 – This lesson is about taking your new seat out to your horse in a baby step that is very powerful for positive change. All riders should be lucky enough to be taught to ride like this, learning to gently and easily flow with the movement of their horse. And all horses should have the opportunity to develop strength in their backs and self carriage so gently and so easily.
Foundation Lesson 13 – In this lesson we talk about self carriage in your horse and what else has to happen to help you be a brilliant rider.
Foundation Lesson 14 – In this lesson I bring you an experience that I believe will help you understand your horse in a new way.
Foundation Lesson 15 – In this lesson we look at what your horse needs in order to love you being up there on their back to follow your lead, to follow your dance – and what you need to do for this to happen.
Foundation Lesson 16 – In this audio lesson we take a first look at how the comfort zone AND what’s going on in your pelvis and spine are key to riding as one with your horse – and how to fast track this process.
Foundation Lesson 17 – In this lesson we delve further into how to profoundly release resistances and stuck points so that you can learn to ride with the feel of your whole body. This is how you become at one with your horse where you both are beautifully and effortlessly as one. This is where the magic happens.
Foundation Lesson 18 – In this audio lesson we look at how using our inner awareness as a path to feeling and understanding our physical resistances and blockages will naturally and easily release those resistances. This process will also effectively re-program them into muscle memory.
Foundation Lesson 19 – In this lesson we add another layer to the security and stability of your already beautifully magnetised riding seat in the saddle. We’ll look at some common elements of successfully staying on your horse’s back when something goes wrong and how you can help your horse to deal with these fear reactions.
Foundation Lesson 20 – In this audio lesson I share with you a personal story that not only deepened my understanding of and compassion for very fearful and nervous horses but gave me a new awareness of how I could help them.