A Question from Oriana
I have been following my inner voice a lot more- so most of November was spent making headstalls, one of which you saw on facebook.
Most people who make things have a terrible time working out how much to charge for something- me too.
I was also looking at the WHY I make stuff.
This is all tied up with how I value myself, and how the price I get for something reflects on this.
Low price = low value etc.
Too high a price and no one buying- am I good enough?
I get a lot of pleasure from the actual making, knowing I have skills that I can show off, but there is also a desire for recognition of my talents in monetary and people terms.
I tend to go into denial by saying to myself that it does not matter how much or how little I get for something- but that is not true -it feels like avoidance of an issue.
Then again, I have no desire to go into business doing this work, because then it becomes something I “have” to do.
Of course, “the market” for something ,and what people are prepared to pay have a role in this, but there is a lot of self worth tied up in “the price”.
Bearing in mind my family history, I tend to veer either in the “spend no money” direction, or in the “spend and to hell with the consequences” direction.
I am trying to find a balance with this.
I have allowed myself to become more AWARE of the money I do have, and exactly where it is going, as a way of becoming friends with it, rather than the “denial” stage.
To acknowledge that in the past I have pretended it does not matter what I spend, as there is always more.
This part is a straight copy from our Happiness course last year, as a reminder of the things that are important to abundance”:
If Financial Abundance is what you’re working on, did you notice that lots of the things that raised your Financial Vibration seemed to have nothing to do with money? It’s like we talk about when we work with horses – it’s like we can’t hear the telephone ringing for the sound of the vacuum cleaner. We can’t hear our Inner Guidance system so clearly and easily on abundance issues for the loud sound of all the other things going on in our lives where we’re not listening to our Inner Guidance system. So when we start listening and finding more and more peacefulness that comes from listening and taking action on our Inner Guidance – in that peacefulness we can hear even more easily. Does that make sense?
Just remember the excitement of using the pendulum for this SHOULD WEAR OFF, as you notice what it’s like to FEEL your vibration going up and FEEL your vibration going down.
Is there anyone who hasn’t measured their Happiness Vibration going up yet? If there is, would you like to work on that now? If you’re live on Webcast, I’ve figured a way to help you get your individual needs too – so put a comment in the chat and bring yourself to my attention. 🙂
Financial Vibration
So here’s the big deal that everyone wants to know. How do we translate our increasing Financial Vibration into good old money in our pockets and bank accounts?
It’s the same as any other goal – we follow our Internal Guidance system:
- Follow the good feelings, notice and soak them up;
- Allow ourselves to feel the things that we used to think weren’t good, because we know now that our feelings are messages from our soul – from our Inner Guidance system, so we can afford to allow ourselves to feel the feelings now we ‘re starting to get the hang of dealing with them.
- Use the things that continue to not feel good, to figure out what it is that we are resisting.
- And if the answer doesn’t flow in the moment, decide that we prepared to feel and understand what those feelings are about and get on with enjoying our day;
- Allow time each day for a deeper Quiet Mind.
Like ALL of the things you are creating in your life, these simple steps are the same way that your Inner Guidance system will guide you as to what to know or do for YOU personally to create money into and out of your pocket cheerfully as well as any other goals in your life.
And because these feelings are messages from your Higher Self, as you follow your Internal Guidance system, you will be raising your vibration higher and higher as you go along – finding more and more peace of mind and more happiness as you go.
Who knows what those change places will be? You may get drawn to an idea that will feel good. Follow the good feelings and use the early warning signal that I call something is Not Quite Right that I talk about with the horses – use it in your life too, for change. You may get guidance to speak to someone about your idea, or to take it somewhere or do something with it, or to develop it further.
You could meet someone under difficult circumstances that could be wowed by how you handled that, who offers you a job with more money. You could get the offer of going somewhere with somebody and you meet someone important to your network there. Money might drop out of thin air like it did for me like I described last week. God or The Universe may drop some marvelous exchange of opportunity into your lap.
You might do it the old fashioned way and get drawn to your perfect job in an ad in the newspaper or to some new training that will give you a whole new direction.
