Tuesday’s call
Holy shit all right! What a special night with Costanza blazing into a Kundalini awakening. If you’re not familiar with that expression, it’s one of the most powerful and blissful of the spiritual awakenings. Take a note folks – her way won’t be your way – you are unique.
Click here if you need a different audio
Thursday’s call
It was a pleasure to talk to Costanza about how things were unfolding since her “awakening” and it was a wonderful opportunity to talk about the benefits in envy and jealousy. Then we explored the uniqueness of awakening to each of us, the layers in it, the different styles and journeys, with Sandra, Caroline and I talking about how ours was so different from Costanza’s. For those who have physical issues, I particularly wanted to note the physical re-ordering of Costanza’s body that’s happening. (As you know, you don’t have to wait for a Kundalini Awakening for THAT to happen!) As we moved around the seminar room, what struck me most afterwards was how far people had come and how “easy” their awareness has been.
Then we got to see / experience the power of The Paradox applied to a wonderfully broad range of things as we moved around talking to everyone, including a powerful healing that Donna brought in for her horse.
If you’re listening to the recording for the first time, come back to me by email and let me know what “landed” for you.
Click here if you need an alternate audio for Thursday
Does everything REALLY happen for a reason?
We’ve talked about being grateful for the assholes and all jokes aside, when we find ourselves profoundly understanding someone whose behavior has upset or hurt us, that paradox has a tendency to transform our lives in the inner peace and happiness department and lots more besides.
Today I want to talk about CRAPPY CIRCUMSTANCES that prompt the change that has to happen for us to reach our goal or dream.
Enter The Paradox
A paradox is something that seems contradictory but isn’t really.
What I call THE Paradox, is the rightness behind the utter wrongness of even the crappiest circumstances. Bear with me for a minute, I know that sounds impossible, but it isn’t really. It’s an experiential thing and we’ll experience it when I start talking to people. You’ll notice that I often talk about finding the energy of The Paradox, but other people might not experience that as energy, but in the uniqueness of their own Feel.
So let’s talk about people’s individual circumstances… have we had anything happen over the last three weeks – some kind of circumstance that might look crappy at first glance, but which might be a change place on the way to your clinic dream or your dream of having a fun dream? Can we have a discussion and feel into The Paradox about that?
Quiet Mind on relaxation around NOT being ready to notice the Paradox in crappy circumstances.
Here’s another thing to think about
For those of us who like to understand things, this is an interesting question to ask ourselves.