Belinda Lawson New Zealand
Location: Based in Ashburton, covering Christchurch to Timaru
Phone: 0800 859 934 or 006421796686.
Modalities/areas of training include: Equine science, Bowen therapy (Human and equine), Craniosacral therapy, acupressure, joint mobilisation, stretching techniques, equine massage
About Belinda: Hailing from a horsey family, I have always had a lifelong desire to improve the health and welfare of horses. This desire lead me to begin my career as an equine sports therapist by becoming certified in equine bowen therapy. I have since studied additional modalities, and now provide a well rounded treatment package to suit each individual horses needs. Please visit my website click here for additional information on how I can help your horse.
Cath Garden New Zealand
Location: Palmerston North – Travels regularly thoughout the North Island, every few months to the South Island and most years overseas.
Cell.+64 21 02361099
Cath’s qualifications: Equine Bowen Therapy, practitioner and New Zealand Instructor Equestrian Sports New Zealand Performance Coach, rider, trainer, dressage, jumping, in-hand work, classical, round pen, starting horses, solving issues.
What I do……. With nearly 40 years horse experience in many disiplines, though many parts of the world I have seen the many good and bad things horses manage to cope with one way or another. “Helping Horses and Humans Understand each other” is my motto and as my knowledge and experience has grown I am able to tune in with the horse and often help explain to him just what these humans are expecting..thru training methods that firstly make sense to the horse, and then explaining them to their humans as well. I use the body work – Bowen and energy work and intuitivly working with what the horse needs. Having a good knowledge of hoof balance, overall body balance, nutrition, teeth and saddle/equipment issues I can then refer on as may be needed. I will also bring in other therapists, homeopathy, bach flowers, cranial sacral, etc if needed to give a holistic approach to helping horses have the best life possible.
Elisha Brownrigg New Zealand
Location: Bay Of Plenty Area New Zealand
Phone: 021 729418
Qualifications: Equine Craniosacral Therapist – Trained with Maureen Rogers Equine Touch – Levels 1 & 2 (still in training) EAGALA – Horse Specialist level 1 & 2 (doing the training next week) (Editor: January 2013))
About Elisha: I have had a love for horses and animals my whole life. Never did I think I would be blessed enough to work with them as a job. I enjoy taking on Thoroughbreds off the track and retraining them to everyday riding horses, I found most of them had body issues from racing and decided I wanted to train in a therapy so I could treat them myself. I started off with an Equine Touch course and after that I was hooked. Went on to train with Maureen Rogers in Craniosacral Therapy which I think is just an amazing therapy with fantastic results, and in the meantime have done another Equine Touch level. I still love seeing the results after I have treated horses. I am continuing to train and increase my knowledge base. I am also the volunteer Coordinator at the Riding for Disabled in Tauranga. Our hard working horses get treated frequently, which is such a pleasure as they give so much to their riders, so its important to keep them happy and healthy.
Equine Breathing World wide
Click here for Equine Breathings website
Equine Breathing is a new holistic method that enables horse owners to help their horse recover from chronic ailments (such as Chronic Pulmonary Obstructive Disease, COPD where the horse has difficulty breathing) and behavioural problems (such as headshaking), and to increase fitness and performance. Anyone can do Equine Breathing using free instructions available on Clare’s website above. It is soothing and relaxing and horses enjoy it.
If a horse has a chronic ailment or behavioural problem, then it will be over breathing (breathing too big a volume of air). Over breathing has a direct and damaging effect on the physiology and can therefore eventually manifest in symptoms.
Equine Breathing is not a veterinary technique or even a therapy, it is simply a training method that owners can use to bring their horse’s breathing back towards normal. As the horse’s breathing improves, the physiology recovers and symptoms reduce.
Click here for a short introductory video about Equine Breathing The website is full of info including case studies, how it works, how to help your horse, how to help yourself etc. Clare of Equine Breathing is always happy to hear from you and answer questions by email.
Heidi Billing Horsewell Equine Rehab, New Zealand
Location: Waikato area, New Zealand.
Click here for link to Heidi’s website
Phone: 021 406515
Modalities: Equine laser therapy, rehabilitation of injuries at our rehab centre, Equine thermography and specialist therapeutic products. Horsewell has found there is a genuine need for specialist therapeutic products. We have located products that come highly recommended within the industry and endeavour to source these products to make them available to the New Zealand equine industry.
Qualifications: B.App Sci (medical imaging technology), Equine massage certificate, Low level laser therapy training.