There are many, many ways that God puts changes places in front of you – some of them are actions that you need to take and some of them are changes in attitude, or beliefs that no longer serve you, all of which will raise your Financial Vibration at the same time, so that perfect money storm can flow over you. Keep your eyes open, keep yourself out and about in whatever medium you work in and follow the good feelings on the way to your goals and dreams.
Think about it. You’re only ONE sudden change away from speeding towards what you want. It could happen tomorrow! Are you creating positively? Or are you bogged down manifesting more struggle?
What has to change?
Sometimes you need to start small and grow the flow as you grow your confidence. But hey, I’m told that it takes as much energy to create REALLY big as it takes to create small. 🙂
Abundance problems? Check the Torus Energy
1. Can you receive abundance of money and Happiness, Love, good health, passionate inspiration for the work that you do, or whatever else abundance means to you – can you receive those as your joyful right? Feel into that right now.
2. Do you take the time to soak up and appreciate every ahhaaa moment and get everything that you need from that appreciation? Feel into that right now.
3. Can you and do you spend money and spread Happiness around with mindfulness and joyfulness and Inner Awareness ? Because that’s sending that torus energy out into the world with joyfulness and appreciation with such power that the energy whooshes around and enables flow back into the receiving and gathering phase of our torus energy. Feel into THAT right now too.
If we have a lack of abundance, then there will be some part of those three stages of the torus energy that wants strengthening or understanding, understanding fear or noticing a belief that no longer serves you. Whether you’re looking to create an abundance of money, of happiness or passionate inspiration for the work that you do or good health or love – at any stage of our beautiful torus abundance metaphor – if there is any of stage of that that you can’t do GENUINELY and FEEL GOOD DOING then take these steps that we’ve been talking about over this program:
1. Take your attention inside your body (using breath, heartbeat, feeling energy and emotions, noticing thoughts and ideas) notice the fear or belief that is behind not feeling good about that part of the torus energy circle and allow the knowing of whose fear or belief is it and what you need to know or do about it, to flow.
2. And if the answer doesn’t flow in the moment, then still in that place of Inner Awareness, decide to understand what’s behind those feelings and then smile and get on with enjoying your day, knowing that the answer will flow in your own good time.
3. And create opportunities in every day – whether that’s Quiet time with your horse or a Quiet Mind practice somewhere else – create opportunities every day for you to relax your mind and notice your guidance clearly.
The Abundance Paradox
We know that what we focus on persists right? We know that if we focus on those things that are feeling crappy, that we’re bouncing around in our resistance and struggling around in circles in that nothing changing manifesting loop that creates more and more struggle. We all get that now – right?
We’ve given you some fabulous tools for accessing your own Inner Guidance system to find your own unique path, your unique journey in this lifetime. Love for ourselves – I see so many of you finding that worthiness in your real selves now (worthy of everything!) and the Expansion of Understanding and Freedom and Happiness that comes from that. (Don’t you love all those capital letters that put emphasis on how important these things are?)
But the money thing… How do you – in a PRACTICAL WAY – stop focusing on a lack of money when the money for what you want is simply not there? This is the abundance paradox – and it seems to be particularly difficult with financial abundance.
I’ll tell you what happened to make that easy for me. I went into my bank account one day and the money in my account was very much larger than it should have been.
My first thought was woww… look at that and it felt REALLY good for a split second.
Then I saw the huge deposit had a name against it that I didn’t recognize and I thought “Crap this is a mistake and I’m going to have to give this back.”
And then I discovered it was a gift and it really was for me. Kristina, my old working student – her mother in Germany had just decided to make a large gift of money to me.
I told you last week about how this gift changed my life. It enabled me to change the way that I think about money. It gave me a financial cushion that I’ve been able to spend joyfully over and over again, on all kinds of wonderful things ever since, which includes paying bills. This gift enabled me to soak up a feeling of abundance in a way that I had never done before, that I’ve been able to practice and increase and more practice and more increase.
… And that created my ability to keep that financial cushion that I had never had before.
A beautiful and powerful abundance technique
So here’s a way that you can get the same kind of benefit as I got from Kristina’s mother’s gift.
