What we’re learning today is how to make a simple homeopathic for you or your animals. This is by no means meant to replace the vast knowledge and training of a homeopath who can easily spend an hour delving into all your symptoms to find the perfect homeopathic from among the thousands that exist.
These are interesting times and it feels to me that the more tools we have in our happy health toolbox, the better – this tool is meant to be “just” one of them. 🙂
You’ll notice that the written version below is a little different from the audio, as I respond to people’s questions and the flow of the seminar.
If you have any trouble with the audio above, click here for an alternative.
The Quiet Mind starts at 25 minutes and 2 seconds precisely lol! Hit the play button, then hold the left button of your mouse down and slide along until you see the 25 minute mark if that’s the part that you’d like to repeat.
The pendulum
What we’re doing here is using a pendulum to figure out where to take your base sample from and EXACTLY how many succussions and jars to use for THIS animal or for THIS person at THIS precise point in time. My intention with this seminar is to give you a simple tool with powerful possibilities for YOURSELF. Making a homeopathic like this and taking it out to more animals and more people is a more complex subject and beyond the scope of our seminar. As for the powerful possibilities, just look at what happened with Sunny last week! The story and videos are below.
The biggest thing around the pendulum seems to be confidence in the answer. When some sceptic says “It’s all crap because you’re just moving the pendulum yourself”. Well derrr… of course you are! The thing is to not move it on purpose and allow your SUBconscious to do the moving.
Lists help. I’m a kinesiologist and I help the SUBconscious mind avoid the conscious mind when I’m testing, by having lists of things and then I avoid learning the lists. That way when I point at a page, or a section of a page and test for a yes /no I can be sure it’s my SUBconscious coming up with the answer.
Trying too hard is another way that we can influence the testing and it’s logical that subtly influencing the testing should make us lose confidence in the answer. Gosh this makes me smile. Trying too hard gets in the way of sooo much good stuff! We’ll do a Quiet Mind in a minute around confidence in our pendulum, that will hopefully clear up some of that trying too hard stuff! 🙂
Do me a favour around your pendulum
Do not… I repeat DO NOT use your pendulum for decision making. I personally consider that an abominable thing to do and I groan every time I hear someone cheerfully telling me they used their pendulum for this purpose. What an utter waste of choice and potential and a waste of wonderful possibility.
The way that you ask questions to get clear, simple yes / no answers is an art. So my advice is to pretty much stick to the style of the questions here, because I’ve set them out for you.
When it comes to asking testing questions, I say “dumb questions get dumb answers”. For example “Can I give this medicine/ herb / food to this animal?” The answer will always be YES. Because of course you CAN give it, but will it do any good? Will it kill it even? A better question would avoid the possibility of killing or causing harm hey? Is it the BEST medicine / herb / food for the circumstances? i.e. For THIS animal at THIS point in time? The best way to avoid what I call dumb pendulum questions is to follow this simple recipe that we’ve got here.
Confidence in your pendulum
This is where we’ll do a Quiet Mind to increase the clarity, reduce or even eliminate the “try too hard” and increase a realistic confidence with your pendulum.
One the recording, Angela experienced a restlessness that I picked up. We followed up after the seminar. It had a simple answer. Her meditation should be done actively – i.e. out walking or sweeping the floor or something physical. Plus that restlessness is her physical expression that something is Not Quite Right, that she needs to be paying attention to. Thanks for that Angela!
Get the yes / no happening
And work with anyone who needs a hand.
Testing procedure for making the homeopathic
Permission – Do I have permission from this animal to make them a homeopathic? Ask for a YES NO answer to this question. There’s an ethical thing here about choice and not doing work on someone who doesn’t want it. It’s also a waste of time, because unwillingness counteracts the work. If you have something serious going on and you can’t get permission, then email me with a photo or ring me if it’s an emergency and ask for a healing session.
What are we going to make this homeopathic out of for THIS animal at this point in time?
