Our Nine Golden Rules of Reiki
1. Reiki does not replace medical treatment – not for yourself, not for others.
2. Do NOT diagnose. Your intuition will get more sensitive with experience and you may feel or sense things in that being’s body or mind which may lead you to conclusions about their health and general wellbeing. Simply use your Reiki to channel more energy into this area, Holding Space for them while you work. More about Holding Space on the next page. Stick to the beautiful simplicity of what we do.
Not only is diagnosis dangerous and easily mistaken – by your labelling, it can add power and anxiety to the illness and get in the way of healing.
Rather than even thinking about diagnosis, it is MUCH more powerful to support a person / horse/ other animal / plant to clean up their blockages to healing so that the mind / body / spirit can heal in the incredibly wonderful way that it was designed – and oh my goodness we are all designed so amazingly well!
3. If you are strongly guided to, you may share EXACTLY any insights that you get in a healing session, without expansion or interpretation of any sort. Expanding or interpreting brings your own history and past problems into the situation and confuses the picture dramatically. If in doubt, say nothing.
4. Do NOT give a prognosis – that means do not tell someone how long it will take to get better or how long any healing lasts – because you don’t know. Every being is unique and their healing, their insights, their understanding will take as long as is perfect for them.
5. More Reiki is better than less, a little is better than none. If you can’t give a full treatment, or if the atmosphere is less than ideal (AND if you have permission), then set your symbols for the energy to run for as long as you have time for – even if that is literally the moment that it takes to put the symbol up. You can give Reiki under any circumstances and in all situations if you’re willing to give it.
6. Communication and Awareness is the key. Pregnant ladies, babies, the elderly, the very ill – everyone will have their unique needs, so use your unique sense of Feel (which will be more sensitive, specially during a healing session) to know when to back away, take a rest, finish for this day, ask a question, be reassuring, or bring something that you Feel to their attention.
I rarely have my own stuff come up in a session, but that has happened occasionally, so if you get something coming up while you’re working with the Reiki energy, check into yourself to see if it’s yours and if it is and the answer doesn’t flow in the moment, make a note to self to look into that after the session. And take that action because if it comes up in someone else’s session, it’s a big deal.
If it’s not yours, Feel inside yourself for the Rightness of communicating what you’re getting. If it does feel right to communicate something, then fine – speak up. You may even feel compelled to speak up and I know of circumstances where people have even experienced discomfort until they HAVE spoken up.
Again, it’s important that we describe EXACTLY what we Feel, hear, see, experience – with no expansion or interpretation. The client may not understand whatever it is straight away, but they will usually figure it out later, provided we don’t muck that up by trying to interpret it.
7. Confidentiality is important for people to feel safe with you. Do not discuss a client’s name and issues with anyone else without their permission.
8. Reverence – People and animals can be very vulnerable when they’re open to healing, so treat them with the reverence that they deserve. This means using our Inner Awareness to be Present with them and focused on THEM. I once watched an otherwise talented healer talking about something totally unrelated to the horse she was working on, gossiping to the horse’s owner about all kinds of things, some of it quite judgemental and critical of others. The energy was horrible and as far as I was concerned the healing session was anything but healing – a great lesson for me!
9. Perfection – Whatever your level of experience, this being will be with YOU, today in this moment for a reason and it will be PERFECT…