From Karin
Karin’s made some lovely breakthroughs with Bonnie becoming happy to have her ticks picked off. Karin said something about “the ticks and other beastly things in the long grass.” I’ve set her a mission should she choose to accept it. “Do some meditating or sitting quietly with Bonnie, dropping into the focus on the outward breathing and then steadily expanding into noticing any other feelings, and open up / decide to notice ALL the threads of what you feel inside about the “ticks and other beastly things in the grass”. Keep some kind of a record of what comes up and we’ll talk about it in class.
Sandra told me a story this morning about she and another lady at work who have to go round the fly baits at the feedlot. This lady is scared of spiders and the huntsman spiders seem to like the bait stations where they can catch flies easily. Sandra, who isn’t scared of spiders never sees a huntsman in the bait stations that she does and the other lady sees them all the time and is terrified of them all the time. This is a classic case of attracting what we’re focusing on because we’re afraid of it.
That’s why I suggested Karin do a meditation on the ticks. There’s a couple of other people I’ve made similar suggestions to. We are sooo much more powerful than we think we are, when we notice and take some kind of action to figure out what to know or do about ALL our feelings. Who would have thought that Karin could influence the prevalence of ticks getting onto Bonnie? Well we’ll see hey? 🙂
From Lynda
Here’s an excerpt from Lynda’s email, which drives home how often the horse’s problems are solved by us fixing ours. It’s not necessarily that we’re causing their problems – it’s our Feel and the power of being in the heart of he RIGHTNESS behind the WRONGNESS – i.e. what I call the Paradox – that enables us to support them to resolve their problems. And coincidentally, so much of what WE’VE been feeling that’s been causing us tension and upset and overwhelm and even physical ailments and illness, hasn’t even been ours. Notice how so very frequently, when people are feeling into their horse, stuff from other people comes up. It’s a whole of life thing about our feelings, not just about feeling our horse. I often reflect that horses have brought us a glorious opportunity to make all kinds of changes easier.
Lynda said: I love how you invite us to be curious about what is behind all these things, it really lightens everything up instead of having all the worry and not knowing how to solve things. So today I am getting curious about a lot of things! It really gives things a different perspective. I have had the realisation that all the burdens in life and all the misery I have been carrying is my mother’s. Wow!
Me again: Lynda nailed it. When we can find that feeling of curiosity it changes everything. It means instead of that oh so serious deep and meaningful way that I used to try so hard to understand things, that the whole journey to the answer becomes an easier one and whatever we need, whether it’s understanding or the message or healing, all of it flows so much easier.
From Oriana
Oriana did some good work with the halter and Fred, without putting it on – as she said, it was slow work, but he was a lot less suspicious after he’d done some releasing and coughing in his releasing. Then she had an incident in the paddock that left her feeling overwhelmed and crappy. Reflecting on that had her “quivering with a very deep seated fear that made me feel like a quivering jelly, with lots of restriction around the chest/heart area, again breath constriction. I have had this all day. The words I got were that I need to learn about feeling safe. Maybe that is something I have stuffed down. I did not feel at all safe thinking about letting the horses back into that paddock.”
More insights that came to her were about childhood and family stuff. I can’t emphasize this enough – ALL our feelings that show up when we’re doing this kind of work, are likely to be one of the “ALL the threads” that we opened ourselves up to notice at the beginning of the clinic – even when it was all the threads relating to our horse.
How to explain this differently. When we get curious about / clean up / understand / get the message of our own stuff, when we find the rightness behind the wrongness, then we step into this place of limitless possibility – limitless possibility in our ability to influence what goes on around us as well as what goes on in ourselves.
My reply to her
What a wonderful opportunity! ❤ Keep your curiosity going, wherever you can and just let t flow when you can’t. You are SUCH a powerful woman and there’s wisdom in that old trauma, rather than pain. Fell me holding the amplified field for you.
Oriana again
I have been watching/listening to the Thursday recording, as well as connecting with the paddock problem.
I also picked a scab on my ear, which was bleeding a few minutes ago.
So Obviously, I need to hear the ears, my horses.
I have a sense of puzzlement from them, because their viewpoint is that they were having fun. It was exciting, not frightening .Certainly Fred today was completely normal ,almost more balanced.
They all probably need more excitement in their lives.
Some of this is about trust, in both directions.
Also, not panicking, and allowing more time, so I do not feel rushed.
I will let them in earlier, as most of Nuvem’s anger was about not being in there for long enough.
Then when it is time to come in, I will bring the food earlier, so the feel is better.
The biggest takeaway for me is that again, feeling the difference between excitement and fear, is something I need to pay attention to.