Choose an animal to work out a homeopathic for them. You can actually make the medicine AFTER the seminar. Our job here on the seminar this morning is to use your pendulum to figure out exactly how you’re going to make the homeopathic. Then you can go and make it at your leisure.
What tiny amount of the following are you going to put into the first jar of your medicine?
Get the YES / NO of your pendulum happening around each option. And when you get a YES answer, write that thing down. Keep going through this list until you have all the YES’s written down. It can be one thing it can combine a number of them.
- Saliva
- Hair
- A pinprick of blood
- Skin scraping – remember it only needs to be minutely tiny – no gouging please!
- Nails or a bit of hoof
- Nose mucous.
- Wound exudate
- Other body fluids like tears or urine or vaginal discharge.
- Vomit / diarrhoea
- Is there anything else that we need to use, to make the most effective medicine? And keep asking this question and writing down the answer until you get a NO.
How many succussions?
How many times are you going to gently bang your jar on a book? (See the homeopathic instruction video for footage of me doing that) Don’t bother going further once you have your answer, if you find second guessing yourself, then redo the Quiet Mind here sometime after our seminar.
0 to 10
10 to 20
20 to 30
more than 30
When you find the right group, then use you pendulum to get a YES/NO on each number in that group until you get a YES. Write that number of succussions down.
How many jars are you going to use?
You’ll see me doing jar changes in the video – taking a minute amount of succussed water and putting it into a jar of clean water and discarding the rest, then succussing the new water.
I always include my first jar in that number. When you find the group that says YES, then use your pendulum to drill down to the exact number of jars that you’re going to do those succussions on. Don’t bother going further once you have your answer, if you find second guessing yourself, then redo the Quiet Mind here sometime after our seminar,
0 to 10
10 to 20
20 to 30
More than 30
Drill down until you get a YES to an exact number and write that down.
This is about figuring out how much homeopathic to give of the liquid in that final jar.
Do I apply by mouth or to mucous membranes? (Food is OK, I put horse meds in a piece of carrot and dog’s meds on something small that they like too, maybe a bit of bread.) YES/NO
Is it a specific number of drops that you need to use a dropper for and put into their mouth? YES / NO (If you get a YES, then test starting from one drop until you get a YES and write that answer down.)
Is it just a small amount that’s left on a spoon when you dip it into the final jar that you can swipe across their lips? YES / NO
Is it a larger amount to put in their drinking water? YES / NO If you get a YES here, you can measure that by ml
0 to 5ml ml
5 to 10ml
10 to 20 ml
20ml to 100 ml
More than 100ml
If you get a YES to a large amount, you can drill down with your YES / NO’s until you get a precise quantity. And write the answer down.
Now we want to know how many doses of that homeopathic?
Ask your pendulum for YES NO around each of these numbers and when you find a YES, drill down to a specific number and write it down.
1 dose
2 doses
3 doses
4 doses
5 doses
5 to 10 doses
10 to 20 doses
more than 20 doses
If you come up with more than 20 doses, please email me with a photo of your animal and I’ll have a quick feel into whether these circumstances are beyond the scope of this simple homeopathic. It’ll re-assure you or give you something else to do.
Then we want to know the time between those doses
So ask your pendulum YES NO to the following time frames and when you get a YES write down the answer.
1 minute apart
2 to 5 minutes apart
twice daily
once a day
Again, if you get any weird answers, email me with a photo of your animal and I’ll have a quick feel for what’s going on, just to make sure that it’s not out of the scope of this simple homeopathic.
Is there anything else we need to know or do to make this treatment effective? YES / NO
There’s so many things that can come under this heading. I have a large folder filled with lists of all kinds of things that I’ve come up with over the nearly three decades of doing this work. You’ll create your own lists.
In the meantime, if you get a YES to this question, drop into a Quiet Mind and set your deliberate thoughtful smiling intention to understand what that is – and the answer WILL come to your attention So pay attention to everything that happens around you until the answer does come. Knowing that I couldn’t push Sunny to have her meds in the snake situation was one of those “anything else to know or do” things.
