When I came back to complete this book, I thought it was a very good book about happiness. But when I started to pull the final draft together 4 years after starting it, it turned out to be a book for these turbulent times – step by step leading us through the experience of understanding what WE, each of us, believe in about how life works, love works, sickness and wellness in the body works, about all the ways that we feel our feelings, about conflict, abundance and the sheer freaking power that we have to change the things that we care about – beyond our wildest imaginings.
And then I came to the part in the book about anger – which was Einstein Factored. See here if you don’t know what I mean I don’t want to be distracted. The section about anger came forth fully formed in my mind and has transformed EVERYthing I thought I knew about the power that each and every ordinary one of us has to change the things that we care about and to create new solutions to old problems. Just pause for a moment and think how big a deal that is – to be able to use that helplessness of anger and rage (and the stuck versions of that, the tension that becomes illness and pain in our body) to literally change our inner and outer world.
And that’s before we get to the possibility of resolving conflict without compromise.
I know! You wouldn’t think it was possible hey? But come on into our free live events and hear it happening and I’ll enjoy sharing a blast of happiness with you one day when you understand the power of that for yourself.
So many people are asking for this book in printed form and yeah I’ll get there but this on line book – the entire book delivered page at a time, is an EXPERIENCE of steadily unfolding of your own holyshitisitreallytrues – your own steadily unfolding experience of realizing the contribution every single one of us is capable of making to this incredible world of ours. We could never have the same impact in a printed book.
We can apply all this knowing to finding inner peace and happiness in our daily living of life and loving, or we can apply it to our places of work or business or we can apply it to the big world issues that we care about. It’s up to you.
Because we don’t have to be afraid of a world on the brink of destruction, shut our eyes and hope the mess will go away. We don’t have to numb ourselves or rage at what’s happening. When we understand how our feelings work and how each of us experiences our connection to others uniquely and how each of us has our part to play… Can you picture me shaking my head with a huge smile on my face? It’s up to you how you use this knowing.
When this experience “lands” in your heart and your mind, I don’t know how it’s going to be for you, but holy shit is that really true? will be the least of what you’re saying and feeling. It’s a foundation book for everything I’ve said and inner peace and happiness at the same time.
Years ago I had a message from my horse along the lines of “you connect the horses and the people and then get out of our way” – the inference was that they then had the power to deal with whatever was going on themselves, when their human was able to “hear” and understand them. This book is similar – when you understand your Inner Guidance system for yourself, I’ll get out of your way, because what you choose to do with this knowledge and power, is up to you.
From very early in that last re-write, I was calling this book Holy shit is that really true? I played it safe by changing the name at the last minute to I wish you Happiness which was more socially acceptable. Imagine my dry Aussie sense of humor – “I’ve cleaned up that fear and no longer need to play it safe.” So here it is in all its grandness.
Holy Shit is that really true?
$25 for the email experience. And for their sake – if you get as much from this book as I think you’re going to, then share this around.
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