Oliver, on this day he hadn’t been ridden for about five months, bless him! Steve has him in work over the last few weeks.Sunny Girl. The caption that was already on this photo was ” I am Wisdom”
Bobby – The Teacher 🙂
Rapunzel – she’s a very forward moving and sensitive Caretaker.
Peppi, sweet old Caretaker, who tells me ” not so much of the old please”.
Haruko & Ron in last years Horse Retreat, on her first ride outside an arena ever.
Boots, looking very young in this old photo – he’s Mels’s horse so he won’t get used, though no doubt he’ll have his nose in directing things!
U.T. Lost his confidence as herd leader when he lost his front teeth. There’s no plans to use him in the clinic, but no doubt he will be adding his wisdom to the occasion!
Blondie – our precious little Caretaker
Chester, the leader of our mini herd
Dom & Kristina – I’ll bet he’s happy to see her again!
I’ll take a photo of Sue’s horse Joy when I feed her later today…