I have tremendous admiration and appreciation for this young woman’s skills with horses and with people – so much so, that I am hosting a clinic here at our place.
4 days – 6th to the 9th January 2015
Here is post where Noora is talking on her Facebook page, that just says so much about her and why I love the way she works with horses, so much… Details of the clinic are below this.
I compared my thoughts about the balance of inner peace but reaching a higher level and leaving the comfort zone, to my dancing history and came up with this:
When I started salsa I was full of ‘authentic movement’ and I loved everything. I was fortunate enough to start at the school of Ya Salsa where no one ‘killed’ my fire!
I realized that to get on a higher level it’s not just about ‘authentic’ movement; I needed to understand much more about partnering, my own balance and lots of precise details about using of my body. I had to leave my old way of expressing myself and seek another one, and it also brought lots of confrontation.
I’ve had many moments when I completely had to leave my comfort zone and I felt very insecure. With a too demanding dancing instructor / dancing partner I lost my joy for dancing and my spirit and learning went down. Yet, with an encouraging but still precise instructor I could develop inwardly in a way that gave me wings I didn’t know I could have!
Nowadays I have a much richer way of expressing myself authentically, I have much more balance and awareness of my body, and I can meet with advanced partners and enjoy the cooperation. I have a lot of journey still to do but I love every moment of it.
Bringing horses on a higher level is really like dancing; it’s a very individual process how far we want to go. By demanding the spirit will not feel like dancing, and this is too common in the horse world. The spirit is put down and then forced to dance. But without confrontation and some uncertain moments development may stop; it would had stopped for me.
Let’s all find our individual way of dancing with our horses; you’ll anyway need lots of emotional & physical balance, awareness and partnering skills for it.
Enjoy the path, it’s about dancing, not about competing.
The four day clinic is here at Mayfield Lodge, Rokeby in Victoria.
6th to the 9th January 2015
There are only six rider places available and three of them have gone before we even put this notice up.
The rider cost is $600, which includes the hire of the lovely undercover arena here. Your place is only confirmed by the receipt of $250 non refundable deposit, with the balance due by the 1st December.
Fence sitters cost is $250 for the four days and because they learn and experience so much each day, fence sitters can only attend from the first day without disrupting the class. Noora says “The people without horses are actually also in a big learning part in the clinic because they can participate in all discussions, body awareness exercises and learn by observing”.
The fencesitting deposit is $100 and spaces are limited there too.
There is some accommodation available here at our place, for the cost of your power and water. We generally have people sleeping everywhere – even on mattresses on the floor. A clinic is a convivial environment, where you bring food and we share cooking for each other.
There is camping available next door with hot showers and a toilet. Ask me if you need camping prices, I’ll have to check them out with Sue who also has horse yards available at $10 per day.
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