Occasionally the meds aren’t by mouth, they’re on the skin (so that could come up when you ask this question) and even if they are by mouth, they can be put on the mucous membranes.
Keep records of what you’ve come up with, what you’ve done and what you’ve observed both before and after the medicines.
When you’ve made and administered the medicine, unless it’s for a wasp bite or bee sting in which you might be able to use it again as a first aid – THROW IT AWAY. The odds of having an identical symptom picture are pretty slim. Having said that, I have a some tiger snake venom and I’ve kept a low potency homeopathic that I made out of that for use in emergencies. That’s not what Sunny tested up for the other day though.
Video instructions for making the homeopathic
- If your medicine is to be taken for longer than a few days, make it out of alcohol or part alcohol so the water doesn’t go yucky.
- A homeopathic is a vibratory medicine, so don’t keep it near near your phone, or anything electric, or on top of the microwave and definitely don’t keep it in the fridge.
This video was about making a specific dosage for the side effects of vaccinations and other toxins. I’ve put the video here, so that you are reminded of HOW we made the actual homeopathic.
Important note:
Use the number of succussions and number of jar changes that come from your pendulum testing, not the ones that I’m using in the video.
Sunny – was it snake bite or not?
This snake thing happened last weekend. I came out to feed the horses and Sunny was late coming in and she was a bit staggery. Her nose was noticeably swollen, her breathing and heartrate were rapid and she was distressed.
I activated my reiki healing while I was noticing all of what was going on, using my Feel for her and checking her over physically for things like a grass seed stuck in her mouth. Reiki is always my first “go to” while I figure out what else to do and my Feel is something that’s on auto pilot these days. If you’re not familiar with the concept of Feel, it’s a bit like intuition but a lot bigger. All our work here, whether for humans or animals, has Feel at its core. – it turns mere intuition into the practical ability to know what to do and when.
As I was testing for what to do, I got a clear vision of a snake thrashing. They do this thing when they are trying to look bigger to frighten you away and trying not to bite, where they thrash around in kind of an upright circle. The time frame was one to two hours earlier.
She tested up for a homeopathic made from her saliva which was weirdly sticky and I didn’t have time to make it by hand, so I used my radionics machine, which makes the homeopathic in 3 minutes. The dosage was 2 drops, 3 doses one minute apart. Then wait three hours and do the same again – 3 doses 1 minute apart. There was something to know or do before the prescribing of the dosage of the medicine was complete and it was that I couldn’t bully her into having that medicine, even though it WAS critical. That makes sense because fighting her would have upset her, elevated everything, increased movement and sped up venom spread.
I had a strong feeling to keep the other horses near her, which also makes sense since we wouldn’t want her speeding up venom spread by moving around trying to follow them or getting upset f she couldn’t see them. Notice that was a FEEL thing. I didn’t have to stop and think about all the ways to support her best – it just came automatically with my FEEL.
Usually I give a horse their homeopathic on a piece of carrot or such like, but she wasn’t able to eat and for some reason these drops weren’t easy to drop into the side of her mouth like I normally would. I had to swipe them on her mucous membrane because she was moving away from me putting them in her mouth. Mucous membrane is a good alternative to putting drops in the mouth. One cow herd that we had to dose for a large mastitis outbreak, we sprayed the homeopathic on their vulva at milking time.
Almost straight after the three doses, her breathing eased a bit and she didn’t look quite so “0ut of it” and distressed.
Within half an hour this second photo shows the swelling coming down noticeably.
When I came back for the second series of doses, she was looking pretty balanced over her feet and standing at the hay bale, having a bit of a munch. While I was giving her those second series of meds, I had another snake vision.
This video was taken straight after that second series of 3 doses, 3 hours after I discovered her.
Here’s what I think happened.
I think it was what we call a dry bite. A snake doesn’t want to use their venom on anything it can’t eat – it means they go hungry afterwards – so when they’re defending themselves, they’ll often bite without actually injecting venom deliberately.
