OK folks, this first recorded Google Hang-out is a bit of dog’s breakfast. Great technology but doing it suddenly like this (Joanna couldn’t access the Instant Teleseminar at the last minute) meant that there were some things we did “wrong”. Because Joanna set up the Hang-out, the video is of her face, instead of me sharing my video screen of her riding and hearing the overlay of us talking about that and because I thought everyone was looking at my screen, I didn’t give the time prompts on the video to have you following that easily.
Nevertheless, it was a fabulous lesson, with Joanna identifying the cause of the tension in her body, learning a technique to solve it and discovering how to keep the energy of excitement moving – all in the context of Be the Change that you want to see in Your Horse to help her “fix” her horse. Lovely stuff and very powerful.
My suggestion is that you set Youtube going of the Google Hangout and then come back here and open up Joanna’s riding video that we were talking about and watch that while we are talking. I think it will make sense that way, although it won’t be in perfect timing.
I’ll know more and do better next time! Speaking of that, someone put their hand up please to be the subject of the next lesson – it doesn’t have to be as clever as Joanna was with her helmet cam. Give me a yell if you need some suggestions about easy videoing of yourself if you need to.
Click here for the Google Hangout of Joanna’s lesson for the audio of Joanna’s Lesson and then watch the Youtube of her ride that we worked on.
Come back and click here for the Youtube of her ride that we were talking about.