About Heidi: We specialise in taking horses that are not preforming at their peak, assess them using thermography and rehabilitate them back into work. Our rehabilitation program involves working with a chiropractor, master farrier along with our massage, laser therapy and controlled exercise programs. We are passionate about getting to the bottom of your horses problems and keeping the owner or trainer full informed with what we find every step of the way.
Janice Clyma New Zealand
Location: Canterbury area.
Animal Therapies Unlimited Woodfield Equine Rehabilitation Centre
415 Woodbank Road, Hanmer Springs
Phone: 0800 452 642
About Janice: I am certified in Cranio Sacral Therapy and am a certified Equine Touch instructor and practitioner. I have been practicing for nearly 10 years. I often offer places for students of different modalities to come and gain practical hands on experience working with rehab horses, and have met many wonderful people from all nations doing this.
Click here for Janice’s website
Jeanne Northwood – Energy Works New Zealand
Location: Based in Auckland, however I work remotely so cater for NZ Nationwide as well as International
Click here for Jeanne’s website
Mobile: 021 1254268 ( NZ) 64-21-1254268 (International)
Qualifications & Modalities: Reiki Practitioner, Magnetic Healing Practitioner, Bach Flower Essences Practitioner, Remote Emotional Release Therapist, Developer and Manufacturer of our own nature Healing range of products under the Synergens label.
About Jeanne: I grew up with the love of horses, and found a natural connection and affinity with them. Career and family took me away from the horse world for a number of years until I become ill myself, and discovered the links between our emotions and environment on our health. I learnt through Magnetic Healing about energy and our auric field -, and moved onto Reiki for Equine and Animals, plus people. I loved working with energy and l started working with flower essences too Through my own health issues I learnt about the link between our health and cellular memory. Over time I developed this into my own ‘modality’ of connecting to an animal or person remotely and ‘talking’ with their cell memory and body. I have worked successfully with this within NZ and also overseas as location is no issue.
I have been successful in working with physical issues from abscess’s, cancer, joint and muscle issues, tmj, horses with trauma, pain, back problems, ‘hard to fix’ problems etc, as well as behavioural issues, new or long standing.
I see the ‘bigger’ picture from horses, their ideas of death and life, their connection to this earth and to the people on it. I am privileged by the way I work to feel the unconditional love that they carry in their hearts, and endeavour to assist their people to understand them better on a much deeper and profound level.
I have written various articles in the NZ Equine magazine, in an on line Spiritual magazine under Animal Healing, spoken at the SPCA Cat Rescue Division, and also other groups as well.
I am happy to talk with one on one, small numbers or groups of people on animal healing and what they can do to work better with their own animals.
Energy Works Animal & Personal Healing Reiki – Magnetic – Energy Healing Bach Flower Essences Synergens Healing range, see my website, visit us on Facebook at EnergyWorks01 or follow our very interesting blog.
Jo Jenner Bowen Equine Therapy Ltd New Zealand
Location: Auckland. She does travel to Northland and the Waikato for multiple bookings.
Phone: 0276603384
Qualifications: Smart Bowen Therapist.. Orthobionomy practiitioner, BASc in Equine Health and Nutrition – Massey University. Equine Dental Tech-Usa certified. Basic Saddle fitting and other complimentary therapies.
About Jo: She has been 12yrs in the industry. She says… I’m extremely passionate about my profession. I beleave in educating people about animals’ needs. My skills are complimentary to vets, chiropractors and other therapies. My motto – all athletes need muscle work and any muscle work is helpful… I treat a variety of disciplines from racehorses, sport horses, to peoples ponies and hacks. I also balance dogs, cats and riders!
Kathy Marx – Arobridge-Equine First. New Zealand
Location: Ness Valley, Clevedon, Auckland, New Zealand.
Click here for Kathy’s website
Phone: 006492929014
About Kathy: For Equine therapies see her website. Kathy is an Equine Specialist (Eagala), Parelli Level 2, Trained Kaimanawa Horses direct from the muster since 2007. I am passionate about the horses being the Professional when treating, meditating, healing…Using their unique and natural ability and energy to remain in “the now” . They are our Teachers and Healers. The Kaimanawa Horses haveproved that they adapt to any situation with courage and ease. This is so apparent when receiving them into our home when they have been torn from their environment into a strange and very human world. Once they trust us they adapt to this new environment quickly and I feel that they teach and allow us to learn all their natural survival knowledge and wisdom when we let them.
Lea Smart of Smart Bowen Therapy International College
Location: Victoria, Australia is where the College centre is located. We offer training in New Zealand at present.
