The idea is that this is not just a list – it’s a place to share each others’ passion for making a difference in the horse world. We know the power and effectiveness of what we do and this is a place to add to each others’ power, with the end result being much bigger than all of us put together.
So in your listing, take the opportunity to tell people what you are passionate about. While you are here – have a look at our FREE LESSONS The Nine Keys to Happiness with Your Horse – you’ll notice that I am most passionate about the physical and emotional effects of the horse / human relationship on both horse and rider and how to improve health from THAT point of view.
This list is open and free to anyone specializing in horses and riders in alternative medicine or alternative therapies. So if you know someone who should be on this list – please let them know.
The list is always under construction – you can see it here.
Email me with the following information and I will add you to my list:
Name, country, area that you work in – email address – phone number – modalities / what you do, qualifications, even if you’re training at something you’re welcome to go up on the list, you just need to tell people that and let me know when you have qualified so I can change the listing. Tell us about yourself – what you specialise in, what you are passionate about. Take the opportunity to really sell yourself from the heart.
Register your email address below so that I can send you occasional requests for articles about your practice or what you do, a particularly touching success story or even the opportunity to create something together.