One of the things you’ll start to notice as you browse around this website, is our constant emphasis on your uniqueness and on unfolding the natural talents that EVERYONE has. Nowhere is that more obvious than when I look at the sheer diversity of skill in the wonderful women on staff here. They are incredibly talented, utterly amazing and I love them to bits.
Jenny Pearce
My skills… I have the ability to connect deeply with someone when I am teaching or working as a healer. I have a particular talent in helping people find their supposedly unteachable Feel for others whether that’s a horse or the people in your life.
I am strongly into empowering people as I work. I love the fact that as people find answers to their horse problems and riding seat issues, that the benefits flow into the rest of their lives. I love that as people work on themselves, that their horsemanship improves effortlessly. It’s one of those lovely gifts that horses bring us. 🙂
That depth of Feel that I have for both horse and rider as I’m working, makes video lessons with your horse particularly effective at figuring out what’s really going on underneath the problem or behavior – so that you really get to solve it at its source.
There is a quirky side effect of the way that I use my feel and connection with people. I have been able to help people in some interesting fields that I personally know nothing about. I helped a golfer find his perfect swing and a super bike rider to find that place where peripheral vision sharpens and time almost stands still (a very cool thing to be able to do when you are traveling in excess of 200 kilometers an hour on two wheels!)
I think… hmmm I am sure… that it is my background in empowering healing that is responsible for me finding a way to teach “Feel” when most people consider that you have to be born with it. I apply that Feel to everything that we do, from healing work, to working with my own horses, to gentle problem solving, to teaching, to having a wonderful life.
Work with Jenny
You can email Jenny to talk about how she can help and with any questions you may have.
$295 AUD for a single consultation or bundle 3 sessions together and save $225.
Caroline Schillig
Have you got a problem or horse behavior that you’re having trouble getting to the bottom of?
Caroline is an extraordinarily gentle and heart centred woman who has become a pillar of both this work and my own life – with her in Portugal and me in Australia lol! She combines her qualifications and extensive training and skills as an Equine Behaviourist with what I call a strong Heart Feel – a natural ability to see what is REALLY going on behind a problem or behaviour – and an incredibly strong and accurate intuition. People with a strong heart feel AUTOMATICALLY look for what’s going on, without blame or judgement and without making the horse or person wrong. The gentleness of this way of experiencing feel and connection with a horse or human is particularly lovely to watch in action and it makes her a pleasure to work with.
Caroline combines her Equine Behaviour training with this approach, to get to the root cause of difficult horses and problem behaviors – taking into account the horse’s psychology, their environment, any illness or physical discomfort or old upsets or trauma or whatever else could be behind their behaviour. She works with people and horse both separately and together, to help clean up whatever is the real cause behind the behaviour or problem.
I can tell from conversations I have had with Caroline over the years that I have known her, that the sheer gift that she has with horses has been in evidence since she was a child and went into a stable with an incredibly dangerous stallion and “tamed” that horse that everyone else was so afraid of. That’s typical of people with a strong heart feel, animals positively respond to them very quickly. But because her type of natural skills and talents were not routinely celebrated in our scientifically based society, she was left feeling in her gentle ways, that she was “not enough”.
Please notice the important thing here. While Caroline was looking OUTSIDE her own wisdom and extraordinary gentle-ness for the answers to horses’ issues, she was feeling that she was not enough. These days, Caroline knows and uses the effectiveness of that incredible gentleness, all the way to her bones. She knows how to use it with strength and incredible competency.
She brings the skills that she learned in that journey to help people here find strength and satisfaction in their natural talent as they solve problems and learn to be great horse people too.
Work with Caroline
You find Caroline looking after and holding the energy of the chat rooms of almost every seminar and clinic. If you’d like to work with her one on one, you can email Caroline for her current prices and to talk about how she can help and answer any questions you may have.
I can’t tell you how often I’ve paused trying to explain this extraordinary woman and do her justice. Sandra is a talented horse woman who went into expanded consciousness in an on line horse clinic here about 8 years ago. Whether it’s a horse problem or a business problem, healing or life coaching, because of that expanded consciousness, she has this knack of cutting through to the heart of whatever issue you’re working on, like a knife through butter.
She brings calm and peacefulness and laughter and heart and Presence to working in difficult industries and with unusual animals – like her rescue and rehabilitation of bats, who are an incredibly important pollinating animal who too often gets a bad rap.
Among other things, she’s a qualified hypnotist and brings her extraordinary Feel and skill and connection with others to that and everything else that she does.
Sandra prices her work on results, so if you want access to her skills outside of the Anti-Struggling Seminars and our clinics, you’ll have to talk with her about what you want and work out a cost.
Narel Wilson
Please note: Narel’s only doing a small amount of outside work at the moment while she’s in a new job.
Want an animal communicator? Narel is brilliant – way beyond me. 🙂 She has a natural strength in energetic feel, which she has extended with her experience in shamanic healing. She uses her shamanic framework for her animal communication. She brings these energetic gifts and talents and experiences and training and combines those with a deep commitment to our approach to horsemanship and to empowering people.
To get an idea of how energetic feel works with horses, think of the way that a school of fish move together in absolute harmony – fast or slow, whoosh… they just all turn in the same direction at the same time – it seems with one mind. Using energetic feel ultimately brings that same ability to flow together, horse and rider together as one in a beautiful harmony.
The great riding master/teachers are describing energetic feel when they talk about the circuit of energy or the circuit of power between horse and rider. Energetic feel gives you another tool to use, to flow you and your horse into the One-ness – the amazing artistry of togetherness.
Having a natural talent in the unseen world of energy, Narel is uniquely positioned to help others whose natural talent is energetic feel to come to the same practical results as the rest of us – a different journey to the same beautiful horsemanship.
Work with Narel
You can email Narel to talk about how she can help or with any questions you may have. You’ll need to email Narel because her prices vary depending on what shes doing and between her hospital work and family, she has a waiting list.
Email Me
You can email me to check out who would best serve your issue or problem – keeping in mind that there really aren’t problems when you work like this – just opportunities to develop a deeper bond with your horse.