Email :
Phone: 03 54292010 Mobile 0417174237
Click here to go to the Smart Bowen website
About Lea and Smart Bowen: We run a training college that is nationally accredited in Bowen Therapy, providing human, equine and small animal programs. Brian Smart my husband and I own and operate the college and engage instructors in various locations to facilitate the training along with ourselves. I started life as a horse owner, and learned over time that I neither owned the horse nor did they own me, it was a relationship of mutual acceptance and companionship. However, as I had provided my companion with a lifestyle extraordinary to that which they had naturally evolved in, it was up to me to make sure that in every quarter that I gave them the best of what they required to function and live optimally. My journey began as an Animal Technician, which later evolved into a Senior Veterinary Nurse, and to this I added Veterinary Homeopathy, Bowen Therapy, Red Light Therapy, Tissue Salts and so much more. I am currently completing an Adv. Dip in Naturopathy/Herbal Medicine, and studying at the same time Equine Herbal Medicine….the journey never really ends! With formal backgrounds in science I pertain to look outwardly at nature for the answers to health where possible and practical.
We are passionate about : Equine welfare and health. For me the health of the horse begins in the home, meaning that the people who chose to have horse/s as their animal companions become responsible for the health and welfare of that horse or horses on every level. Being able to provide mental, emotional and physical wellbeing to their animal companions is paramount in the relationship between animal and man, especially when they take them from their natural environment and place them in domesticity. We teach people how to maintain their own horses by using Bowen Therapy, but as a qualified therapist, my role is about educating people how to provide this on many levels.
Lynne McKay Clear Touch Clinic New Zealand
Location: Papakura
Phone: 09 2996433 027 206 2166
About Lynne: I am a Biodynamic Craniosacral therapist with 14 years experience, along with 20 yrs bodywork and 15 yrs as a registered nurse I have over the years worked with horses using massage, CST, and in the early days aura soma and needless to say have worked with riders for some 20 yrs.
Click here for Lynne’s website
Paulette Carson New Zealand
Location: Franklin/upper Waikato area – people can bring horses here and I offer mobile service within 1 hour approx driving distance
Phone: from within NZ 0923-34018 mobile 021-1870935
Modality – Reiki
Qualification – Reiki Master-Teacher (2001)
About me: I initially found/learnt Reiki in my search to provide a natural alternative (drug-free) to care for my then 19-year old ex racehorse who was becoming stiff and sore.. with great success. I offer treatments to people and to animals.
Horses and their riders have a close bond and Reiki to both rider and horse together can achieve wonderful results.
I offer Reiki training classes regularly. Reiki can be learned by anybody who is open to and interested in passing on/channelling healing energy to self and others. The ability to channel Reiki is like an “installation” which is passed from Teacher to Student, and from the moment the “installation” or “reawakening” is done, the recipient has the ability to channel Reiki energy from that moment on, 24/7, for life. Reiki enables us to naturally achieve healthier, happier, longer lives.
For Reiki students interested in working with horses I have a Reiki for Horses/Animals specific course practitioners with Level One Reiki or higher.
Peter Archer New Millenium Essences New Zealand
Click here to learn more about Peter’s animal essences
The New Millenium Essences for Animals: I have a unique range of flower essences designed for animals, including horses. I have had some excellent feedback about my Horse Essences, lots of stories of horses that had been extremely nervous, almost impossible to handle, and a few days of treatment with my horse essences and they were totally different.
About Peter: Peter is the developer of the New Millennium Essences, which as well as being a world-leading range of flower essences for people, also includes a unique range of powerful essences specifically for animals, including horses. For details, see these webpages on the NM Essences website, and contact Peter to discuss how his essences will help your horse(s).
Tina Brandt – Horse Harmony New Zealand
Location: Rotorua
Phone: 021 126 3407
Click here for Tina’s website.
Modalities: Equine Bowen Therapy, Horsemanship & Natural Trimming
About Tina: Horse Harmony is a Rotorua based natural horse services company owned and operated by Tina. She says: I offer Equine Bowen Therapy, Horsemanship and Trimming for horses and instruction for owners.
The focus is on making a positive difference in the lives of horses and horse owners by providing non-judgmental, useful and practical natural horse management owner education, holistic therapy (Bowen) to balance both the horse and rider and natural training that always puts the horse first and helps owners communicate effectively with their horses.
I aspire to help owners develop horses that are calm, confident, willing partners and to be mentally, emotionally and physically balanced and riders that provide respectful leadership for their horses with open communication. I strive to help horses live in a psychologically healthy environment, to be able to work and perform pain free and in harmony with their human.
I offer a wealth of knowledge in natural training, natural management, natural diet, tack and saddle fitting, natural environment and natural hoof care for the horse and owner. Fear or lack of confidence based problems for both horse and rider are a specialty.