I am still sitting with the family fear stuff.
There’s three horses going “ear ear!”
The “I can’t cope” must have gone, because I did (cope). The overwhelm came afterwards. I think I should ask “is it true” more often.
Talk tomorrow.
Me again to the clinic generally now: Can you feel the beauty of our “celebrate our differences? Oriana’s Mental Feel is very strong, she sees lots of things in images and word images. It’s quite different to how I do Feel and how you do it too. You’ll see Sue below, doing it differently again. Just remember – your inner awareness brings a stronger and stronger sense of me’ness, of who you really are and what you are really capable of. And far out that’s exciting!
From Sue from the bush
Following on from yesterday’s clinic I received an insight about what to do, or rather what not to do, when next with Jeri.
I generally have a plan when I work with him, because he is a doing horse and finds it much easier to connect with me when we are moving together.
I got that we should ditch the pre planning and be completely open to allowing the session to flow in accordance with how we felt.
This is what happened. I have tried to cut out the non-important bits , but it was hard because it all felt important, especially the moments of stillness.
As you can see Jeri was initially extremely anxious, but after lots of releasing ( with Reuben’s help) and repeated attempts to avoid connection, he did find inner peace.
Me back to her
What a pleasure to see you work. Yeah I could see Reuben in the background, spaced out then licking and chewing – bless him! I had visions of that mouthy little colt who fidgets when he’s anxious. It felt like the punishment / increase of pressure that happened when he mouthed (and got nippy) back then, was what you were releasing? In one of those moments of stillness I felt his hip shift and just after the 6 minute mark I felt quite joyfully teary. Was he moving differently the next day?
Sue again
I’m fine with sharing that’s the best part about clinics.
In the moment I have no idea what we are releasing, I simply feel the need to release in my body, could be his or mine, I don’t go looking at why because it takes me out of my heart/spirit/inner guidance and into my mind which interrupts the flow.
During the session I felt several times that we needed to release but did not get why. In retrospect watching the video I can see that increase of pressure could be the reason.
I did feel the hip shift in the moment, and later on when he managed to find inner stillness, I felt such joy and pride, not sure whose that was.
It has been so cold wet and windy today that I have not paid much attention to the herd ,other than to notice that they are careering around the paddocks like blue arsed flies enjoying the cooler weather and the wind up their tails.
Me again, this time talking to the clinic generally.
It’s important to recognize that each of us, in the exact same situation, would work at least a little differently, maybe even a lot differently. That’s why here we CELEBRATE our differences, because there’e THAT important.
As you watch the video below, note that most of us would have needed to back off a lot sooner than Sue. That’s because we each have to work with OUR unique relationship with our horse and our own knowledge and skills. Sue followed her Feel and was able to stay in that fidget space longer than most of us would be able to, because of her ability to be incredibly Present and to flow with the feeling of his anxiety. If we were following OUR Feel, we would no doubt have done it differently.
Does that make sense? As we are inspired and admire someone else’s skill and even gain new knowledge, stay in OUR OWN Feel with our horse.
Me again
Gosh it’s a pleasure to watch a master horsewoman at work. Below is a link to a lesson about the different horse personalities that will help you understand that the nippy fidget stuff was Jeri expressing anxiety, out of his Comfort Zone. The way Sue was working, completely Present in her Feel, had them releasing old tensions from being punished for the nippy / fidget stuff – thus the hip release that Jeri experienced.
So is it coincidence that Sue got an insight about changing the way she worked with Jeri and that the first thing he presents is a means to release at least some of his hip tension?
It’s important not to get fixated on categorizing a horse, because they’re all unique, but these categories of personalities helps us recognize the different ways that horses express being out of their comfort zone. Click here for a lesson about the different horse personalities.
Goldie this week.

Goldie finished her homeopathic medicine Saturday. Then we had a wonderful example of the lining up of circumstances that happens when we’re working with the Paradox. Some foul weather came through for a couple of days and of course the horses have got their super short summer coats, so I needed to rug Goldie for the first time since she’d come here a year and half ago.
Then we had two days of warmer weather – up to 19 degrees Celsius one day and short bursts of 21 degrees the day after that. The weather was perfect for the rug heating her body to “cook” out the bacteria / virus / infection of whatever was going on.
Is that coincidence?
If it is, we see this kind of “coincidence” happening frequently when we open up to noticing ALL the threads of what’s going on behind a problem or behavior or illness – which includes noticing the rightness behind the wrongness and thus being able to create the “miracles” that happen in the heart of what I call the Paradox. We are sooo much more powerful than we think we are.