I said before that the important thing here is that I’m showing you how to re-connect your body and your brain and then I’m getting out of the way – because YOU with your beautifully re-connected brain and body can take it from there to wherever you want – whether that’s weight off, weight on, good health – you’ll be connected with and in control of your own nutrition and enjoyment.
So that’s why these aren’t recipes to follow, they’re adaptations of my family favorites, for ideas and inspiration. They’re not even recipes. I’m just telling you what kind of things I swapped out, in order to make that two week re-set easier. When you see these ideas, you can get your own adaptations and ideas happening.
At the beginning I loaded up at the supermarket with food like:
- Almonds – to snack on. Raw ones are much sweeter, the oven baked ones don’t seem to have the same satisfaction levels for me
- Fresh almond milk is… omgoodness it’s gorgeous, sweet. Fresh almond milk is delicious and easy to make. Click here for an almond milk recipe that also has ideas on what to do with leftover almond pulp. I froze it until after the two weeks was up, because all the recipes seemed to have some kind of fruit in it for a sweetener and fruit is on the NO list for first two weeks.
- Walnuts to wrap in Jarlsberg cheese slices (that’s one of the cheeses that’s allowed in the first two weeks) and that’s such a lovely combination! Good for snacking in those first few days and now that my appetite is different, it occasionally makes a quick lunch.
- Lots of carrots to slice up and almond butter to dip them into. I did try making the almond butter but my version was crappy.
- I also cooked some beetroot and blended it into a simple beetroot dip. Beetroot is great for detox’ing.
- Beef, lamb, chicken for frying or grilling, although I pretty quickly got bored with that and adapted some of my favorite recipes.
- Vegetables – a wide variety for cooking and for hearty salads off the YES list.
- I already have plenty of eggs with my chickens, a good olive oil, coconut oil and ghee is already part of my pantry.
- And I add a little dried seaweed flakes into just about every meal that has a sauce in it. Seaweed is superb nutritionally, has sixty something minerals and trace elements, adds a wonderful body to the flavor without actually tasting like seaweed, acts a bit like a thickener for the gravy of a casserole or stew or stir fry and I was feeding it to my family for about ten years before someone saw me putting it in and said “oh yuck mum!” Oh the things we do to keep our families healthy!
Read on…
Click here for creative main meal ideas for the two week reset.