I think the swelling and her other physical responses was from a minute amount of venom on the fangs of a tiger snake who didn’t want to inject venom. (We had a young one in the garden last year.)
I was VERY happy that she recovered so quickly and VERY happy to avoid an upwards of $5,000 vet bill.
If you want to know more about reiki healing, click here.
This video is the next day.
Quiet mind
Today’s Quiet Mind is designed to increase the clarity, reduce or even eliminate the “try too hard” (which will apply to everything not just to your pendulum work) and increase a realistic confidence with your pendulum.
Let’s notice what we feel like first, then we’ll make sure that Quiet Minding on this subject feels good to YOU individually, before we go into it.
Smiling a little and paying gentle attention to your OUTward breath, notice the way that the lower part of your ribs moves on your OUTward breath. The smiling part is important, so give me a little smile as you pay gentle attention to your outward breath and the way the lower part of your ribs just kind of squash that breath from your lungs.
Smiling, breathing…
Now notice what it feels like to increase the clarity with your pendulum, reduce or even eliminate the “try too hard” (which will apply to everything not just to your pendulum work) and increase a realistic confidence with your pendulum.
What does that feel like?
Is there anyone that feels crappy or Not Quite Right around that intention?
If there is, you could do the Quiet Mind with the intention of experiencing relaxation.
For everyone else, right now, make a deliberate, thinking decision to “increase the clarity with your pendulum, reduce or even eliminate the “try too hard” (which will apply to everything not just to your pendulum work) and increase a realistic confidence with your pendulum.” Think about what it’s going to feel like to be clear and confident with your pendulum.
OK, we’re ready to rock and roll. One or more of these ways of Feeling will be stronger than others. We’re all unique, so don’t worry if some of what I’m saying doesn’t mean anything to you.
Paying gentle attention to your outward breath and the way that the lower part of your ribs just squashes the last little bit of air from your lungs. And you’re not trying to do that on purpose. just notice how that happens. Notice how much easier and sweeter your breath is with this smiley gentle focus on the outward breath.
Then notice that tiny pause that’s just starting to happen naturally at the bottom of the outward breath. You’re not doing that on purpose either, just notice that pause where just for a split second you don’t even need to breathe at all.
Feel for your Heart beat and if you can’t quite feel it then just imagine that you can.
Allow your attention to expand to your whole body, noticing any energy in your body – the tingles, and flow – maybe even curious about any stuck spots or tensions
Notice any emotions that come up – just smiling and observing them, open to notice what they’re telling you.
Notice any thoughts and ideas, no matter how negative, just notice them and any patterns of what they feel like – follow and observe those thoughts, smiling gently, open, allowing them to flow all the way to the gold at the bottom of them.
Now… keep your smiling attention on how the inside of your body feels as I talk about your intention of experiencing relaxation OR increasing the clarity with your pendulum, reducing or even eliminating the “try too hard” (which will apply to everything not just to your pendulum work) and increasing a realistic confidence with your pendulum.
Notice what parts of your body come to your attention while I’m talking about experiencing relaxation OR increasing the clarity with your pendulum, reducing or even eliminating the “try too hard” (which will apply to everything not just to your pendulum work) and increasing a realistic confidence with your pendulum.
Smiling, observing, open with gentle curiosity and willingness to understand or bear witness to or just BE with, whatever your body mind and spirit is bringing to your attention
What’s the message here?
Be open to the idea that what you might be feeling here might not be all yours. In our connection to others, we can feel their feelings so clearly that we think they’re ours. The intensity doesn’t make it ours either.
Smiling, finding a gentle curiosity about what your body mind and spirit is telling you – a feeling of open-ness and willingness to understand what your mind body and spirit is telling you.
Flow with whatever comes up, with the confidence that we’re holding you here in a sacred space.
When they’re finished, bring them back to their bodies. Get them to walk it in. Does everyone feel complete?
Ask who’d like to share what came up for them in that Quiet Mind?