Grab your pendulums and check your Financial or Happiness Vibration right now, because we want to notice what happens to your vibration after we’ve talked about this technique – because remember just DECIDING to understand and DECIDING to act, has been raising our vibration. And then we actually DO act, it goes through the roof. 🙂
First of all, let’s pause for a moment and appreciate that we’ve done a pretty good job so far. We’ve survived – and we’ve manifested our way here. 🙂 Is there anyone who can’t smile and feel good at the thought that you’ve survived and that you’re here? If you still can’t feel good about that put your hand up to work with me and be one of those who inspire others while you look at your own stuff.
Now… For everyone who is having problems with Financial Abundance, here’s a simple technique to start changing your focus from a lack focus (which creates more lack) into an abundance focus (which raises your Vibration and creates more abundance).
Have a think about how much money you can spare from your normal expenses – $100? $50? $20? Bigger than $100 for some? Abundance is relative! FEEL good about this sum of money – feel the RIGHTNESS of this sum of money.
And put it somewhere where you can see it often – for me it was in my bank account, for someone else it might be a separate bank account, it might be under your pillow or in your biscuit jar – wherever feels good. I had several places that I kept my money.
Now… instead of spending it, as you move through your day:
1. Notice all the things that you COULD spend that money on if you wanted to;
2. Soak up and appreciate that you have that money RIGHT THERE, wherever it is, that you could spend that money on if you wanted to. And I mean REALLY soak it up – take yourself into your Inner Awareness with your breath or your heartbeat or noticing the energy in and around you, noticing and feeling your emotions, knowing that they are just beautiful messages from your soul, allowing the thoughts and ideas to flow all the way to the gold at the bottom of them – and in that Inner Awareness place, notice EVERYTHING that you are feeling in that state of appreciation – all over your body, down into the deepest cells of your body. vibrating with appreciation for that money and what you can buy with it.
3. And whether that process takes days or weeks or however long, to find that deep and expansive place of appreciation (you’ll know it when you get there 😉 ) just keep on noticing what you could spend that money on if you wanted to, noticing all your fears around it, the beliefs that no longer serve you – expanding your understanding of those fears in all the ways that you’ve learned over this course – until that feeling of gratitude and appreciation feels so expansive…
4. That you can actually spend that money with the same kind of beautiful energy – allowing that energy to flow out into the world with such joy…
5. And spend that money, pay that bill, give that money away – whatever – with such joy, that the power of it flows back into a joyful gathering and receiving of Abundance. (Yes I know that repeated myself there, I felt it was important enough to repeat!)
Now… In your Inner Awareness – and only if it feels right to you – decide to put some money aside and do this abundance technique.
And now check your Vibration again.
And if that feels right, then after the call, actually put that money aside and when you’ve done that, check your vibration again.
And have fun with each ahhaa moment, checking your vibration yet again and soaking up THAT increase in vibration too.
The specially beautiful part of today for me
So here’s the thing. I know that there WAS – at least at the beginning of the program – people to whom even $20 to put aside for this abundance exercise would seem like an almost impossible feat and we came to a deal for the program that felt right in the reality of your lack at the time.
So if any of you feel stuck about your ability to put money away for this abundance technique, then I want you to email me.
Because I’m going to do for you what Kristina’s mother did for me and give you some money to start that flow.
And before you’re all shaking your head at how insane I am 🙂 think about the torus and what I am creating in MY life and see how this incredibly joyful giving is whooshing my abundance energy out into the world with such power and joy that MY receiving of abundance will increase along with it too.
And think about how much I am creating making a difference in the world and what a difference in the world THAT will make.
Now do you think it would increase my Vibration and my Abundance if I felt SORRY for you? Is feeling sorry for someone a joyful or expansive way to support them?
Do you think it would increase my Vibration and my Abundance if there was a better way than money to help you?
Do you think it would increase my Vibration and Abundance if I gave this money away just so that I could increase my gathering in and receiving money?
It has to feel good. It has to feel expansive. It has to feel joyful.
And if not – why not? Whose is it? And What do I need to know or do or do about it?
And I haven’t gone crazy folks – because good, expansive and abso…bloody…lutely joyful is EXACTLY what this feels like.