Tech that doesn’t work has infuriated me in the past. In one episode that has become a bit of a family legend, accompanied by much eye rolling from the kids, I pitched a perfectly good food processor off the balcony and smashed it all over the driveway in a temper. Have you ever noticed that the more frustrated and angry you get, the less likely you are to get a good result? lol!
By yesterday I had two BIG tech problems. My email program had been steadily deteriorating, needing more frequent re-booting and yesterday it seized up and could only send one email before needing the computer to be re-booted again. And something major was wrong with my Youtube Channel – a lot of videos that people had paid for, were coming up blank with a message “this video is unavailable” on it. Two very competent professionals in their fields of IT hadn’t been able to solve either problem.
This Einstein Factor work has changed my life DRAMATICALLY. Instead of the temper and the struggling and drama, both problems were solved using the Einstein Factor, by early this morning. The Youtube one was simpler – Youtube had altered the settings on all unlisted videos pre-2017 and made them private. So nobody could see them. All it took to fix that was going into my own video list and manually altering every video back to unlisted. But here’s the thing. I’d been googling that problem for days and I couldn’t find anyone even talking about it, let alone having a solution for it.
The email problem was more complex and at one stage looked almost impossible to fix, but the solution jumped up and bit me on the butt late yesterday evening.
See… there’s a fascinating thing that happens when you find this inspired, creative, problem solving place in your brain – all kinds of things open up in front of you. Life kind of smoothes out. Answers pop up in front of you easily.
Here’s a very big deal
When you find that place in your brain where the left and right sides are integrated where that incredible energy flows – whatever you most need in those circumstances, happens. Whether that’s inspired problem solving, healing for ourselves, healing for others, understanding what’s really going on behind the scenes or what I call “the Big Picture of why this is happening”, releasing old stresses, or manifesting infinite possibilities – it all just happens smoothly. That the solution should jump up and bite me on the butt is not at all surprising. It’s the kind of thing that happens when we use the Einstein Factor.
Solving these two problems easily was small potatoes stuff – doing it without the screaming and raging frustration and struggling of the past – THAT has been the big deal for me. Life changing indeed.
Just imagine the possibilities
Just imagine applying this Einstein Factor skill to the BIG problems in life. That’s what I am inviting people to do – to bring a seemingly insoluble, scarey or frustrating problem or conflict into the Einstein Factor Live Online clinic, solve that problem and in the process learn how to access that incredible place in the brain that I call The Einstein Factor. You can read about and join the anti-struggling, fly with eagles revolution here. See… there’s the eagle reference there lol!
Next blog I’m planning on telling you about an incredible experience my feet trimmer and I had yesterday with a very reactive and scared little pony and how the Einstein Factor solved THAT one oh so beautifully! I took some videos, so I think you’ll enjoy that.
Today’s photo is of artwork by Catherine Dowden from Queensland. You’ll find more of her beautiful work on this Facebook page.
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