What a BIIIGGG session – laughter and tears, both as excellent as each other at dispersing old energy.
Tuesday 12th April
Click here if you need an alternate audio.
Thursday 14th April
Another BIIGGG session with some fabulous intentions set about doing big feeling things the easy way.
Click here if you need an alternate audio
If you’ve listened to either of the two sessions last week, you will have heard Adriane in action pfttting (that’s the sound of crap disappearing) pfttting 20 years of debilitating depression. There were several others who made dramatic breakthroughs too – I’m using Adriane as an example because I asked her and she’d enjoy her experience to ripple out to others.
So how did that happen so easily?
You may have noticed that all those big breakthroughs that people experienced in that first week came when they understood that some BIIIGGGG stuff that they’d been feeling was not theirs – that they had picked up on someone else’s feelings – that there was something that they needed to KNOW or DO, FOR or ABOUT someone else.
Feeling others’ feelings is a natural part of life. We Feel others with the same Inner Awareness, the same natural talent that we have for feeling our own feelings. If you haven’t watched this 10 minute presentation on using the five ways of feeling to feel good while problem solving, then it’s worth watching.

Pause for a moment and feel into “Is that really true?” “Is it true that feeling other people and even animals’ feelings is a natural part of life?”
In Adriane’s case her 20 years of depression was caused by grief, getting more intense as she didn’t know how to deal with every death of each beloved pet and person. You heard and maybe even felt it happen on the first live call, it just pfft! disappeared, when she understood that she had been feeling her husband’s feelings for twenty years – the shocking grief that he experienced when he looked out the window at the sound of her car crash, saw her body laying there and thought she was dead.
There was a reason for Adriane feeling his feelings.
Now… she didn’t wake up in the morning and decide to make herself miserable for 20 years by picking up her husband’s intense emotions. There was a reason for it – there was something for her to KNOW or DO, FOR or ABOUT her husband and at the time of writing this, that reason hadn’t floated in to her conscious mind yet.
It’s like I’ve been saying over and over again – the answer is not as important as OUR WILLINGNESS to know the answer. It’s the FEELING of curiosity, openness and willingness to know what to know or do about the feelings, that is the key to inner peace and happiness. The answer itself can float into the subconscious when we’re ready and it will.
And THAT is exactly what happened – pffft the escalated intensity of her grief was gone and 20 years of depression disappeared with it.

Let’s pause for a moment and ask ourselves “Is that really true?”
“Is it really true that my willingness, my openness, my curiosity to know the message about whatever crappy feelings I am experiencing, is the key to my inner inner peace and happiness … WHATEVER crappy feelings I am experiencing?”
The intensity of what you’re Feeling doesn’t make it yours.
Intense feelings CAN be ours, but as you’ve seen in the clinic they are just as likely to be someone else’s that you have picked up as a very natural part of life.
Again, you saw that Adriane had been experiencing 20 years worth of intense feelings THAT WERE NOT HERS. You saw, heard and felt that happen to quite a few people in Week 1.
The intensity comes from not listening or not taking action, not BEING ABLE to listen or take action, not KNOWING HOW to listen and take action or CHOOSING not to listen and take action. That last one becomes rare once we understand and experience that OUR happiness depends on it!

Is that picture and the words on it, making you smile yet?
What’s that going to mean FOR YOU? Let’s pause for a minute and ask ourselves again – is THAT really true?
“Is it true that really intense feelings aren’t necessarily mine?”
How our connection with others fits in with our OWN happy creating

So does that mean that when I feel someone else’s feelings, that it’s all sweetness and light?
Picture me sitting at my desk and snorting with laughter.
I’ve had lots of gorgeous interactions where I’ve felt someone else’s stuff and it’s all been sweetness and light – but my BIGGEST change places have come from the other person behaving like an asshole or in a way that deeply upsets me. Understanding where THEY are coming from, understanding what’s going on behind THEIR behavior or problem, has taken me through MY change place and closer to MY dream.

Let’s have a Feel of that for yourself
Have a think about this past week since our last session together. Have you come across any assholes that are helping you to get closer to your yummy clinic goal or dream? lol!

Yeah it would change everything wouldn’t it? If every asshole behavior was in some way linked to US getting what WE want – whether that’s a destiny, “what am I here on earth to do” thing or something yummy we’re creating – then holy shit it would change EVERYTHING, hey?
So let’s ask ourselves shall we?
Today’s Quiet Mind is very short
Today’s Quiet Mind is a short opportunity to reflect on those two questions and then we’ll have a discussion.
- Is it true that when we Feel other people’s feelings, it’s an opportunity for OURSELVES to take another step towards OUR dream?
- Have we met any assholes recently that we’d like to get curious about what’s BEHIND their assholery?

Smiling yet?