I’d come up with some techniques to help a client get back to walking properly after tearing her achilles tendon, that was about moving her body / walking incredibly slowly and in her mind first. Then Sue McKibbon introduced me to Feldenkrais where I learned that 40 % of a muscle is activated when we just THINK a movement and we can perfect that movement without pain, just by thinking the movement – BEFORE actually doing the movement itself.
The healing in Moshe Feldenkrais’s work is simply gorgeous. Kim had pulled some resources together for you.
Compliments of KIm
These are the three Feldenkrais courses I have been doing most recently that have helped me release much of the compression in my spine:
1. Reducing Your Body Pattern of Stress and Anxiety
2. Liberate Your Mouth and Jaw
3. Healthy Eyes and Vision
There are free introductory lessons for each course that can be found here:
Reducing Your Body Pattern of Stress and Anxiety
Liberate Your Mouth and Jaw
Healthy Eyes and Vision
You can also find more free introductory lessons here:
If you find any of the introductory lessons to your liking, you could buy the full online course(s) here:
Reducing Your Body Pattern of Stress and Anxiety & Liberate Your Mouth and Jaw
Healthy Eyes and Vision
David and Raz are both extremely talented Feldenkrais practitioners. Benefits can be gained from any of their lessons.
When I did the lesson while I was standing with Harmony, I was doing small pieces of the lesson I had done that morning. The real lesson was done in lying, but I did it in standing.