Welcome to Day 6
Creating a habit around relaxed breathing can become your trigger into a Quiet Mind. So today’s practice focuses on your outward breath and the movement of the lower part of your ribs, whilst dropping into the Reverse Breathing of the previous two days. Use your soft, smiling eyes to feel your feet sinking deeper into the ground and at the same time notice that you feel taller. Notice how your back softens when you do that and how strong you feel when that happens.
Setting our intention is a powerful thing to do. Set your intention, right now as you are reading this… to notice all sorts of opportunities to take yourself into this Reverse Breathing with your horse. Notice the effect on them and yourself – while you watch them relax, while you watch them feed, when you are grooming them, or whilst riding – whatever you’re doing with them.
You can also expand this practice into the rest of your day – when you’re cooking, doing the dishes, walking down the street – and notice how good that feels.
Each time you practice this breathing, take yourself into that state of inner awareness, with your soft smiling eyes – feel for your heart beat if that feels good for you, notice the energy moving in your body, notice any heightened sensations of sound or smell, notice any emotions and allow them to flow, notice any feelings in your body. Also notice which of those things drops you into your inner awareness faster and easier.
Throughout this whole process, every time you notice yourself feeling good, pause for a second or two and soak up how good that feels – take a moment to really appreciate it.
Keys to Success
1. You can repeat the meditation from Day 5 with your horse if you have the opportunity or feel you need the support.
2. Don’t forget to pause and allow that soaking up and appreciating to happen whenever in your day you notice yourself feeling good – even if that’s just for a second or two!
3. You can contact me if you need any extra support. This “contact me” stuff is not just words. There’s all kinds of ways that we have to support people on our programs and many of them are free.
Up Next
The next lesson is about a conscious connection to your horse. OR this can be another of those natural pause and process / heal places if you feel like you need it. I don’t know about you, but I have to put stuff on my calendar to remember it.