I know! Just the word exercise makes me go blah… It conjures up images of hard work and sweaty gyms and uninteresting treadmills. Not my thing, which makes it blah indeed for me!
But here’s the thing… If exercise beats anti-depressant drugs in reducing depression (which has been found in multiple, replicated studies now) then imagine what happy movement can do for you?
Increased vitality! Healing!
Enjoyable movement could mean the joyful look on my dogs faces as I take them for a walk, dancing to the beat of some really good old fashioned rock and roll – learning to dance properly was such fun! Walking out with my horse and using it to develop a better relationship is excellent happy movement, riding out in the bush, or hiking into an interesting place.
Maybe a gym is more your thing. It could be team sports, a walking club, a field naturalists association counting frogs, a yoga studio, pushing an old lady in a wheelchair out for some fresh air, bopping on the lounge, gardening, chopping wood, whatever…
…but it’s enjoyable movement that is healing. Because if it’s not enjoyable, that’s your Physical Feel at work telling you that something needs to change, isn’t it?
Slow down, smell the roses – ha! the first time someone told me to enjoy the journey I wanted to slap them! Feel your feet flex and bend as you walk, notice your outward breath and the way that the lower part of your ribs flex inwards as you breath out, soften your eyes with a gentle smile, roll your shoulders, feel your back soften and your posture change and strengthen effortlessly.
And above all? Enjoy…
Photo: I took this photo on a beach in Perth. Do you imagine that the owner of those dogs has any trouble getting herself out into the fresh air and experiencing enjoyable movement?
Runners specially can use enjoyment in their Physical Feel to shift from punishing their bodies and wearing out their knees, to the kind of ease and style of movement that means they can run enjoyably for hours. We can talk in more detail about how that works for everyone from golfers to swimmers to horse riders to physical activities of all kinds, in a live event one day.